Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another award...

..just when I need it!! Yaaaaay (again)!! When I got my first award yesterday, passed it on, I thought, no way, I want to pass this award to more people, it's very hard to pick, I wish I could pass the award to more friends. ... and my wish granted, another award to share with more friends!! Yaaaaay (again and again)!

The lovely and adorable (I mean it, check out her creations!) Zee, of little Z handmade, gave me a Renee award, a very cute award indeed (thank you, Zee!!!). This was quoted from Zee's post about the award :

This Renee award was created by Bella and Ces in honour of their friend Renee.In Bella's own words "this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns...

How cute the award is?? .... I know (giggling annoyingly like little girl)!!! Without further babbling, here are our beloved bloggers who will continue Renee's spirit; Lisa, Rheea, Rosey (and her 3 angels who might love this award more than her mom :)), bunnycreates and mushroommeadows, lovelylittledeer, the dedicated Rachel, and Lolly. Pass this one, ladies, because it's too cute for not to!

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