Thursday, December 31, 2009

Non-fat Greek Yogurt Review

Greek yogurt
Today I ate six containers of Greek yogurt. Ok, not really. I tasted six different brands of Greek yogurt. You can probably find Greek yogurt in your local supermarket, its become increasingly available in the United States over the past few years (I've been told it's still a bit hard to find in parts of Canada).

First of all, let me clear something up, the Greek yogurt you find in the US is not yogurt from Greece. All the brands I found were produced domestically. Greek yogurt is strained and some of the whey is removed, so it's thicker than typical yogurt. It's dense and creamy, buttery in flavor and higher in fat. But there are also non-fat and low-fat Greek yogurts. You can use the yogurt in place of sour cream, with granola and/or fruit, drizzled with honey or a dollop of jam or preserves. It's also used in lots of Greek recipes.

The good news is, that all the full fat Greek yogurt I tried was absolutely delicious. You really can't go wrong with the full fat versions when it comes to flavor and texture. Choose something that is organic, or comes from milk from cows not treated with rGBH if you prefer.

The bad news? All Greek yogurt is substantially more expensive than regular yogurt and higher in fat as well. You can make Greek style yogurt by draining conventional yogurt (with live active cultures) with cheesecloth or a yogurt strainer. But perhaps you are wondering, as I was, are the non-fat varieties worth buying? Here are my ratings of the non-fat varieties:

Brown Cow
Almost sour in flavor, the texture is soft, but not very thick or creamy. Flavor is good. Recommended

Very thick, unpleasant chalky texture, mild flavor. Not recommended

★★★ Fage
Tangy, very thick, creamy, very slight chalky aftertaste. Recommended

Greek Gods
This yogurt had the funkiest flavor of them all, soft, not terribly thick and a bit sour. Not recommended

★★ Oikos
Creamy texture, mildly tangy and light. Recommended

Very tangy, chalky, more like sour cream. Not recommended, my least favorite


A tiny bit of honey improved all the non-fat varieties of yogurt balancing some of the acidity.

The yogurt develops a more tangy flavor the longer you keep it.

The percentage of fat and number of calories vary on the full or low fat varieties of Greek yogurt, check the labels.

Greek Gods was my favorite of the full fat varieties. Fage was also outstanding.

Chobani flavored yogurts were very good, I especially liked the pomegranate flavor. Because the flavorings are on bottom, you can mix in as much or as little as you like.

Ready to try?
Coupon available for free sample of Chobani
Coupons available for Oikos, after registering at Stonyfield

Oikos and Chobani were provided to me as product samples, the rest I purchased.

Menutup 2009 Dengan Terimakasih Yang Tulus

Alhamdulillah betapa banyak ilmu sudah yang saya dapatkan dari kegiatan ngeblog ini , meskipun saya merasa begitu dekat dengan sahabat dan telah menjadi komunitas blogger Indonesia,  namun kekaguman saya terhadap mereka tidaklah berkurang bahkan semakin bertambah. Betapa saya terkagum-kagum membaca blog dengan Kebijaksanaan   tinggi seperti , Cinta Hakiki, Life with Your own Vision, Just Berry Devanda atau betapa up to date blog Fatamorgana, Sabirinnet dan Digital baca .
Kemudian jika kita berbicara sastra alangkah indahnya rangkaian kata dari Senja di Duniaku, Mas Yans pada Ruang Jeda dan Ivan Kavalera di Sastra Radio,  jika kita melihat dari segi Humanisme alangkah hebatnya rekan blogger dari bertuah, Attayaya, Wisata Riau dan Bunga Raya, dari segi kreativitas alangkah kreatif Sang Cerpenis bercerita yang telah melewati 500 postingan.
Berbicara referensi dan pendidikan Ada Alamendah jagonya, lalu dari segi tutorial alangkah lengkap dan hebat Love is Beauty, Rumah Blogger, Alkatro dan SC Community, kemudian dari segi Kematangan ngeblog Sibaho begitu Kokoh, dari segi ide dan keceriaan dunia remaja ada : Journal of Balineese Girl, Ranggagoblog, AsslamDunk, Phonank, kemudian dalam berbagi ilmu ada Laksaman Embun di Bidang IT, Mas Ipin di Sevice dan Perawatan AC, Vulkanisir Ban oleh Kang Dadang . Pencarian Jati Diri Kangboed Yang paling Top, kemudian ada mas Ahmad Yang Begitu Hebat Nuansa Penanya. Alangkah serunya membaca cerita yang diulis oleh dua orang yang sering saling menantang Mocca Chi di Bintang Utara dan Clara di Coretan Tangan dan buah Mimpi.
Kemampuan Berimaginasi ditopang daya kreativitas tinggi serta inovasi mereka semua membuat saya berdecak kagum,  bukan tidak mungkin di masa yang akan datang ada di antara mereka yang akan dapat membawa Indonesia Kearah yang lebih baik dengan karya-karya mereka,  lalu timbul pertanyaan di hati saya Berpikir Positif masuk di kriteria mana ya,  Hal positif apa yang rekan blogger bisa dapatkan di blog ini atau hanya sekedar tulisan-tulisan kosong tiada Makna.
Oleh Karena Itu meski Berpikir Positif Hanya berisi tulisan Tanpa Makna, karena semua Sahabat tetap setia mampir dan mendukung blog ini  maka saya mengucapkan Terimakasih yang tak terhingga, kalian semua adalah orang-orang hebat buat saya dan saya bahagia dalam sekilas kehidupan ini saya telah berkenalan dengan orang-orang hebat seperti anda semua. Thanks For All Semoga Di Tahun Yang Akan Datang Persahabatan ini akan Semakin mendatangkan Kebaikan

New Year, New Jewelry :p

Last scheduled post of 2009: Another DIY Project!
Take a look around your room. There must be soo many unused stuffs!
Let's make an eclectic necklace ^^
Eclecticism is a kind of mixed style in the fine arts: "the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them" (Wikipedia)

What you need:
Small frame (wedding souvenir), unused necklace, ribbon, eye catching picture, and any decorative stuff (here I used self-made-ribbon-rose). Just arrange it all together (glue/sew) and you'll have a new necklace!

Welcome 2010 ^^ hope you have a great holiday :D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Memory the end of year

You not the only one...
That had filled my heart...
What had been passed through by us...
Leave one thousand meanings...
That will not be lost...
By time...

That was most beautiful in my life...
Made me understand the meaning of togetherness...
Understood the meaning appreciated...
And resisted...

From you...
I knew the meaning loved...
Sacrificed the feeling...
Sacrificed time...
Only to share...

With you...
I knew how important...
Understood each other...
And in a relations...

I realised all that...
After we were apart...

After you could not...
Bore the feeling was pressed...

Until the love expanded...
Changed hated...
And frightened was repeated...

Sorry and regret...
Not useful...
Despite only as the friend....
Till at this time...

Happy new year...
For thee...
My beautiful memory...
It is hoped the happiness...
Always with you.

New Year

Blazer : Glitz . Top : unknown . Shorts : unknown . Shoes : Charles & Keith

To be honest, I'm kinda embarrassed to show these pictures, because the look is not good and I look awful. Haha. But I just want to show you my new shoes. Oh I love them, but they hurt so bad! Poor me, once I got nice shoes, they hurt :( I still wear them though. Anyway, I found this photo from my holiday at Surabaya. Don't you love the bride's gown? So beautiful!


Oh and I just can't believe it that tomorrow will be 2010! 2009 seems so fast. Haha. Have you made 2010 resolution? I haven't. Maybe later. Haha. Soooooo....

Happy New Year!
New year, new better you :)

Free Oriental Bento

No, I'm not gonna write oriental bento. It's oriental bag! Hehe. I've got a very unique bag from my m*th*r-in-l*w wannabe (amin!).
This bag is eye-catching, so let it be the center of interest. Wear simple outfit ^_^
Last Friday I wore: 

Grey dress I bought 3 years ago, luckily it has red flowery details to match the bag! :D
Today I wore:

 Vintage dress (Gedebage, IDR 10K = USD 1), owl necklace
Hmmmm I've just realized that colors in my closet vary around grey & black -___-" I'm a dreary person... yeah...

Question for readers:
Which do you prefer: simple basic outfit (that you can mix and match to create gorgeous look) or an already good-looking detailed outfit? Thanks for the answer ^^

Tomorrow's post: DIY Quirky (or Antique) Necklace (yup, I schedule the post ;D)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top Chef: The Quickfire Cookbook Review

Top Chef The Quickfire Challenge Cookbook
On the TV show Top Chef, contestants create dishes to impress the judges often with limited resources of time or money or ingredients. From a viewer's perspective, the biggest problem with the show is that you can't taste the food. Still I love it. Perhaps it's because I enjoy the challenging aspects of cooking--like every other home cook, I am challenged to use what ingredients I have and the techniques I know, to cook something delicious, day after day, night after night.

Sometimes I wonder if I would agree with the judges. And I wonder how good those cooked-in-a-flash dishes with barely any ingredients really taste. I may never bother cooking something sous vide, break down an entire side of beef or serve 200 guests in one evening, but I'm happy to say I can now duplicate various dishes presented in the quickfire challenges on Top Chef thanks to Top Chef: The Quickfire Cookbook.

Top Chef: The Quickfire Challenge Cookbook features mostly recipes that home cooks can easily duplicate. They don't take much time or many exotic ingredients. Some of them are straight forward like Mia's Bean Salad that's basically three bean salad with a few twists--fresh mint, capers, canned beets and artichoke hearts all served over salad greens. Other dishes are more sophisticated like Jennifer's Shrimp and Scallop Beignets. There are desserts, breakfast dishes, salads, entrees, soups and even a few cocktails. Recently I got a chance to try Jamie's Chickpea Soup and it was divine. It's flavored with vadouvan (or use curry) and topped with a cilantro, mint and lemon zest spiked yogurt.

There are lots of fun features that will appeal to Top Chef fans in the book, little inside peeks at the filming, contestants and chances to test your foodie IQ. Something I especially like are the detailed instructions on some "molecular gastronomy" style dishes and flourishes you can make at home. Andrew's Faux Caviar made from tapioca pearls seasoned with balsamic vinegar and soy sauce is top on my list to try! So too are Stephanie's White Ale-Orange Juice Mussels, Radhika's Kebab Sausage with Tomato Jam and Hung's Chocolate Pie with Bananas.

Top Chef: The Quickfire Challenge Cookbook is just a tremendously accessible and fun book to dig into. It's perfect for fans of the show or anyone wanting to try to add a bit more flair to their cooking. Best of all, you can get a chance to win a copy of this book signed by chef contestants Jennifer Biesty, Ryan Scott and Jamie Lauren along with a salt cellar, a selection of Diamond Crystal® kosher, coarse and fine sea salt, a $25 CHEFS gift certificate, a signed copy of Michael Symon's Live to Cook, as well as Good Eats: The Early Years, Top Chef: The Cookbook and Top Chef Quickfire Challenge Game. How can you win this fabulous prize package ? By bidding on it over at the Menu for Hope campaign.

To bid on this prize package, go to the donation site at Firstgiving, specify prize code UW21 in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your donation and how many tickets you'd like to purchase, keeping in mind that tickets are $10 each and all proceeds go towards the UN World Food Programme. The Menu for Hope bidding ends December 31st, 2009, so don't be left out!

Note: This prize package, worth more than $200, is available to anyone with a United States shipping address.

The addict

In the middle of the night...
Five people gathered...
In a room...
Formed the circle...

There was something that was spent...
The small package...
Contained powder...
It was similar that tobacco...
Taken a pinch...
Then was sucked...

Took turns...
In accordance with the place...
It was not yet finished one...
Someone stood...
With staggered step...
Laughed personally...

He was drunk because of marijuana...
Tried to take a step...
However the earth feel like wobbled...
Confused and frightened...
With what was felt...

Such was "Fulan" fate...
Resulting from the influence of the society...
Started from trying...
Till finally addiction...
Spent up all of the money the consignment...
Only to fill the wish...

Every day...
Sit in the corner of his room...
Accompanied a cup of thick tea...
While sucking marijuana...
His life was felt by peace...
Not there is sad...
Only had laughter...

But now...
"Fulan" lay strecthed out weakly...
Was spread out was not powerful...
His body thin remained at bones...
Only could...
Groaned was hurt...

All was finished...
Regret has been was not useful...
The enjoyment for a moment that previously was felt...
Leave the long suffering...
That did not find it easy to be end.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Random post: Owl, rose, and sakura

Yayyy!! I got 2 owl necklace from my sweet cousin!!! ^o^ thank youuuu sis!!! I plan to make her 1,5 years old daughter a fashion blog, hahaha. Baby fashion blog!!

My new owls!

And I made this two white roses (well, I'm in a romantic mood--just kidding!).

The first rose was harder to made than the second one. Which one is more beautiful? Please don't say I am the prettiest one :p

Last night I couldn't I played with a sheet of floral fabric:

Wahaha looks like a kimono (a really bad kimono)! My face looks sleepy or kinda drunk (I wasn't drunk, okay). The Japanese scenery was taken from here.
Behind the scene:

Have a nice day, everyone!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Hello, lovelies! How are you? I had so much fun in Surabaya. I met my whole family. I just went back to Jakarta yesterday. So how's your holiday? Do you enjoy it? I hope you do :) Oh and I kinda regret I didn't take any photos from the holiday trip. I was too lazy. Haha.

So this is the outfit I wore before I went to Surabaya. Enjoy!

Cardigan : The Secret . Tank top : unknown . Tights : Mangga Dua ITC . Shoes : Mangga Dua ITC . Headband : gla.MAR.ous from Nubia

p.s. You may have seen these photos if you're a reader of Colin's Sexy Legs and Body blog. Thank you for featuring me, Colin! You should see his blog, a lot of sexy legs there!

DIY: Pink Rose Ring

Long time not doing DIY projects! I have some photos for blog materials (from fashion to DIY projects) but I think I'll save them as scheduled posts when I get too busy to blog ^_^ Here's a DIY project I did yesterday.

Don't you love seeing this beautiful-fresh-pink rose? I wanna eat it!

Rose picture was taken from damiengallagher.

Want to add one to your finger? I've created some roses from paper and I guess it can be a cute ring...

What you need: wire & paper rose (make it yourselves or buy at craft shop). Curl the wire at your finger!

Well, at my finger it's not as cute as I had imagined.. So I think it is better for pencil accessories! Hahaha..

Do you want it? I'll give it for free! (I guess no one would want to wear it, hehehehehe)

*Materials I suggest to make better ring: good quality wire (bigger diameter) and clay rose

PS: the green ribbon picture is actually photoshop brush from here.


i am red...
You green...
i am yellow...
You gray...

Anyone had the special colour...
But the foundation same...
All could become white...
Could be also black...
Depended that mixed...
Moreover now the sophisticated time...
All could be modified...

All had the meaning...
And different...

The difference of the colour...
That not a problem ...
That was the gift...
Because we were given by the mind and thoughts...
And the right to choose...

The difference...
That made this life dynamic...
Made us...
Always want to better...
And studied...
For appreciated each other.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Surat Dari Seorang Newbie

Saudaraku ingatkah kamu hari itu ketika pertama kali anda datang berkunjung dirumah sederhanaku, rumah tanpa hiasan, tanpa flash, widget ataupun header. Kedatanganmu bagaikan setetes air bagi seorang musafir di tengah padang pasir, memberiku hasrat, semangat dan harapan bahwa perjalananku di dunia maya ini tak akan sendiri, ada engkau yang akan setia menuntunku dan mengajariku tentang arti dunia baruku.

Komentarmu membebaskan blog ini dari kungkungan kesendirian, kesepian tak bermakna, melahirkan harapan dan kepedulian, engkau meneteskan pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan, petuah dan petunjukmu mengiringi hari demi hari setiap postingan tak bermaknaku, namun ketika aku telah mengenal dunia ibarat bayi yang telah bisa berjalan tertatih entah mengapa engkau menghilang tanpa jejak, setiap kuketuk pintu rumahmu berharap akan datang salam dan balasan darimu, tetapi harapan itu sirna ketika yang kujumpai hanyalah rumah kosong tak berpenghuni.Ya rumah itu seakan mati dengan sisa-sisa asa yang masih meninggalkan jejak.

Bulan November ketika gubuk sederhanaku ini mulai kedatangan sobat-sobat baru, ingatan tentangmu tetap ada Takkan pernah hilang, dunia nyata yang manakah yang memenjaramu, aktivitas apakah yang menahan langkahmu dari dunia yang selama ini kau perkenalkan kepadaku, setiap saat aku berharap engkau datang dan membuka pintu rumahmu dan menyalakan lampu pojoknya agar kembali memancarkan cahaya ke dunia blogosphere ini.

Lihatlah sobat rumahku ini telah beberapa kali bermetamorfosa tetapi jejakmu takkan pernah hilang bahkan namamupun masih terpasang sebagai top komentator, datanglah kembali sahabatku dan mari kita arungi kembali dunia yang memberi seribu petuah, kebijaksanaan dan hal-hal baru yang mungkin tidak akan pernah kita dapati di dunia nyata (Ditulis Khusus untuk Ibnu Mas’ud Bukan Sembarang Blog, Selamat Datang Kembali Sahabat)

I'm on Hijabstyle :D

If you check this Hijabstyle link, guess who you can see: Me! Hehehheheheeehehe *laughing out loud*
I don't know, am I feeling happy or embarrassed coz I am a truly shy girl :p
Thank you Jana for the post (and for editing my bad-grammar, hehe) :D

And thanks for Desieria--my sweet-smart-friendly blogger friend--for giving me some awards:

I'll pass the award to..... wait I'm thinking... umm...

I know some of you has received this award, but it's okay coz the award says, "Loyal friend and visitor, butterfly, and your blog makes us smile." I always smile when I read your blogs, friends :) And thanks for visiting my blog...

Lately I'm being sooo excited to have my very own online boutique.... I need to find a good tailor!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Pelatihan itu Akhirnya Selesai Juga

Akhirnya setelah menjalani pelatihan  selama 5 hari 5 malam acara itupun ditutup tetapi kami masih diberi kesempatan untuk tinggal  sampai esok harinya dan saya memutuskan untuk tinggal, mumpung ada  fasilitas internet gratis bisa dimanfaatin deh untuk posting dan BW sepuasnya ke rumah teman-teman. Bayangkan di LPMP (Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan) Makassar ini ada 8 wireless yang on 24 jam,  lumayan daripada di Kampung harus ngeluarin uang untuk bayar warnet .
Acara ini dari namanya saja sudah lucu  Pelatihan GURDACIL (guru daerah terpencil)  jadi sesuai namanya maka pelatihan ini khusus untuk guru dari daerah terpencil . Sebagian  peserta dari Kecamatan Lembang daerah terpencil Di Pinrang,  buta dengan komputer jadi materi yang kami dapatkan tentulah untuk seorang pemula dalam dunia komputer Materinya yaitu : Pengenalan Windows Vista, Microsoft Office, dan Pembuatan Email. Dari 90 guru peserta dari kecamatan Lembang, Memang hanya ada sekitar 30 orang yang bisa komputer dan yang taraf mahir hanya 4 orang,  lalu timbullah ide jahil di otak saya  semua peserta saya kumpulkan dan kami membuat kesepakatan bahwa semua peserta  yang bisa Komputer harus berlagak bodoh  seakan-akan  belum tahu apa-apa tentang komputer.
Dan akhirnya kejahilan itupun berlanjut  setiap menerima materi kami berlagak bego  dan tidak tahu apapun  satu orang instruktur untuk 30 orang, setiap ada materi baru ramailah kami bertanya dan hampir setiap orang butuh bimbingan, jadinya sang instruktur keringatan harus melayani pertanyaan  dan membimbing  semua peserta .
Pada hari keempat materi pembuatan email , materi inilah yang paling membuat instruktur mondar-mandir sibuk memberi bimbingan kepada semua peserta saya jadi kasihan  melihat Instrukturnya kecapean sendiri , akhirnya saya bersama  3 orang teman saya mengambil inisiatif sendiri kami lalu mengusulkan untuk membantunya membimbing peserta lain dalam membuat email, wah jadi agak pamer nih ceritanya,  tapi toh itu tulus kami lakukan untuk membantu peserta lain, semula Instruktur tidak percaya kalau ada beberapa dari kami yang bisa membimbing teman namun setelah saya jamin bahwa kami bisa, sang instruktur pun memberi ijin dan akhirnya materi pembuatan email pun selesai dan berjalan lancar.
Pada saat presentasi akhir kami diharuskan menampilkan email melalui LCD wah kesempatan nih sekalian aja saya  promosikan bahwa setelah membuat email kita bisa membuat Facebook, dan Blog tidak lupa sekalian saya tampilkan blog ini didepan semua peserta dan instruktur , sekilas saya lihat insruktur kami  senyum-senyum dan anehnya ternyata ada dua blogger lain dari daerah lembang , mereka juga presentasi mewakili kelompok mereka dengan tidak lupa menampilkan email, facebook blog mereka sendiri ,  Saya tahu mereka mahir berkomputer tapi saya tidak tahu ternyata mereka juga adalah blogger ,mudah-mudahan tambah banyak deh Blogger dari daerah lembang tempat tugas saya .
Semula di pikiran saya  dipelatihan ini saya akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tambahan tentang dunia Inet dan blogger agar bisa sehebat  Rumah Blogger, Dek Khusnul atau Blog-blog tutorial lainnya tapi apa boleh buat ternyata materinya hanya pengetahuan dasar  Komputer tapi tak apalah sekarang saya pulang kerumah dengan membawa sebuah Laptop,  dan modem HSDPA AT & T ,wah bisa malam melintang kembali nih didunia blogger  dunia yang teramat saya cintai.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Again, fashion post.

I didn't expect my blog to be a fashion blog. When I first create this blog, I thought, "This is my canvas to pour what's hidden inside my creative brain!". Well, I guess mix & matching clothes are parts of creativity, too :p
1. Denim dress (Gedebage, IDR 15K) + cardigan, wore this for shopping with my mom today
2. Denim dress + sweater + necklace
3. Denim dress + shirt + pillowcase a.k.a sarung bantal (used as Obi, wahahaha)
See? One dress can be mixed into so many style. Love this denim dress! :D

And I'm wasting my time doing the last mix & match. Tadaaaa...
Don't try this at home!! Or people will think that you're a weirdo!

PS: I make a new signature at the corner of my pictures ^_^

Ho Ho Ho

The new year...
In a moment came...
All welcomed...
With the cheerfull heart...
Leave the long sorrow...
Open the new sheet...

One year...
Felt short...
Many that happened...
And failure...

All left the meaning...
That didn't find it easy to disappear...
Leave a trace...
In the heart...

It is hoped...
In the New Year...
What was wanted...
Could be realised...
At least...
One step to forward...
Opened the way...
That uptil now...
Still took the form of the small gap...
That was covered by dust.

*In connection with the New Year and Christmas, I wanted to share the gift for my friends( sehubungan dengan suasana tahun baru dan natal, aku ingin berbagi hadiah buat sahabat)

*This gift was presented by me to (kado ini saya persembahkan untuk) :
1. Fanny (sang cerpenis bercerita)
2. Mocca Chi(Bintang utara)
3. Clara(Wedding Designer)
4. Henny.Y.Wijaya (sahabat yang dulu hilang telah kembali)
5. Anindya (The Chubby n Sweety girl)
6. Inoel(Maybe or confused "always")
7. Itik Bali (The truly miss universe )
8. A-chen (a poet from north)

*Attention (Perhatian) The gift contained your personal wish that uptil now was wanted (kado ini berisikan keinginan yang kalian idam2kan selama ini) Hohohohoho

*Forgive me for the friend that was not yet included, Insya Allah next time :)

Let's Decor the tree!

Merry Christmas!


Do share your creations using this printable. Have a merry one, people.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays
This week my parent's gardener showed up asking if he could do some work, because he needed money. And by the way, he asked, could he have something to eat? Not only did he not have work, he was hungry. My parents gave him some work and made him two sandwiches, one for now and one for later. They may not be rich, but they do have plenty to eat.

Imagine not having the energy to look for work because you haven't eaten anything. Imagine looking for work anyway. Imagine not having enough food to feed yourself or worse, your family.

In your own community, no matter where you live, there are people struggling to put food on the table. There is no greater gift than to help those in need. Are you looking for a last minute gift? How about making a donation to your local food bank in the name of a friend or family member? Or make a donation to the Menu for Hope and help someone to provide for their family in the coming year. It doesn't matter which prize you choose, because it's not really about the prizes.

A couple of months ago after my trip to General Mills I received a huge box of food--cans of soup, cereal, granola bars, coupons for yogurt and more. I packed it up and took it all to the food bank. I cannot tell you how it good it felt. I'm guessing your pantry, like mine, is full. If you can't give money, please consider giving food to a local food bank.

Here's hoping you and everyone around the world has a very happy and plentiful holiday.



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maaf Untuk Semua Sahabat

Sedih rasanya hati saya 4 hari belakangan ini tidak bisa blogwalking tidak bisa posting alangkah sepi rasanya tanpa berkunjung ke rumah teman-teman, hutang berapa posting nih ?. 4 hari ini saya mengikuti Pelatihan ICT di Makassar. Meski dikelilingi oleh hotspot tetapi tugas begitu banyak sehingga tidak ada kesempatan untuk membuat postingan baru, karena pada malam hari tubuh rasanya tidak bisa digerakkan lagi karena capek.

Cuma satu penghibur hati karena semua peserta mendapat fasilitas LAPTOP  Dell Core 2 duo gratis wah seneng banget nih. Saya janji pada semua sahabat setelah kegiatan ini saya akan bayar semua hutang blogwalking kepada semua.

Bagi yang tetap datang berkunjung kerumah saya terimakasih banyak sahabat dan buat  Mas Willyo Pemilik gubuk blekenyek Semoga Cepat sembuh dan bisa bareng kita lagi didunia blogosphere ini. Salam rindu untuk semua sahabatsemoga kita bisa bertegur sapa lagi segera Amin dan buat Yang merayakan Saya ingin mengucapkan  MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR

Brussels Sprouts with Brown Butter & Hazelnuts Recipe

Brussels Sprouts with Brown Butter & Hazelnuts
If Lee had to choose one vegetable for the rest of his life, it would be brussels sprouts. Winter is not my favorite time of year when it comes to fresh produce, but I have to admit, it is partially redeemed simply because it's brussels sprout season.

Like so many other vegetables, brussels sprouts benefit from roasting. They turn brown and the textural contrast of tender and chewy with a bit of crusty crunch is ever so satisfying. When it come to flavor, brussels sprouts are very mild when roasted and can go in many delicious directions. I like them with salty capers, olives and olive oil or with bacon and balsamic vinegar or with chili flakes and parmesan. Think of them like a slightly sweet canvas to paint with flavor. For Thanksgiving I worked on a variation of brussels sprouts with brown butter and hazelnuts. The combination was good, yet missing something. Acid. Just a bit of zesty lemon peel gives this dish the boost it needs.

When making something with brown butter it's important to use regular unsalted butter, not European style butter. It's the milk solids that brown giving food a toasty nutty flavor. You can cook in brown butter or just drizzle it over your finished dish. Either way it's a nice change of pace from my go-to favorite flavorful fat--olive oil.

There are lots of expensive specialty butters available in the store these days. For cooking I sometimes use organic butter, other times European style butter, but either way I prefer to use butter from cows not treated with the synthetic hormone rbST, such as Challenge Dairy butter. Challenge Dairy is currently sponsoring a sweepstake where you can win an all-included luxury vacation getaway to Mountain Sky Guest Ranch in Montana’s Paradise Valley, just North of Yellowstone National Park. Enter before December 31, 2009.

Brussels Sprouts with Brown Butter & Hazelnuts
Serves 4

4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1 pound brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
1/2 cup raw hazelnuts (not roasted), chopped
Scant 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
Rind of one lemon, finely grated

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place butter in a small saucepan and carefully heat over medium heat until the butter is melted, browned and fragrant, about 3 minutes. In a large bowl, toss brussels sprouts and hazelnuts with the browned butter, salt and pepper. Place brussels sprouts mixture in a single layer on a non-stick sheet pan (or sheet pan lined with foil or a Silpat). Transfer to the oven and roast for 10 minutes. Toss and continue roasting until the sprouts are tender and browned but not mushy, about 5 minutes more. Remove from oven and toss in a large bowl with lemon rind. Serve immediately.


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