Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Practical Gift Bow How-to

I always love everything practical, because I'm a last minute person. That means I never spend half an hour, or more, to decorate my gifts. But what's a gift of box without a bow, eh? For you lazy crafters, like me, here's a cheat sheet.

First of all, like all good recipe, we start from the ingredients. Measure your 0.5" (standard) ribbon for around 8", twice, so you have two of them. I am using a blank white paper for this tutorial for easy viewing, but any ribbon will do, as long as they are not to silky. Gift wrapping ribbon works best, and that also reminds me, any scrap gift wrapping papers would do just fine. Find a 0.25" ribbon, or measure your first ribbon/paper and cute them half vertically, and make two of 8" each. You'll have 2 big ribbons and 2 thinner ones. You will also need a double sided tape (or any glue) and an office stapler nearby.

"Sandwich" the thinner ones among the big ones. Make sure they stay in the middle.

It's a good idea to make the snake's tongue end now. (this is optional)

Glue your ribbon sandwich at the top only (around 0.5" from the top), make sure all ribbons, thick and thin, are secured at the top.

Now this is the tricky part, staple the thick ribbon together, at around the red part I'm showing here. No precise measurement necessary, just remember not to staple along the thin ribbons inside, make the two of them stay in the middle.

See the red lines? There's where your staples go.

Yep, stapled it diagonally, at around 45 degree, downward, upward, downward, upward. Once again, don't staple the thin ribbons inside (you'll know why soon)

OK, now place your hand on the last staple, hold still, but not too tight, and pull down both thin ribbons with your other hands, automatically your staple will go upwards. See? Are you making the bump like shown here? Keep pulling.

Pull it until the top and you can't go no more. Voila. It's looking good, we're almost there.

Spread the remaining thick ribbons and now you got yourself a bow. Easy, no?

What do you do with the thin ribbon, you ask? Well, tie it around your gifts, your daughter's head, or simply curl it (with the back of scissors). Hint: You can always alter the length of your bows according to your needs.

I keep a lot of un-pulled practical bows around my house. I mean I love putting an effort to decorate a gift but there's always the time when a 1 minute bow might be needed. I hope this is helpful.

Caramelized Onion Crostini

I made this appetizer for a friend's birthday party along with the Caprese Skewers. I found this recipe in my new favorite cookbook, Tyler's Ultimate by Tyler Florence (thank you Jason). I adapted the recipe a bit by reducing the butter and anchovy amounts and by slicing the baguette. The combination of caramelized onions, salty anchovies and Asiago with the tangy olive was amazing! The colors

Guru Terbaik

Bagi sebagian orang pengalaman adalah guru yang terbaik, itu tidaklah bisa disangkal kebenarannya, tetapi buat saya, buku adalah guru yang terbaik, guru tak pernah marah dan selalu ada kapanpun kita memerlukannya.  Perkenalanku pertama kali dengan buku dipicu oleh hal yang memalukan untuk diingat. Sewaktu SD, saya termasuk tidak beruntung karena sebagian besar teman kelas sudah pandai membaca pada hari pertama masuk sekolah, sedang saya mengenal huruf pun belum.
Guru kami waktu itu mengetes 5 orang membaca dan semuanya  bisa dan akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk mengetes semua murid, dan alangkah malangnya   ketika tiba giliranku,   satu kata atau huruf tak bisa kuucapkan, tanpa ampun saya dihukum  berdiri sampai istirahat, (sebuah hukuman yang sampai sekarang tidak bisa saya terima karena itu adalah hari pertama sekolah). Pulang Sekolah dengan sedikit menangis saya ceritakan peristiwa itu kepada ibu.
“Bu, tadi saya dihukum berdiri,” .
“Kenapa nak, memangnya kamu salah apa”.
“ Salah saya,  karena tidak bisa membaca, sedang semua teman yang lain bisa”.

Lalu kulihat ibu tersenyum sejak saat itu ia selalu menyempatkan waktu untuk menemani saya belajar membaca. Pada saat saya bisa membaca dengan lancar, ayah membelikan sebuah  novel   berjudul” Lima Sekawan Di Karang Setan”. Ini adalah buku pertama saya, buku yang telah saya baca puluhan kali dan sangat aku sayangi karena ialah guru yang pertama mengajarkan saya untuk peka pada lingkungan dan keindahan dunia.
Sejak saat itu Aku  membaca banyak buku yang mengajarkanku tentang berbagai hal dalam hidup,  itu tidak berarti saya adalah pembaca yang baik,  Cuma Tuhan memberiku ingatan yang baik untuk mengingat secara detail semua isi buku yang telah saya baca . Jadi setelah kelar dibaca, sebuah buku akan segera menjadi penghuni lemari tua.

Akhir-akhir ini koleksi bukuku tidak bertambah karena tidak ada budget untuk itu dan jadilah guru-guru itu tetap jumlahnya dan semakin tua berdebu di lemari usang di sudut rumah.Jadi jangan tanya apakah aku punya “laskar pelangi, Edensor, Time Machine seperti koleksi Avoirclef”. Atau  “otak sejuta gigabyte, pendidikan zaman keblinger dan sepeda ontel kinanti” koleksi bang Iwan. Yah semua guru kepunyaanku hanyalah kesusasteraan lama, meskipun demikian saya sangat berterima kasih kepada dua jagoan bookaholic dalam dunia blogosphere itu yang telah mentag saya, masing-masing : bang Setiawan seorang yang menginspirasi saya dalam dunia ini dan juga seorang Aviorclef kawan sepantaran saya yang meskipun muda di usia tetapi dewasa dalam pemikiran, mereka menyadarkan saya untuk kembali berinteraksi dengan guru-guru yang telah lama saya tinggalkan .

Aturannya adalah mencari judul buku yang pernah kita baca untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlampir. Dan setelah saya flu karena menghisap banyak debu dari guru saya, maka akhirnya jawaban dari Tagbook tersebut adalah :

1. Describe yourself :The Forgotten Conditions of Learning and Teaching(oleh : Barzun Jacques.). *               Terus  jadi Pendidik ditengah situasi dan kondisi yang tak menentu.

2. How do you feel : The Baby ( oleh :Lorna Meyer).* Tenang dan damai setelah ditempa sebulan penuh di bulan Ramadhan.

3. Describe where you currently live : Keraton Sastra ( oleh :Diman Nugroho).* Berusaha agar mempunyai kreativitas menulis sehebat  Sang Cerpenis Bercerita. Apa Bisa ya..???????

4. If you could go anywhere, where would you go :  Alice’s  Adventures in Wonderland (oleh :Reverrend Charles Ludwig). Pingin ke Dunia yang penuh keajaiban dimana tidak ada kekerasan yang ada hanya kesenangan dan kedamaian.

5. Your favorite form of transportation : Unicorn (oleh : Philip Dann). Sering bermimpi  keliling dunia mengendarai kuda terbang.

6. Your best friend is :  Lupus makhluk manis dalam bis ( oleh : Hilman) jadi ingat murid-murid saya harus rebutan bis karena bis sekolah yang terbatas  jumlahnya.

7. You and your friends are :Federation (Oleh : Judith Reeve), kami selalu bersama untuk menulis hal yang bermanfaat bagi orang-orang di sekitar kami.

8. What's the weather like : Rendesvous in the Snow(Michio Kaku). Bertemu dibawah curahan salju di gunung Fuji.

9. You fear : Belenggu( Oleh : Armijn Pane). Aku tidak ingin terbelenggu oleh bayang-bayang masa silam.

10. What is the best advice you have to give : Tips berpikir Ala Einstein ( Oleh : Todd Siller). Meski banyak belajar otak tidak bakal bisa seencer Einstein.??????

11. Thought for the day : Permainan Berpikir ! (Oleh: Michael Micalko). *Saya perlu banyak berpikir dan belajar agar bisa mengerti bisnis di dunia Blogosphere*.

12. How would I like to die : With the Honorable ( oleh :Karen Houle).* Semoga Tuhan Memperkenankannya bahwa hamba Nya ini mati dengan penuh kemuliaan.

13. My soul's present condition : New People, New Condition ( Oleh : Charla Porland).*...Manusia dengan visi baru setelah ikut jadi Blogger.

Wah susah digambarkan bagaimana sulitnya menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut bermodalkan buku-buku tua koleksi saya. Tapi walaupun begitu, saya masih amat sangat mencintai mereka dan mulai saat in saya berjanji akan kembali menambah koleksi buku-buku saya. Selanjutnya, saya ingin sekali membantu anda pula, membantu anda untuk kembali berhubungan dengan buku,  saya ingin mewariskan TagBook ini, tetapi kepada siapa gerangan,  saya merasa sungkan untuk menyuruh  siapapun?. Saya hanya berani menulis nama:

6. Tentunya, bagi anda yang telah membaca postingan ini. Jika ingin mengerjakan silakan terima tagbook ini,.

OTD Bush a sneak peek

OTD Bush
You may have eaten at Slanted Door or even at Out The Door either at the Ferry Building or at San Francisco Centre, but you're going to want to try OTD Bush in the Fillmore. In addition to many of the dishes that Chef Charles Phan is famous for such as Vietnamese Spring Rolls and the Jicama and Grapefruit Salad or the Chicken Claypot, OTD Bush offers something else entirely. Breakfast!

I love breakfast but let's face it, going out for breakfast in this town usually means American fare, dim sum or maybe Mexican food. Now there is something new, Vietnamese food. At a press preview I got tastes of a lot of deliciousness. Hats off to Pastry Chef Chucky Dugo for a whole bunch of sweet and savory treats to dig into. I was crazy about the crunchy-on-the-outside, fluffy-on-the-inside Beignets, Crepes with apples, Warm Banana Sticky Rice with toasted coconut and sweet and savory style pate choux pastries. The little puff pastries were still slightly eggy on the inside, just the way I like them.

For breakfast traditionalists, there are several different egg dishes, including a Fried Egg with pâté and baguette. The Coconut Pull Bread was a big hit with almost everyone but I found the filling a bit cloying. For a pre-opening event the food was amazingly good. I do hope guests warm up to the comforting Chicken Porridge flavored with rau ram, crispy shallots and black pepper. It's just the thing when you are feeling a bit under the weather. Prices on the breakfast menu range from $3 for steamed buns stuffed with gingery chicken, mushrooms or pork to $13 for the Poached Sun Hill Farms Eggs with braised Niman Ranch brisket and crispy potatoes. Most dishes are under $10.

Like the other locations OTD is modern and clean. This location features cool blue green tile, warm wood, marble counters and an open kitchen that runs practically the whole length of the long and narrow space. Lunch and dinner menus look promising as well. I just hope my dyslexic brain can be convinced that the servers t-shirts don't actually proclaim them as sufferers of OCD.

OTD Bush
2232 Bush St @ Fillmore
San Francisco

Fabric Covered Buttons

Aren't they the sweetest? While I was browsing at Etsy today, I found this wonderful shop that offers fabric covered buttons, and only them, seriously. BlueManatee Button specialized on one thing and one thing only to be craved about. Well, the owner seems to have another shops selling craft supplies, gifts, and even tutorials, but the button shop is one very special dedication, I must say. Just take a peek at these babies, and oh, I love the fairy tale set.

They're not expensive either!! Well, if you're a big cheapskate or have an abundant pile of scrap fabrics lying around, you can always rely on our favorite bloggers for your own DIY fabric covered buttons.

from the always resourceful HowAboutOrange.

from the entertaining crafter, Lollychops.

from (hey, have you checked out her hand carved stamps?) CraftPudding.

Happy button covering.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grilled Chicken with Mustard-Tarragon Sauce

I adapted this recipe from one I found in the most recent Cooking Light magazine (October 2009). It was very simple to make and tasted really, really delicious. The chicken turned out moist and tender while the sauce was full of flavor. My kids, husband and I all loved this meal. Both of my kids asked me to put this sauce on other foods like pork and potatoes. I served this chicken with steamed

Judging the National Beef Cook-Off 2009

Beef Cook-Off
Last week I was one of the judges at the National Beef Cook-Off. It's one of the top culinary contests in the United States, held once every two years with $70,000 in prize money. It was interesting to see what contestants included in their recipes. Trendy ingredients and "superfoods" like walnuts and pomegranates made it into multiple recipes. There were familiar flavors like balsamic vinegar, chipotle and blue cheese, and more exotic ingredients like pistachios and quinoa.

I tasted 15 dishes culled from about 2,000 entries. In each category there was a clear winner and a very delicious dish that anyone could make at home. Should you be interested in entering a cooking competition, the most common mistakes that contestants made were:

* Under seasoning the food, some dishes really needed salt

* Not paying attention to texture, some dishes were very mushy

* Not having a satisfying balance of flavors--too rich or too little acid

* Not cooking the beef for the right amount of time

* Using too many ingredients in one dish creating muddled flavors

Sonoma Steaks with Vegetable Bocconcini
In the end, simplicity won with a dish in the Live Well with Fast & Convenient Grilled Beef category. Sonoma Steaks with Vegetable Bocconcini combines Summer vegetables--zucchini, bell peppers and grape tomatoes with grilled steak and mozzarella. It would be great for a pot luck or barbecue dinner. It has very few ingredients but uses some innovative techniques including doctoring the herb marinade from the bocconcini mozzarella balls and microwaving the mozzarella balls to take the chill off and soften them just slightly.

Most of my favorite dishes came from the teen category. I enjoyed the Rustic Beef Caldo which I will cook longer than the recipe indicates, and the Southeast Asian Steak Salad. I also want to try the Sicilian Beef Short Ribs but I would replace the grape juice with a dry red wine.

I was honored to be included with the other judges, Betsy Wray, editor in chief (pictured), Cooking Pleasures magazine; Michael Bauer of the San Francisco Chronicle, Jackie Plant, food and nutrition director, Woman's Day magazine; and Niesha Lofing, food and family writer, The Sacramento Bee. Past judges of the contest include Julia Child and James Beard.

To learn more about how long to marinate beef and the best cooking methods for each cut, visit Beef It's What's for DInner

Michael Bauer's blog post

"Beef ambassador's" videos

Monday, September 28, 2009

Room I am currently obsessed about.

If you thought it was Cath Kidston's wallpapers, guess again, because it's PiP Studio's, an Amsterdam based home products store. I spent my whole day browsing their beautiful site.

I thank ishandchi big time for showing me Helena's girls' rooms.

I wish I were Helena's girl.

Quinoa with Caramelzied Red Onion, Bell Peppers and Garlic

I've been wanting to try quinoa for a long time so I finally picked up a box at Trader Joe's. I decided to combine it with some caramelized onions, peppers and garlic for extra flavor. It was quick and easy to make and had very little clean up. I served this dish with Grilled Chicken in a Mustard-Tarragon Sauce and steamed broccoli. I think quinoa is extremely delicious - I really love it's

Why do YOU cook, Sean Timberlake & DPaul?

Canned Tomatoes
Photo credit: DPaul

Sean and DPaul aren't just home cooks they are home canners, unafraid to take on one hundred pounds of tomatoes at a time. They are also culinary explorers, bakers, and cocktail makers, not to mention charming dinner companions. Their posts at Hedonia share a joie de vivre and a taste for all things delicious from the simplest down home barbecue to dinners at Alinea.

"DPaul and I are both pretty adept in the kitchen, though we tend to do different things. When he's cooking, I'm the de facto sous chef. Unlike him, I love prepping. I find zen in the methodical and repetitious tasks in the kitchen like chopping, and really enjoy working with a knife. I also love cooking as an alchemical process. I enjoy watching flour and egg transform into cool, silky pasta, or fruit and sugar into viscous jam. It's truly magical to me."

That Damn Shoe

Hi everyone! How's it going? I'm so sorry for the lack update, just felt lazy and bored to update. Haha. I apologize. I thank you all for all of the lovely comments. You're all the best!

Anyway, I just bought 3 new novels last week. They were Remember Me?, The Undomestic Goddess and Prom Nights from Hell. And I also read Can You Keep a Secret? again. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Sophie Kinsella's books. They're addicting enough for me. Lol. Who's your favorite writer?

source : via Google

And these are my latest looks. Not good enough, but well, they're okay. Haha. I just bought new blazer, skirt and dress. Can't wait to wear them!

Tee : gift from friend . Skirt : Mangga Dua ITC . Belt : Mangga Dua ITC . Tights : Mangga Dua ITC

Dress : Princess . Cardigan : Mangga Dua ITC . Tights : Mangga Dua ITC . Shoes : Tracce . Bag : Guess

Need : SHOES . Immediately!

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