It's mine, and don't feel bad about not knowing it or simply forget it, I'm just teasing you. So today's printable is perfect for a gift package to a friend who is having her birthday, or a birthday party favor containers at your little one next birthday, who knows, but I'm saying is this pink handbag is perfect for celebrating.
Instruction is always simple, print, cut, and a little bit fold, et voila. (You can always ask if you're facing a problem or two, I shall help you with that) But don't forget to store something inside before you give it to someone. The back side is the one with a space for personal notes, you can either have a greetings or a lucky person's name on it, or even the recipe for what's stored inside, mmmm.... I'd like to have one of those gift (yum). Feel free to decorate with ribbons or buttons, but I'd like to see what you come up with, OK? Oh, and those two rectangles is a handbag handle, you should cut that away neatly. So.. do you have a lovely June this year? I hope you do, because I'm having fun this month!