Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Short Trip To Jakarta

March 18, 2011 I went to Jakarta. Visiting college friend of mine, who works at Jakarta now. The next day I went to Hijabers Community Launching, big thanks to Wulan who gave me ticket :D
I don't take any picture at the event.. Below is the only picture with my ex-boss from her camera ;D (aagghh my face was soo chubby >.<)
 About the event: since many blogs have already written about it, I won't talk too much. I was so glad to meet some bloggers I only know from the net. And got some freebies from Wardah, Aquila magazine, and Noor.
Buuuutttt,,, somehow I don't think I'm suitable enough to join events like that. If you know what I mean, I feel awkward with a place surrounded by too much beautiful girl wearing high fashion items! Ahahaha!! Got it??
I just wanted a nice chit chat, like we do with our close friends, without any imitation self image a.k.a Jaim. I automatically turns to Jaim girl once I enter places like that :P

The next destination, Wedding Expo at Bidakara Hotel. Heyyy, not for arranging my weddinggg.. I went there because my family's catering had a booth and I become like "representative" of family to visit them. You know, at wedding expo you can taste many kind of foods from many catering! Hihihii...

Saturday night, before going to my friend's boarding house, I had dinner with mr. Tall. We found a restaurant on our way, named Olivo. He ordered steak, and me.. burger :D

Long story short, finally I had to go home again....
Bought Krispy Kreme doughnut at the airport, and alhamdulillah, my brother was soooo happy receiving it as souvenir. He ate almost all of the doughnut. And at home, I got a present from my college friend, Ika Nurshanti. Some books and block note. Thaaaankkksss....

What a lovely weekend :)

Vegetable, White Bean, and Orzo Soup

I had a busy day and didn't have a lot of time to make dinner so I decided to use up what I had on hand and make a big pot of soup. I found carrots, zucchini, squash, spinach, and onion in the refrigerator (and luckily my neighbor had some celery I could have - thanks Cheryl!). I found some white beans and orzo in the cupboard and decided to throw them in the soup too. It was quick and super easy

Mango Nails

Check out ma nails, y'all! :D

Was waiting for S after work at Senayan City, and found out that Mango was having a "Women On Top" mall roadshow, in which they open registrations for those who wish to enroll themselves or someone they know who are considered inspiring and gives positive influence towards others, to be selected as Mango's ultimate definition of woman of top and win a...errr...Mazda car! Together with this event, those who purchased any items at Mango was entitled free nail art...yayyyyy! This was my first time getting my nails done professionally, and it actually felt good hahah...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crusty Italian Bread

I wanted to make a loaf of bread to serve with the Beef and Mushroom Ragu over Rigatoni. I decided to try a different recipe other than my French bread. I found this recipe online at Allrecipes and when I saw all of the great reviews for this Italian bread, I was excited to give it a try. I halved the recipe because I only wanted one loaf. It turned out absolutely delicious and paired nicely with

Giving Away Giveaways

Anyone here wants to have an X-Mini speaker? For free? :)

Bloop shirt, Dorothy Shop tulle skirt, Antyk Butyk necklace, Zara belt & shoes

I'm giving away 2 sets of X-Mini speakers for 2 winners, one in black color and another in red...all you need to do is answer the question below:
"What's your most favorite song of all time...and why?"

Leave your answer in the comment box of this blogpost by Saturday, April 2nd 2011 the latest, and I'll choose 2 of my favorite answers that will win these cool speakers...

Good luck! :)

What I Wore To Work

Second day going to the office...yayy! :)

Vintage shirt, Zara trousers, mom's belt, Amante wedges

I can't deny that I will always love the corporate world, just as much as I love being an entrepreneur. Both worlds offer different challenges and learning that enriches myself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bees on Nob Hill & Honey at Macy's Union Square

Chef jW Foster at the bees of Nob Hill

What's the buzz on Nob Hill? It's probably honey bees! Restaurants and hotels with kitchen gardens are nothing new, but a hotel with beehives is something quite out of the ordinary, especially in the middle of a city like San Francisco. Executive Chef jW Foster at the San Francisco Fairmont arrived a year ago from Dallas, where he established a 3,000 square foot herb and vegetable garden. His desire to save the bee colonies and promote awareness about colony collapse and the importance of bees inspired him to collaborate with Marshall's Farm to bring bee hives to the rarefied air of Nob Hill, in particular the roof garden.

The rooftop beehives yield about 60 pounds of honey, harvested 2-3 times a year and is used in the hotel restaurant. He says the lavender honey has a particularly pungent flavor as does the eucalyptus batch. The health benefits are part of the appeal of using honey, and it fits in to the Fairmont's "Lifestyle cuisine. " Fairmont Lifestyle Cuisine is centered around health and wellness without sacrificing flavor, think of it as the next generation of spa cuisine. The hotel restaurant uses honey in ice creams, vinaigrettes, desserts, in the afternoon tea service, and in marinades.

Chef Foster also makes gravlax with pacific cod, using honey instead of sugar. He'll be demonstrating how to make this dish at Macy's during the Macy's Flower Show on April 9th at 1 pm (tickets to the cooking class with the chef and beekeeper Helene Marshall are $10). Gravlax is a raw, cured dish and the chef shared some tips with me about cooking with honey including not using too high heat which changes the flavor. He suggested "letting it shine" and using it as primary flavor, emphasizing it when cooking. Another tip? Use it as a finishing touch, the way you might use olive oil as a drizzle on fruit, ricotta or prosciutto. Supporting the bees is also a teaching tool at the hotel, where the chef offers tours of the roof garden and a view of the bees at work to culinary students and to guests. While Macy's may not invite bees into the store, flowers and honey are more than welcome.

Beef and Mushroom Ragu over Rigatoni

We woke up to a dreary, cold, and rainy day which made me want comfort food. I had lean chuck roast to use up so I decided to make a ragu sauce with mushrooms. Ragu sauce is typically made with red wine but I didn't have any on hand and I didn't feel like going to the grocery store so I substituted beef broth. I cooked the sauce in the oven for 4 hours until the meat was shredded and tender. The

Olive The Sailor Girl

Vintage blouse, Topshop velvet skirt, Accessorize by Monsoon heart necklace (available at Metro Department Store), Ryu Myu sailor hat, June & Julia boots

Monday, March 28, 2011

Highschool Talk of The Day

Sam: I think I love you.

Quinn: Oh my God...are you proposing? We've known each other for 6 weeks. Stand up, you're freaking me out.

Sam: I want to marry you...someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring?

Quinn: What are you..six?

Sam: If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to be true, to never pressure you to do anything more than kiss. To listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth..or eye gunk. To come over to your house whenever you need something super heavy moved around. I promise to make you feel proud when you point down the hall and say, "that dudes my boyfriend".

(GLEE Season 2 Episode 8)

Back to cooking....

...tomorrow.We just got back from a week long adventure and we are all happy and exhausted. We traveled in our motor home all throughout Washington's Olympic Peninsula. We stopped at many beautiful places on our journey and we were in awe of Washington's scenic beaches and forests. During our road trip we visited Ocean Shores (where we celebrated my most amazing friend Tiffany's 40th birthday),

Here..Kitty Kitty.

Check out my new X-Mini Hello Kitty speaker...super cuuuuuuuute!! :)

Bittra & Starr top, P.A.N.G skirt, Neon bracelets, Guess bag, unbranded shoes

It goes perfect with my pink bag it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Strawberry & Coffee

Strawberry and Coffee...
Meet at Penang Cafe...
In the end of March...

Talk away...
Like as old friend...
While waiting the others...
But they never came...

Strawberry is nice friend...
Friendly and pleasant...
And fully sincerity...

Tq 4 all of that...
Hopefully our friendship...
Never ending...
Till the end of time.

Synopsis :
Ini tentang sebuah pertemuan yang mempererat pertemanan, meski berawal dari dunia maya :).

Idioms :
Talk away : bicara terus menerus, percakapan yang asyik

Note :
Tq 4 Fanny dan traktirannya hehe

Seeds of Passion Fruit

Family day! Yay! Wore my new skirt I bought from Sonia Eryka during Blogger Yard Sale yesterday heheh...:)

Dorothy Perkins shirt, Topshop tights, Up wedges

Added some studs to my old denim jacket...rock on! :)

When the best time for children begin to learn English Language

One important question now is When the best time for children begin  to learn English Language.  Most experts believe that when a child is introduced to a second language at an early age their chances of becoming more proficient in the target language will be higher. However, it is not necessarily true to say "the earlier the better". It is suggested that the most efficient time to learn another language is between 6 and 13.
However, children who learn in pre-to-early teens often catch up very quickly with children who learn from an earlier age. Also this does not mean that languages cannot be learnt later in life. The experience and environment at school and how language is taught and practiced play a vital role in language acquisition, regardless of how young or old the child is.
Whatever the age, when children learn a second language, they develop skills that will help to create opportunities in their future. They acquire the lifelong ability to communicate with others under diverse circumstances. Indeed, regardless of the level of proficiency, learning a second language and learning about different cultures generally broadens a child's outlook on life. It also opens up alternative educational and career opportunities.
adaptation from : The child as a learner

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 2 Done!

So happy of Blogger Yard Sale. It's just a great feeling to be able to meet and mingle with people from many different points, all connected through each of our blogs...thank you so much, everyone! :)


Some readers were very kind to drop by and take pictures together...:)


Sherlly Wu
dropped by and gifted me this Hello Kitty are so so so so kind. Thank you so much, dear...:)


And thank you for wearing your Anjani shoes...nothing makes me more happy than seeing someone wearing Up shoes...thank you so much...:')

Photobucket fullest gratitude to S for helping me out the whole day, including scaring off potential buyers by saying, "Beli! Beli! Lima puluh ribu aja habis!", for whatever that means. Love you! :)

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