Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Ten Things....

I procrastinate.

I am a skeptic. (bah, who says that?)

I think Johnny Depp is the most handsome (does anyone still use this word? All I read now is "hot" and "sexy" nowadays) man on earth.

I think Tim Burton is far from handsome, but his works are.

I love food and everything about it, including eating it.

I am really really bad at social games/sport, like on the pool table, karaoke, bowling, poker, etc.

handmade daisy headband by Mandizzle.

I love putting something pretty upon my head.

I can't bend my thumb backward and I'm sure you're all bending your thumb backward just now.

polaroid transfer by shehitpausestudios.

I love playing the piano, but not very good at it.

I am addicted to video games, but not playing any recently, because my husband won't let any device into my home. (even the computer is video game free)

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