Thursday, May 28, 2009

Merry Matryoshkas!

Matryoshka. I spend hours typing that word. Is it right now?

Without further ado...remember the matrysohka pattern I showed you earlier? You don't?? How dare you!! ... You know I'm kidding, you can always go back in time in blogs, so head here if you do forget. I was in a blogger swap, and one of my swap item was previewed there. Since the swap is over, I decide to share with all of you who were not in the swap, my merry matryoshkas gift tag set.

Enjoy everyone, and don't forget to share back what you've enjoyed. You don't have to have a blog and post about it, just a simple Flickr upload, or email me the photo will make my day. :)

Have a nice weekend.

*update* From now on all my printables will stay forever on the net! Tell me which of my previous printables you're craving about (just click freebies on the category on your right hand side) and I will share them again, eternally!

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