Saw the development of presidential candidates in the general election that will come, for some people to become confused. Saw the movement from Mr Jusuf Kalla that isolated him from Mr SBY and attracted Sir Wiranto to his representative. Whereas Mr SBY again "stranger" he attracted the person who nowhere near was known diperkancahan the world of politics, so as to raise the protest from the Coalition Party him.
Matters that happened above was some that were normal in the world of politics, but for the general population was something that was strange and confusing. So as the possibility of the group's white emergence or the nonvoting group will very possibly happen. How not, the people possibly many that wanted the couple SBY-Kalla to stay united to lead, so as with the existence of the reality that happened they became lazy at choosing new candidates available. The white group has personally been prohibited by the government and has been ratified by some Muslim scholars.
However saw the available condition apparently would many social classes that will choose the Nonvoting Group and these voting rights could not be prohibited. Necessarily these presidential candidates thought how him to take to heart his people not only took the decision to be based on the personal interests or the group. Appeared very much if what happened above was a decision that was taken not was based on the interests of the people. Indeed was the natural matter if in a process of the election, the voter was presented by several options so as to have a consideration that were more heterogenous in chose.
However once more will be better if the available choice was people that really appropriate or was tested good that from the aspect of the mental quality, kerpibadian and the quality of his brain. now this the people has agreed and really was satisfied with results of leadership of SBY-Kalla, so as many that expected them to team again up.
Indeed as our people only could moan and complain and must continue to have an obligation to choose. Basically the president's Election that will come apparently will become an obligation that was difficult for some peoples because the presidential and vice presidential candidates's available option was not in accordance with the wish. Therefore should not blame if later many that did not choose, it might be better than be forced chose.