Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's Your Emoticon?

Assalamu alaykum.
Hehehe... Saturday night at home... Boring.. Let's play Emoticon! Nah, actually this is not a game. I've just challenged myself to mimic some emoticons (from Yahoo Messenger)
Sooooo.... tadaaaa...
Oh no. Why I did such a stupid thing like this.

[Now I challenge you to do this. The best one will be featured on my blog----hahaha, is it great or not? Ummm.. I guess it's not that great, Tia :p]

While surfing, I found a nice blog: Sisterswhoblog. The owner, Ambermisk, reviews some of muslimah's blogs of certain topics & interests.
And I was featured there!! ooohhh thank youuuu Ambermisk ^o^

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