Do you even have the slightest idea of what this post title means? *chuckles* I'm talking about the most portrayed things/animals/shapes in craft world, in sewing, felting, embroidery, paper craft, and a whole lot more. During my oh-so-unprofessional research I have come up into this list, do correct me if you think I'm wrong and/or you have additions to the list.
- Owls
- Flowers (daisies as numero uno, roses come close..)
- Cupcakes
- Matryoshkas
- Birds
- Skulls
- Mushrooms
- Other forest friends (a tie between fawns, bears, hedgehogs, foxes and rabbits)
- Red riding hood
- Robots
- Monsters (oh, the cute one, if you were wondering)
- ..(please add to the list)
ps. See that lovely little hut on Baby G's frame? It's from here.