Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey Hey

Hey there, if you were wondering if I am still here or have ended up in a morgue somewhere, well I'm here. Sorry to disappoint you, though I hope you're not, and I secretly hope you're happy instead. I have been busy with my works (who says freelancers has much "free" time?) and planning the big surprise. The surprise would be a great big leap for me since I'm always a scaredy cat on anything. I learnt how to swim at age 12 (*roll eyes* I know!!!) So, I'm really hoping all of you loyal readers of babalisme the blog would give me a huuugeeeeee support on this one. Fingers crossed, I hope all go well.

And some info on the matryoshka party kit, tomorrow will be the last one. Can't wait to see your parties/projects using the free printable. Anyway the kit will be a surprise too. I just love surprises.

And, Oh! All these eye candies were from my latest find in home decor blogosphere, sukkertoy for oyet which coincidentally means "candies for the eyes". It need some goggle translator in action, but it was worth all the 3 seconds translating.

Do you have some new blog finds? Let's share! I love reading new blogs!

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