So last Saturday I had a chance to meet 5 awesome bloggers that I had been dying to meet since I first knew them from the blogs. They are Veren from
A Little Princess, Audrey from
Laces On My Dress, Bella from
Missing Bee, Nathalie from
Natzcracker and Lalita from
Lalita Tian. It was my first meet-up so I'm so glad that they were all nice and friendly. We met in Grand Indonesia, had lunch in Mr. Curry. We couldn't seem to move from our seats, talked for hours! We also went to Fun World.

I was wearing
Glitz cropped top,
Forever 21 skirt,
unbranded cardigan,
Glitz bag and
VKI wedges.
I can't wait to meet them again! Next time!
photo credits : me, Nath and Veren