Saturday, January 1, 2011

Appreciate the time

Celebrated the New Year...
It was as a sense of gratitude...
By the grace of God...

Celebrated by everyone ...
Who always appreciate the time ...

Turn of the year that always brings hope...
Hoped for the happiness...
That will be gained...
With do all ways and means...

Hopefully ...
We are always given a health ...
The strength and patience...
To face all the changes in the future...

#Happy New Year for all of U

#Synopsis :
Tahun baru dirayakan sebagai bentuk rasa syukur kepada Tuhan. Pergantian tahun yang selalu membawa harapan tentang kebahagiaan yang akan diraih dengan segala daya upaya oleh kita yang selalu menghargai waktu :).

#Idiom :
Turn of the year = pergantian tahun
ways and means = daya upaya

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