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Strategy used to get a readers, offering something interesting to your readers or giving something for you to bond, improve your position in rankings like in google and make your website or blog is best known.
* Link exchange
It's the oldest strategy of all, and required to offer something in return and we should just make exchange link with good quality sites and our same theme over and not abuse this technique.
* Comment in the others blog
One of the evolutions of typical link exchange and one of the newest methods, is the system blogwalking. You make a comment in my post and I make a comment in your post.
* Award web to send you more traffic
Some pages carry out this system which in some way to reward the sites that send more visitors to yours. Thus incentive to other pages so that they link to you and only one will win the prize, while you rest will be linked and they all have worked to send as many visitors as possible. It's actually a good advertising campaign and cheap, often the award may even be a service or a link to a site visible from one of your most important sites.
* Chain links
One of the latest brutal Link Baiting techniques we've seen on this blog has been the chain of links, which has managed to exchange links with more than 70 blogs on different domains, with the increase in visits and improving technorati ranking the position that entails.
* Fetch enemies and create controversy
Sometimes it is useful to look for enemies we share with most of our visitors, to create eye-catching items and with which our readers will feel identified, being very likely to be bound by those readers who have blog and social networking sites like Digg.
* Make your blog / website is a valuable source of information
If you make the items in your blog or website are a valuable source of information, means that many other blogs and web pages to link to you and use you as a source to write their articles.
* Be the first to break the new
When important news out, make sure your blog or website is the first to publish it, but as this is quite difficult, at least make sure it is the first to publish it and give all possible information to other blogs and websites use the news web page as your source of information and link to you.
* Make more attractive posts
If we work to make our posts more attractive, help other blogs and websites are encouraged to link up and make our blog more famous.
* Youtube
Youtube videos are often a good way to get a visitors, upload a part video to You tube and post Full Video on your blog
* Share Your article in Social Networking and Submit in Social Bookmark
Social Bookmark
1. http://lintasberita.com
2. http://infogue.com
3. http://yournews.astaga.com
4. http://kilasan.com
5. http://disuka.com
6. http://www.antarblog.com
7. http://kafeinfo.com
8. http://yehiapress.org
9. http://memburu.info
10. http://www.indofeed.com
Later strategies to get visitors and this technique is that the most important thing is the imagination and creativity.