Monday, January 31, 2011

The Sun in Casablanca

You gave the sincere smile...
That melted the heart...

The gaze of thy eyes...
Really appease the soul...

So as the sun in Casablanca...
As though could not shine again...
Because it has been lulled by your charm...

Since that time...
I was convinced...
If you are really precious...

More than diamond and jewel...
And all the treasure in the world...

I love you...
Not only now...
But also later.

#Synopsis :
Jatuh cinta itu indah, bisa terjadi kapanpun dan dimanapun, menciptakan nuansa yang beraneka, membuai dan meluluhkan hati serta rasa :)

#Word :
Appease = menenangkan/menentramkan
Lulled :  terbuai

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