Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Red Carpet Moment

Yet another award! Thank you printiland! The award title might be a little reminder to that cheeky love song Peter Cetera sings, but I'm so honored! I never consider myself inspirational in a way, I was thinking of "you're you sweet" or "you're so funny" award instead of "you're an inspiration"! I am used to think that inspiration=Oprah, so, WOW! Thanks again printiland!

So without further ado, the award ceremony :

1. Thank and link back the person awarded this to you.

I did it twice!!

2. Give the award to 10 other blogs which all are inspiring in their own ways

diana's blog, for her journey in life that is a little less ordinary

kiki's create, for her ruffled bedcover. nuff said., for he is a legend in game illustration and a gaming geek.

The Chops' blog, for their offering of ultimate good time and good craft.

veren's blog, a little too cute for my age, but I wish my daughter would look as cute.

lia's space, make me try (a little) to start sewing.

christy's blog, for her collection of everything nice. In a very accurate dose.

tamu's blog, for bright colors and big smiles! all those fashionistas should wear more colors and smile a bit don't you think?

fifi's blog, for her wide collection of designer's stuffs. And she's cute too!

mymom's blog, for numerous time I spent procrastinating looking at beautiful ladies.

So there goes the award. ...and sssssoooo.. it's June again. Time for Babalisme's free printable month! Can't believe I started Babalisme the Blog three years ago. Since then, the printables have flown across the globe to loving crafters. What's up for this year? It's a surprise! Yes, you gotta vote again. See you around!

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