Thursday, August 11, 2011

Centro Most Stylish Onliners Part#2 - End

Salaam, ladies :D Do you remember my last post about Centro Most Stylish Onliners?
Well, the second stage of the contest was held the next day, BUT the groups are separated to individuals. It means, no grouping anymore!!! AND my friends didn't have confidence to continue it!!!! AAAARRRGGHH I became the one and only girl who wears hijab that time! -__-"
The second stage's theme was "Nautical", and onliners should wear their outfit (no borrowing at Centro this time).
Wanna see what others wear? They're sooo stylish! And the most embarrassing moment was to walk on stage like a model, hahahahaha...
Where's my photo? Hehehee I don't have any proper pict of myself -___-"
From 45 contestants, only left 14 goes to the next round. We all get Rp 100.000 shopping voucher, alhamdulillah :D
And at the third stage, the theme was "Colorburst: Revlon". It means pinkish-orangey-purplish color.
AAAAANDDDD 10 contestants were chosen to go to the final round, getting Rp 1.000.000 shopping voucher!! I GOT IT!!! Alhamdulillaaaahhh :D (see my picture? I looked happy didn't I? :p)
source of pict: Nia Vaniari

Big Dilemma for The Final Round
The truth was, i got a dilemma to do the final round. The contest was held on Sunday noon, and I got a ticket to Denpasar at Sunday, early flight! (It's for working, not holiday, hehehe)

And the Rp 1 million shopping voucher was only valid for the shopping rally at final round!!!
Wawawawawaaaa... the work shall be done at Sunday night!

Then my decision was, rescheduling the ticket. Aaaaaa it was soooo hectic!!! Paying ticket rescheduling at Juanda in the morning, going to Galaxy Mall for the final at 11 a.m, and must be at the airport at 15.00 for flight at 15.55 p.m.

The final round itself was soooooo fun yet hectic & tiring.
Imagine this: Contestants were given Rp 1million voucher, and only 30 MINUTES to shop! Including fitting, paying at cashier (and you know the queue at weekend?), and styling ourselves wherever you find a place to change your clothes!!

Running here and there looking what shall i buy. What is good enough for the contest, and is good enough to be worn at my real life?? My choice: Pleated skirt (I've been wanting it since the few days before) & batwing top. And I must buy inner top because I didn't bring it from my house -__-" Lucky I found empty fitting room, so I could finish  styling on time :D 
And I still left some Rp 100.000 vouchers :) I'll give it to my mom.

Tadaaaaaa.... here is me & some other contestants, styling with Centro's items :D
source of pict: Centro fan page
Why I put my picture larger than the others???? Because this is MY BLOG wahahahahahhh :))

I left the contest earlier (there should be some little presentation about the outfit but I took permission) coz I must catch my plane! The best look were chosen for an additional Rp 1million, and I didn't join until the end. So bye bye additional 1 million, but still, alhamdulillah, thanks Centro for the great experience (and shopping vouchers i got ^^)

Do you like my look?? It's somehow looked like a gypsy :p The effort was less than 30 minutes, and my body was shaking greatly (panic panic panic!) :D and i was the only one wearing jilbab! (umm, well, not really, coz some boys wore turban :P)
Vote my picture here :D Thank youuuuuu
PS: to like the picture, firstly you must like the centro's page ^^
And you can see what others wear, too... Fun!

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