Sunday, January 10, 2010

Please shine down on me!

I'm thrilled to recieve an award passed on to me by Jo, maybe because I never knew I fit into the award's description of "bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blogworld." What a big shoe to fill in! There's one big responsibility there, sister! I never think that my blog or even myself could do that!

Anyhoo, a blog award wouldn't be complete without paying it forward to 12 lovely bloggers, which I'm doing it now and so will these blog lady too..
holly, xashee, jessica, christy, becca, ollie, tuppence, rheea, evita, sabila, belen, rita.

Congrats! And feel the burden to chanell lots and lots of positivity and creativity! HA!
Kidding, have a sunny day, to all of you!

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