Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do I love purple??

Have you been in those times when you peek at your wardrobe and find nothing to wear? Nothing looks good on you, and then you'll just take the same piece of clothing that you wear over and over again?
Hehehe... I call it: Bad-clothes-day!

My go-to piece when the Bad-clothes-day come.

Stripey purple-grey shirt/denim skirt/big bag (I can put my laptop there)
I've been wearing those stripey purple shirt maybe hundreds of times... It's becoming shabby. Hmmm I think I should buy another go-to piece.

And when the mood of mix & matching comes...

Flower dress/bels/purple shirt/black cardigan.
Too bad that's not a real flowery dress (it's just a piece of fabric, hahaha)

I'm sorry if I have not replied your comments/visited your blogs, been busy lately... inshaAllah I'll try to catch up this weekend... ^^
For the dressup doll: Please wait for the next set and the boy version :)

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