I always cry every time I remember her. The way she always lost at the mall, the way she picked fruits from neighbor's tree, the way she always sat on the left side of the car. She was a unique woman. Very funny although she didn't realize. The last time I saw her, she looked so healthy. I never thought it will end like this. My maid, who took care of her also said she seemed healthy at the morning. But at evening, it became worse.
I feel very sorry for my grandpa. He was so sad today. He didn't cry, but I can felt his sadness.
Today we went to the cemetery for the burial. Sadness all over the place, we smile when someone took photos, but we know it was just fake smiles. Anyway, the cemetery is so beautiful, it doesn't look like a cemetery. My grandma surely will love it. Its name is San Diego Hill. We took some photos. I'm sure my family and I will go there often.
warning : a lot of photos !
At the funeral home
At the cemetery
The view
Hey, we could still smile :)