OK, enough with the chitchat .. I am here to inform a very bad news for you. My Halloween printables, or any of my other printables will be unavailable to download, TEMPORARILY. That's it. I have heard many of you complaining about the file hosting web I'm using for those printables and I am now looking for a new one. If you have any suggestion for a file hosting web that is :
- free at all times (for me and those who download)
- large file storage capacity
- doesn't have any file storage limit per month/year/GB/etc, if it has, it's got to be a really spacy limit
- user friendly (for any providers, computers, and minds)
- virus, ads, malware, and those kind of internet-nasties free
Thank you
ps. If you really really in need in one of my printables, just email me and I will consider sending you the file, under these circumstances only: you need my printables to save your son's life, you need it to save your marriage, you have better stories than those, send me a bribery/ threat, and/or I have nothing better to do. :) Thanks!
pss. As usual I bribe you with Baby G's photo if I have done something bad. Hope you'll forgive me.