It is undeniable that the cancer is now the most terrifying killer after heart disease and tuberculosis. But don't be afraid we can adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid cancer. Here is some healthy lifesyle to avoid cancer.1. Sport for at least 30 minutes everyday you can make activity like sport for 30 minutes everyday, its help you to keep your weight, Being moderately physically active for 30 minutes every day is a good starting point, but research shows that, to avoid weight gain, we should aim for 60 minutes or more of moderate activity everyday.
2. Try to eat of a variety of vegetables, fruits, such as beans. When preparing your meal aim to fill at least two thirds of your plate with plant foods like fruits, vegetables, rice, pasta, lentils and cereals. . These foods contain plenty of fibre and other nutrients, which can reduce our risk of cancer. And of course, we should always aim for at least five portions of a range of fruits and vegetables every day.
3. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.The link between red and processed meat and bowel cancer is convincing, so we recommend eating no more than 500g (cooked weight) per week of red meat and avoiding processed meat such as ham, bacon, salami, sausages and hot dogs.
4. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium)Consuming too much salt can increase risk of stomach cancer as well as high blood pressure and we recommend limiting consumption to 600g per day
5. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods, particularly foods high in added sugar, or low in fibre, or high in fat.Choosing healthy foods and drinks instead of those that are energy-dense (typically high in fat, sugar and calories) can help us maintain a healthy weight and reduce our risk of cancer.
6. It is best for mothers to breastfeed exclusively for up to Six months and then add other liquids and foods.If you are able to, aim to breastfeed your baby exclusively up to the age of six months, with complementary feeding from then on. Evidence shows that breastfeeding can help protect mothers from cancer and babies from excess weight gain.
7. The last but very important is try to stop smokingokey let's begin from now and free from cancer, Thanks