Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pertanyaan anakku tentang Moralitas dan Budaya

Anakku masih kecil , usianya baru 4 tahun lebih, kegemarannya menonton film kartun dan nyanyi lagu anak-anak, tetapi untuk menyanyi lagu anak kami terpaksa harus membelikannya vcd-vcd jaman dulu , karena di televisi nggak ada lagi lagu untuk anak kecil , bayangkan anak-anak umur 10 sampai 12 tahun dipaksa menyanyikan lagu cinta atau lagu dewasa lainnya , bagaimana dengan  perkembangan otak anak, tidakkah anak akan matang sebelum waktunya, lalu siapa yang salah, apakah kita rela mengorbankan perkembangan moral anak-anak demi mengejar selera pasar, maka lihatlah hasilnya , anak kecil sudah bisa menggoda gadis yang lebih tua darinya.Mereka lebih gampang menghapal lagu-lagu dibanding pelajaran sekolah, karena idola mereka sendiri yang baru berumur 10 - 12 tahun dengan fasih menyanyikan lagu yang terasa janggal di ucapkan oleh anak kecil , saya masih ingat ketika dulu  ada lagu, di obok-obok, 1+1, Abang Tukang Bakso, Ku ku ku ku, dan masih ada Papa T. Bob yang rajin bikin lagu untuk anak kecil, dan anak kecilpun getol menyanyikan semua lagu itu. Sekarang anak saya bertanya "ayah di TV nggak ada lagu burung kakak tua, atau naik kereta api", Entah bagaimana aku menjawabnya.

Kemudian dengan tidak sengaja , suatu hari anak aku menonton sebuah acara tentang kriminalitas, melihat massa yang tawuran, kemudian ada pula masyarakat kita yang main hakim sendiri, memukuli orang yang disangka penculik, padahal bukan, kemudian ada pula yang menghakimi pencuri sampai meninggal. Anakkupun bertanya lagi , banyak orang jahat ya yah, suka berkelahi, suka mukul , takut ah? apakah moral dan budaya bangsa kita sudah demikian rendahnya, mengapa rakyat kita menjadi manusia yang gampang curiga dan cenderung menjadi buas, dengan alasan apa kita boleh membunuh orang lain, meski orang itu penjahat namun tidak ada alasan untuk menghakimi apalagi sampai mati, nyawa itu titipan Tuhan dan hanya Dia saja yang boleh mengambilnya. 

Media Massa pun turut berperan dengan memberitakan kejahatan dan perilaku bejat dengan gencar berulang-ulang dan boleh dikata setiap hari , nah coba lihat apa pernah mereka meliput kegiatan pesantren sampai satu jam penuh?. Karena memang masyarakat kita sudah terlanjur suka menonton gosip dan berita-berita miring , kalau berita bagus pasti deh di pindah channelnya.Inilah Kehancuran Moral, Kehancuran Akhlak  dan jika kita tidak menyadari maka pada suatu saat akan mencapai puncaknya. Entah bagaimana lagi aku menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan anakku ,yang lain, karena saya yakin itu hanya dua pertanyaan  dan akan segera menyusul pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain, jadi pusing memikirkannya. Tetapi saya akan jawab nak itu hanya sebagian kecil orang-orang di negeri kita  yang lainnya  masih banyak yang baik.  Postingan ini dibuat untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara digagas oleh Trimatra dalam .

The Process

All the successes...
Even the flash in the pan...
It were results of a process...

A process that was different to anyone...
There were those who needed the long process...
There is also that not...

That was certain...
Always needed perseverance...
And patience...

Diligent in trying...
Patient in underwent...
And accepted all the ordeals.

Not an Outfit Post

Top : unbranded . Shorts : unbranded . Bangle : Krisna . Bag : Gobelini Firenze

Yup, this is not an outfit post. Just want to show you all about our visit to Dunia Fantasi. Haha. Meet Melinda and Meliani, the siblings. It was so much fun though we didn't ride all of the rides. I was having a headache at that time.

So how are you all? Are you going to watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse tonight? Because I'm going to! Really can't wait. I hope it will be good or else. Haha. Want to see Taylor Lautner and Xavier Samuel!

So, have a nice day to you all! xoxo

Monday, June 28, 2010

Smile on a Rainy Day

It's been raining here, but something made me smile the whole morning.

Diva, here, sure knows how to have fun with the printable by adding magnets to them. Thank you for sharing, Diva!

DIY Fringe Cardigan from Pashmina [1]

Insya Allah tomorrow I'll go abroad... I'll tell you later, hehehe... Sooo just enjoy this scheduled-post ;) I just don't want to let my blog empty for a week hehehe...

As I've promised before, I'll post my experiment on pashmina... I do think this is a kind of draping. We will make a piece of cardigan without cutting/destructing the fabric (anyway who wants to cut their pashmina?? no wayyy) :)

Wellllll,,, this is soooo simple:
Stitch the blue area. Make sure to leave some space (no stitch) which is wide enough for your hand.

And the result:
Use it as cardigan... or simply attach a cute brooch (featuring Luchie's brooch) as on the last picture.

I got those crocheted brooch from Luchie... it's a surprise prize ^^ Thank youuu Luchieee you're so creative!

Enjoy your day ;D

Kiat Bagi Wanita Agar Tetap Sehat Saat Bekerja

Kaum wanita  tidak lepas dari pekerjaan, mulai pekerjaan mengurus rumah tangga hingga kegiatan di luar rumah tangga mencari nafkah. Bekerja memakan waktu yang cukup banyak, memerlukan pikiran dan perasaan, juga adanya ancaman penyakit akibat lingkungan kerja yang buruk dan juga mengandung bahaya kecelakaan dan keracunan kimiawi, terlebih-lebih yang bergerak pada sektor industri baik besar maupun kecil. Di lingkungan rumah tanggapun banyak timbul gangguan kesehatan kerja, akibat kondisi lingkungan yang buruk. Oleh karena itu, para wanita perlu memahami betapa pentingnya memelihara kesehatan pada saat bekerja, agar supaya tidak menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Kiat agar wanita tetap sehat dan bugar saat bekerja adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Jangan lupa makan pagi sebelum bekerja dan makanan kecil atau buah diantara waktu beristirahat. Jagalah jangan terlambat makan siang atau makan malam. Makanlah makanan yang bergizi tinggi dan seimbang karena gizi yang cukup merupakan sumber tenaga.
2. Sikap dan posisi tubuh dalam bekerja sangatlah mempengaruhi kemampuan kita untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Jangan duduk, berdiri, membungkuk, jongkok terus menerus. Kurang baik bagi kesehatan. Saat duduk usahakan agar tulang punggung tidak melengkung, sehingga dada tidak berlipat.Gunakan kursi yang paling tepat tingginya dengan meja kerja.
 Bila bekerja lama, pergunakan kursi dengan sandaran punggung dan lengan. Usahakan berdiri dengan santai jangan kaku, sekali-kali gerakkkan kaki, jalan-jalan sebentar. Juga saat membungkuk , jangan terlalu jauh dengan barang yang dikerjakan. Bagi wanita yang melakukan pekerjaan di rumah, perlu diperhatikan penyerasian alat, cara dan kemampuannya
bekerja. Untuk itu dapat diterapkan teknologi tepat guna atau cangggih yang dapat menghemat waktu dan tenaga serta meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan dapat menimbulkan kenyamanan dalam bekerja. Jika mengangkat barang jangan melebihi kemampuan, seimbangkan antara tangan kanan dan kiri untuk membawanya.

3. Jagalah kebersihan pribadi dan lingkungan kerja anda serta usahakan pula untuk tidak menyebarkan penyakit.

4. Pakailah alat pelindung seperti masker, sarung tangan, tutup kepala apabila anda bekerja pada sektor industri, untuk mencegah kecelakaan dan keracunan kimiawi.

5. Apabila tida enak badan pada ssaat bekerja hubungi segera klinik atau dokter terdekat.agar penyakit tidak tambah parah.

6 Bekerja terus menerus tanpa istirahat selain melelahkan juga menimbulkan ganggguan stres. Untuk itu upayakan istirahat sejenak saat bekerja. Anda bisa relaksasi, mengobrol  santai,jalan-jalan keluar menghirup udara segar, menikmati musik, nonton TV dan sebagainya.

7. Usahakan suasana damai dan tentram di tempat kerja, agar bisa berkonsentrasi dan tenang dalam bekerja.

8. Hindarkan hal-hal yang dapat mengundang terjadinya tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan misalnya pelecehan seksual, perkosaan dan sebagainya.

9. Lakukan olahraga ringan agar tubuh tetap bugar.

10. Gunakan hak cuti sakit,cuti haid ,cuti hamil,hak menyusui dan hak-hak lain bagi pekerja wanita,misalnya tidak boleh bekerja malam hari atau bekerja pada tempat berbahaya dan

Just enjoy

Indeed was not as pretty as the angel...

I can not deny...
Your charm was so fabulous...
So as repeatedly I fell in love with U...

Will all this continue forever?...
Ah I did not know...
And did not care...
Let me just enjoy this feeling.

Lemonade Party : Cupcake Topper

Baby G is feeling better, less drama, more postponed work to be done. Thank you everyone for your support and kindness, and of course patience for the new Lemonade printable. Wait no more, here are the cupcake topper. I always intend my printable to be versatile, so please be creative with them, don't use this one just as cupcake toppers, use it as stickers, sew it as garlands, re-size it and make a bag of confetti, it's up to you. Please do be generous and share your idea with us.

PLEASE respect my effort in making and designing the printable. Though I share it for free doesn't mean you have the right to sell, alter, and/or claim it as your own. Use it for personal use only, if your friends want a copy don't give them yours, give them the link to this post.

PLEASE do tell me if you found the printable elsewhere that violated my rights as the maker.

PLEASE share your real parties, modifications, creations, ideas, etc using the printable, you can send the link on this post or you can send the pics to my email.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Resiko Banyak Jajan di luar rumah

  Inilah makanan Favorit saya tiap hari

Pada umumnya kebiasaan yang sering menjadi masalah adalah kebiasaan makan di kantin atau warung di sekitar sekolah dan kebiasaan makan fast food. Makanan jajanan yang dijual oleh pedagang kaki lima di jalanan dan tempat-tempat keramaian umum lain yang langsung dimakan atau dikonsumsi tanpa pengolahan atau persiapan lebih lanjut. Jajanan kaki lima dapat mejawab tantangan masyarakat terhadap makanan yang murah, mudah, menarik dan bervariasi. Anak-anak sekolah umumnya setiap hari menghabiskan ¼ waktunya di sekolah.  Mereka lebihterpapar pada makanan jajanan kaki lima dan mempunyai kemampuan untuk membeli makanan tersebut. Menariknya,makanan jajanan kaki lima menyumbang asupan energi bagi anak sekolah sebanyak 36%, protein 29% dan zat besi 52%. Karena itu dapat dipahami peran penting makanan jajanan kaki lima pada pertumbuhan dan prestasi belajar anak sekolah.

Namun demikian, keamanan jajanan tersebut baik dari segi mikrobiologis maupun kimiawi masih dipertanyakan. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan di Bogor telah ditemukan Salmonella paratyphi type A di 25% - 50% sampel minuman yang dijual di kaki lima. Penelitian lain yang dilakukan suatu lembaga studi di daerah Jakarta Timur mengungkapkan bahwa jenis jajanan yang sering dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak sekolah adalah lontong, otakotak, tahu goreng, mie bakso dengan saus, ketan uli, es sirop, dan cilok. Berdasarkan uji lab, pada otak-otak dan bakso ditemukan borax, tahu goreng dan mie kuning basah ditemukan formalin, dan es sirop merah positif mengandung rhodamin B. Selain cemaran mikrobiologis, cemaran kimiawi yang umum
ditemukan pada makanan jajanan kaki lima adalah penggunaan
bahan tambahan pangan (BTP) ilegal seperti:
 Borax (pengempal yang mengandung logam berat Boron)
 Formalin (pengawet yang digunakan untuk mayat)
 Rhodamin B (pewarna merah pada tekstil)
 Methanil yellow (pewarna kuning pada tekstil).

Bahan-bahan ini dapat terakumulasi pada tubuh manusia dan bersifat karsinogenik yang dalam jangka panjang menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit seperti antara lain: kanker dan tumor pada organ tubuh manusia. Belakangan juga terungkap bahwa reaksi samping makanan tertentu ternyata dapat mempengaruhi fungsi otak termasuk gangguan perilaku pada anak sekolah. Gangguan perilaku tersebut meliputi: gangguan tidur, gangguan konsentrasi,gangguan emosi, hiperaktif dan memperberat gejala pada penderita autism. Pengaruh jangka pendek penggunaan BTP ini
menimbulkan gelaja-gejala yang sangat umum seperti: pusing,mual, muntah, diare atau bahkan kesulitan buang air besar.

Kebanyakan makanan yang dijajakan oleh PKL umumnya tidak dipersiapkan dengan secara baik dan bersih. Kebanyakan PKLmempunyai pengetahuan yang rendah tentang penanganan pangan yang aman, mereka juga kurang mempunyai akses terhadap air bersih serta fasilitas cuci dan buang sampah.
Terjadinya penyakit bawaan makanan pada jajanan kaki lima dapat berupa kontaminasi baik dari bahan baku, penjamah makanan yang tidak sehat, atau peralatan yang kurang bersih,juga waktu dan temperatur penyimpanan yang tidak tepat.

Berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri karena jujur saya sebagaian besar makan di luar karena jarak sekolah saya yang begitu jauh dari rumah, meski tubuh bertambah gemuk , namun terasa tidak fit dan berbagai macam keluhan-keluhan kecil mulai muncul, seperti sering migrain, tangan kesemutan, sering susah BAB dan gejala-gejala lainnya, jadi buat rekan blogger , biasakanlah makan di rumah sendiri atau kalau bisa bawa bekal sendiri dari rumah yang memang terjamin kesehatannya

Pretty Busy Me

Hello, everyone! As I promised, here I am updating my blog. Haha. Thank you so much for your greetings, they mean a lot to me! Love you all!

So some of you might be asking why I'm not updating my blog often. It was because my ex-neighbors Melinda and Meliani were staying in my house. We watched TV, played, chatted, and so on. But now I'm back! Here is my outfit I wore last week.

Top : Coconut Island . Skirt : Zara . Belt : Zara . Bangle : Krisna . Socks : SoxGallery . Shoes : Charles & Keith

Hope you like it! Enjoy your weekend! Don't forget to follow my Twitter! xoxo

Friday, June 25, 2010


Today is my BLOG'S BIRTHDAY! Wow. I've been blogging for a year now, just can't believe it. Haha. Sorry for not updating my blog for a while, I'm going to make a new post tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of my readers, you're the best! Love you all! xoxo

via We Heart It

Pictureless Friday

My first time posting without a single pic. As a very visual person, this is so unlike me. But I hope you will read through this.

Baby G : mu susu.. mu susuuuu ((I) want some milk, in Indonesian. slightly crying)
Me : Allright, I'll make you a bottle.
(done. handing it over to her)
Baby G : panaaas! (hot!!)
Me : OK, we'll wait until it cools off.
Baby G : angetin!! angetiiiiiin!! (cool it down! cool it doooooown!)
Me : It can't be that quick, you'll have to wait or you'll have it warm.
Baby G : waaaaaa...!! angetiiiin!!
(she started to cry)
Me : OK, OK.
(rushed to the fridge and put the bottle inside the freezer, if other moms know better instant cooling technique please let me know.)
Me : Here you go.
Baby G : panaaas!! angetiiiin!! (still hot! Cool it down! more crying)
(Me rushing back and forth to the fridge)
Me : It's cold now. Here you go.
Baby G : Noooooooo! no no susu!! (don't, don't want the milk! more and more crying)
Me : ....

I know you can't argue logically with toddlers, but sometimes, it just tickles your fancy too much. Seriously, I could use some of those tantrums then. Why should toddlers have all the fun, right? Can Moms have tantrums? (DRRRRIIINK THHHHAAAT MIIIILKKK!!!!)

A feeling

I am a lucky man...
Because of being loved...
The lovely women like U...

I am a lucky man...
Because of being trusted...
The great woman like U...

Although we now have separated...
I was still feeling lucky...
Because of having the beautiful memory with U...

Thank U.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pengalaman Dari Sekolah

Suatu hari aku mengalami hari yang buruk . Pertama, Aku terbangun jam terlambat karena jam alarm saya tidak berbunyi. Lalu, aku  terburu-buru memasak dan  tanganku terbakar  ketika  sedang membuat sarapan. Setelah sarapan, aku berpakaian sangat cepat sehingga Aku lupa memakai kaus kaki.

Berikutnya, aku berlari keluar dari rumah berusaha untuk mengejar mikrolet antar kampung, tapi tentu saja aku melewatkannya. Aku ingin naik motor, tapi aku tidak punya cukup uang untuk naik ojek. Akhirnya, saya berjalan tiga kilometer ke sekolah saya. hanya untuk menemukan bahwa hari itu adalah hari Minggu! Saya harap saya tidak akan pernah mengalami hal seperti  itu lagi sebuah hari yang sangat buruk.

Tulisan ini adalah tulisan murid saya yang berhasil jadi juara pertama pada Porseni antar kelas pada cabang mengarang, aku berpikir keras kenapa ya anak ini  bisa nulis sebagus itu, padahal dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, ia biasa-biasa saja dalam pelajaran bahasa Indonesia bahkan sering susah mengungkapkan pendapat saat belajar berdiskusi , Ya Dina memang tidak pandai dalam kemampuan berbahasa, aku berpikir keras, padahal kemarin pengawasan guru sangat ketat dalam perlombaan ini , para peserta tidak boleh ada yang membawa kertas selembarpun kedalam kelas.

Akhirnya aku menemukan jawabannya ketika aku memeriksa Handphonenya yang ternyata penuh dengan jejak dari   opera mininya, disana tertera blog-blog sastra , demikianlah kami para juri telah berhasil dikelabui ,berkat kecanggihan teknologi dan saya memang salah karena tidak memeriksa HP , karena aku terlalu meremehkan murid aku , yang mengganggap tidak ada yang  sampai memikirkan  ke arah situ. Maklum sekolah aku diatas gunung dan berjarak 45 KM dari ibukota Kabupaten. Aku sedikit miris sekaligus senang ternyata murid aku nggak gaptek amat

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Tomorrow I will be heading to one of my favorite places in the world for a birthday celebration/vacation, Hawaii. It also just happens to be one of my favorite dining destinations. In addition to eating, swimming, exploring and shopping at my favorite island farmer's market, on this trip I am looking forward to attending an Obon festival and finally meeting my favorite Hawaiian food blogger.


Since this is my vacation, I will not be blogging from the beach. If you have any hot tips or favorite restaurants on Oahu, please feel free to leave a comment. In the meantime you can check out my Honolulu Dining Guide below.

I will surely be adding to it when I return...

Until next week,



Fitness and Healthy

Lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns become a major factor disorders  fitness and healthy. No need to search for the mountain air, the morning air was very good for the lungs. Avoid, wherever possible valve area contaminated, such as  mixed with the air of cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean the house and you regularly work space.

To maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys, multiply drinking water at least3-10 glasses each day. White water is The best of any drink. Strive  to drink water at night and warm watercool (not ice water) in the daytime. Add little lemon or orange wedges. Apart from good to freshen up,
This drink also helps from  toxins out of the body conducts. Expand the consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs. But avoid junk food and eat less  salt and sugar because foods that can cause cancer and blood diseases high. Also, do not forget to eat breakfast because it can support our activities throughout the day.

No matter how busy you are ,  we continue to consider any balance between work, exercise, and
recess. Hard work without rest is not good. Make a habit of regular breaks  7.8 hours at night and do not often sleep less at night. Try using free time to exercise lightly or just relax muscles joints. By exercising 2-3 times every  week for 30-45 minutes enough keeps the body fit and excellent stamina.

Never was too much of a burden to himself. Do hobbies fun in  your spare time, such as painting, reading novels, or just rnusik just listening. As much as possible minimize the risk of stress
emotional and try to live in harmony. Also, do not sacrifice obey the pleasure of living with ourselves through habit, a bad life and risky

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sketch: Animal Print

Lunch break! Yayyy I still have 30 minutes free :D So I'll post my sketch at the design lesson a week ago. The task was to make 2 dresses in one style, using animal print fabric. The hardest part was painting the animal print, one-by-one. So tiring and boring hehehe. Pardon me, if this pict is not modest enough. I'll try to sketch hijabi version for the next tasks :)

I think the blue one should be red, too :-/
BTW I got a surprise prize from Luchie :D She's so creative, I got a crocheted brooch she made herself. I'll post it next ;) Thank you Luchieeee ^^

PS: sorry for not being able to blogwalking to your blogs... I do visit and read your blogs :) but time runs so fast and I couldn't freely leave comments..

I do love comments, but it feels the greatest when you know someone actually read your blogs (although they don't leave any comments) for the content :) Thank you for being my blog reader, it supports me to keep posting hehehe.... ^^ thank youuu....

Not the secret

He is not Peter Pan...
From the fairy tale country...

His enemy not the pirate...
But his own weapon...

His weapon...!
That was liked by many women...

To make love...
Without caring about the norm...
Moreover the sin...!

But don't just blame him...
Because he was also the victim...
From his own actions...

Necessarily only he and they that knew... 
But rice has become the porridge... !
Because everything is not a secret anymore.

Archway Cookies: A Nostalgic Review

When I was growing up we didn't have soda or candy in the house, or junk food like Twinkies, but we did have cookies. Sometimes my mom made cookies from scratch, and sometimes she bought them. The thing is, some cookies need to be fresh and homemade, like chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal cookies. They just don't taste right to me if they aren't. But then there are some commercially produced cookies that are just fine and dandy.

When I was growing up I can almost guarantee you would have found pecan sandies, lemon coolers, raisin biscuits, or almond windmills in the cookie jar. Oddly enough most of those cookies are not so easy to find these days. Pecan sandies are a kind of shortbread cookie, flecked with bits of nuts and are the only cookie I still routinely see in the supermarket (though reviews seem to say they aren't as good as they used to be). Lemon coolers were very tangy cookies coated in powdered sugar. Raisin biscuits were affectionately known as "fly biscuits" in my family. They were thin layers of cookie, filled with raisins. They came in long strips that were perforated. Almond windmills later became just "windmills", as the amount of slivered almonds was drastically reduced. Windmills are based on a spiced Dutch cookie called speculaas.

Recently I got an email informing me that Archway was launching an iced lemonade cookie. Was I interested in trying some samples? Little did I know I would receive 13 packages of cookies in the mail. 13. Packages. Of cookies. So for you, my dear readers, I opened virtually every package and tried them. Call it professional responsibility. Somebody has got to try all those cookies and it might as well be me! Not every cookie made the cut, but a few varieties rose above the rest. Here are the ones I think are particularly noteworthy:

molasses cookies
Molasses Cookies
These are soft big cookies with a lingering molasses flavor and a bit of crunch from the decorative sugar crystals. Perfect with a mug of black tea and milk.

ginger snaps
Ginger Snaps
I like these a lot. They really have a good bite of ginger in them and are not too sweet. They would also be great in desserts. I'd use ginger snap crumbs in place of graham crackers to make a press in type of crust or to top an apple or pear crisp.

iced molasses
Iced Molasses
You have to like molasses to appreciate these chewy little gems, but I enjoyed them even more than the larger soft molasses version.They are really good and strong like a bracing cup of black coffee.

iced lemonade
Iced Lemonade
These are not my beloved lemon coolers, but I like them. They are tangy, not too sweet even though they are frosted. Actually I think most of the lemon flavor comes from the glaze. They are small and very crunchy.

windmill cookies
These are practically as I remember them, just light on almonds. From the photo it's impossible to see any almond flakes, but they are in there. The primary flavor is cinnamon but there are other sweet spices too. Windmills are hard cookies, but not as hard as the ginger snaps. They have an almost melting sandy texture. Are they that delicious or am I just being nostalgic? Hard to say. But I am enjoying them immensely.

You will find these cookies in various supermarkets.

What store bought cookies do you love or miss?

Oh so Red!

Another art swap package is in the mail! Thank you dear, Samone! These stationery goodness has flown all the way from Melbourne to Bandung safely! Definitely a day maker (er..this-made-my-day bad pun)!

Are you guys enjoying the Lemonade Part Printable Kit? If you do, please excuse my lack of updates on the printable, I promise I will be back with the rest of the kit before July. Baby G has a fever at the moment and she's more clingy than a hot glue. I also can't stand her drowsy self, poor girl. I wish for your patient and understanding. Thank you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Time!

School's out and summer is here (well, sort of - it's still raining in Oregon). I will be taking the next two weeks off to spend time with my kids, my husband, and my sister and her family. Here are links to some of my recipes. See you in a couple of weeks.AppetizersAsian FoodBeefBread and MuffinsBreakfastChickenCookiesDessertGreek FoodItalian FoodMexican FoodPizzaPorkSaladsSandwichesSeafoodSide

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Choice In Our Life

In this life...
We could choose...
To anything that we wanted...

We could not ensure...
Will get what was chosen by us...

Continued to try and pray...
Do not ever stopped...
Until our last breath.

Hasil Piala Dunia 2010

Hasil Pertandingan Piala dunia yang telah berjalan, tidak ayal membuat kening kita berkerut, prediksi, analisis dan berbagai macam hitung-hitungan di atas kertas sepertinya kebanyakan meleset. Siapa sangka Spanyol yang begitu tangguh di Piala eropa 2008 dipecundangi  1-0 oleh taktik super defensif dari Swiss. Ayam Jantan Perancis pun tragis kalah menyakitkan dari Meksiko, kemungkinan Perancis untuk maju ke babak 16 besar sekecil lubang Jarum,karena Meksiko dan Uruguay tinggal butuh hasil seri , tetapi kalau Perancis ingin pulang dengan kepala tegak mereka harus menang di Pertandingan akhir melawan Afsel.

Yang paling menyesakkan adalah favorit saya Jerman seperti hilang semangatnya yang bak Panzer, mereka pun kalah oleh Serbia 1-0,  apalagi setelah klose mendapatkan kartu merah seakan mereka kehilangan ruh dan spirit.. Saya semula menjagokan Jerman akhirnya hanya bisa berharap mereka menang di pertandingan akhir penyisihan Grup.

Perjalanan world Cup 2010 masih panjang, mari kita nikmati saja kejutan-kejutan apa lagi yang akan terjadi, apakah sepakbola cantik ala  tim Samba Brazil , Tango,Argentina yang akan berjaya atau total football belanda, atau malah taktik super defensif ala Catenatio Italia yang sukses, ataukah akan muncul Negara baru yang menjadi juara Piala dunia , Perjalanan masih Panjang terlalu awal kalau kita mulai mengira-ngira dari sekarang.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Jika kamu punya Cinta Sejati,
maka kamu tidak memerlukan yang lainnya,
tetapi jika kamu tidak punya cinta
maka tidak perduli seberapa banyak yang kamu punyai
Tidak akan berarti

Ketika Cinta telah Hadir
Dan cinta telah bertaut
maka Sekat dan hijab menjadi sirna
Jarak dan waktu tiada Lagi

Cinta yang sebenarnya
Menghidupkan hati
Membangkitkan semangat
dan terpancar lewat amal ibadah

Spaghetti and Meatballs

I was craving pasta so I decided to make a batch of spaghetti and meatballs. I used leftover roasted garlic and basil marinara sauce that I had in the freezer to make this meal extra simple to make. The meatballs turned out really moist and tender and were a huge hit with all of us, especially my daughter. If you don't feel like making your own marinara, your favorite jar of sauce would work

I Was Crazy

...about Pet Society.
You know... a social game in facebook, where you can have a virtual pet and buy clothes and foods and furnitures for them. I had a pet named Lullabella; here she is:
Well, as you see, I've already used the name "Tealovecoffee" (now I think it's a stupid name because of wrong grammar,, hahaha.... it must be "tea-loveS-coffee"... hey hey why am I writing about my nickname, this post is supposed to tell the world about my Pet-Society-Craziness -_-")

My pet was poor, I had to visit all my neighbor everyday and join race to get money. Then I found the forum of Pet Society. That's when my craziness started. I found out many users held giveaways or contests. They wanted their pet to be drawn, or they wanted people making them a cute avatar. And I wasted my time drawing and scanning and editing --> I supposed to work on my final project at early 2009.

I won the drawing contests a few times, and my pet got many luxury items---which I sold to get much money. And the game became uninteresting anymore coz my pet was already rich. My boredom made me stop playing, and voila, I finished my Final Project :D

Here's a few of my creations ;) do enjoy them, as I spent much of my time making all those paintings beautiful.

An Avatar I made [using CorelDraw], won the first prize (the pet owner loved what I made) ;D

Won the costume design contest [I created the Balinese costume using Corel]. Look at the details... how could I spent my time working on such details like that -___-"

A painting I made, I got a bath tub and kitchen set hahahaha [painted by hand, scanned, and colored using Photoshop]

Another painting I made, got the luxurious rare item: Piano [painted by hand, scanned, and colored using Photoshop]

Another painting I made, I really love it, so neat :) And the pet owner loved the painting, too ^o^ [painted by hand, scanned, and colored using Photoshop, background details: brushes from Deviantart]

Sisters Who Blog

This post is dedicated to Amber Misk who has a spirit to gather muslimah bloggers all around the world :)
She created a network: (an alternative to our Facebook), that consists of all sisters having an active blog ;) Joining the network, you'll find out many talented muslimah in art, fashion, dedicated to education, etc etc etc ^o^
And NOW Sisterswhoblog held a Blog Award: Here's what she said:
"I’m pleased to announce that we have 12 categories listed for the 2010 Best Blog Award. WOW!

  1. Best Arts and Crafts Blog
  2. Best Educational Blog
  3. Best Fashion Blog
  4. Best Food Blog
  5. Best General Blog
  6. Best Islamic Blog
  7. Best Motherhood Blog
  8. Best Motivational Blog
  9. Best New Blog
  10. Best Photo Blog
  11. Best Political Blog
  12. Best Teen Blog"
Rare opportunity for muslimahs ;D

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