Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Honey Mustard Thick Cut Pork Chops
I wanted a quick and simple recipe for some thick cut pork chops I bought. I found a recipe on Taste of Home that looked delicious. I love honey and Dijon mustard together, add some garlic, soy sauce, parsley, ginger, and cider vinegar, and you have a tasty marinade. I grilled these pork chops on my grill pan and they turned out tender, juicy, and so delicious. They were a huge hit with my entire
The Forgotten
Just remembered I have this lovely dress from Retail Therapy I haven't been wearing for quite some time...:)
And look! I have a new notebook from Engravink, personalized with my name engraved on the cover...yayyy!
And look! I have a new notebook from Engravink, personalized with my name engraved on the cover...yayyy!
Fashion Diary
1000 Loves
1000 articles...
With one million meanings...
1000 stories...
With one million feelings...
All was expressed obviously...
With thousand of love...
Such was she...
A woman was full of charm...
No wonder if the prince...
Fall in love to her...
Thank you friend...
Because has shared...
Fully the sincerity of the heart.
With one million meanings...
1000 stories...
With one million feelings...
All was expressed obviously...
With thousand of love...
Such was she...
A woman was full of charm...
No wonder if the prince...
Fall in love to her...
Thank you friend...
Because has shared...
Fully the sincerity of the heart.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Menarik Garis Panjang Ke Belakang
Dalam bulan Ramadhan kita bisa merasakan perasaan peningkatan persatuan dan menjadi satu umat ,karena ketika puasa dan berbuka puasa bersama , kita merasakan peningkatan kesadaran tentang keadaan kaum muslimin dan kesulitan mereka bertahan, karena: "Selama puasa seorang Muslim merasa dan mengalami apa yang saudara-saudaranya butuhkan dan dapat pula merasakan lapar dari saudara yang terpaksa pergi tanpa makanan dan minum selama berhari-hari - seperti yang terjadi sekarang pada banyak kaum muslimin di Afrika.Sesungguhnya, persatuan umat Islam dapat diwujudkan dengan saling membantu satu sama lain itu adalah salah satu dasar utama tegaknya Agama Allah .
Allah Berfirman: "Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Jahiliyah) bermusuh-musuhan, maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadilah kamu karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara; dan kamu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka, lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari padanya. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya kepadamu, agar kamu mendapat petunjuk. " [Surah Ali-'Imraan 3:103]. Dimana Pria mukmin yang kuat adalah pelindung bagi mukmin yang lemah.Dan Ingat pula Al Qur'an mengatakan bahwa sesungguhnya ummat islam itu bersaudara
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata:
"Kesejahteraan masyarakat tidak akan lengkap tidak di dunia ini, maupun di akhirat kecuali dengan ijtimaa '(kebersamaan), ta'aawun (kerja sama), dan tanaasur (saling membantu); saling kerjasama untuk hal yang bermanfaat , dan saling membantu dalam rangka untuk menangkal bahaya. Hal ini karena alasan bahwa manusia dikatakan sebagai makhluk sosial dan sipil oleh alam. "
Jadi kita melihat bahwa Islam menggaris bawahi pentingnya dalam membawa hati bersama-sama dan mendorong ijtimaa '(kebersamaan). Hal ini tidak hanya tercermin di bulan Ramadhan, tetapi juga dalam tindakan-tindakan lain ibadah juga. Jadi, misalnya, kita telah diperintahkan . Demikian pula, semangat kolektif yang sama ditunjukkan dalam tindakan Haji (Haji). Bahkan dalam pembelajaran pengetahuan dan mempelajarinya, berkat telah ditempatkan dalam kebersamaan. Demikian juga, bahkan dalam tindakan kita sehari-hari seperti makan, Islam mengajarkan kita kebersamaan.
Dengan demikian, Ramadhan adalah waktu untuk meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan dan persaudaraan, dan komitmen untuk kembali kepada Allah dan Agama-Nya. Dan tidak ada keraguan bahwa ini menuntut rasa persatuan bahwa: "Kami bekerja bersama sebagai diperlukan oleh Islam sebagai saudara tulus - bukan karena hizbiyyah (fanatik partai roh), atau sektarianisme - kita selama bulan Ramadhan dan bertanya: Apakah peran saya ? - Dan masing-masing dari kita memiliki peran - dalam membantu umat ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kehormatan, dan kembali ke kesatuan umat yang komprehensif dan kuat, dan kemenangan yang telah dijanjikan itu? Demikian juga, kita harus merenungkan karakter dan tindakan kita sendiri dan bertanya: Apakah kita membantu proses persatuan dan persaudaraan, atau menjadi penghalang hal tersebut
Jadi, kami meminta Allah untuk memberikan kita kemampuan untuk mengubah diri kita sendiri untuk menjadi lebih baik, selama bulan diberkati, ini dan tidak termasuk orang-orang yang dicegah dari rahmat dan pengampunan Nya. SesungguhnyaAllah Maha Mendengar dan Maha Pengasih.
Memang sejak runtuhnya khalifah terakhir di Turki oleh sang terkutuk Mustapa Kemal Attarturk . Maka ummat Islam bagaikan anak ayam kehilangan induk, kita semua menjadi takut mati dan cinta dunia melebihi kepada cinta kita kepada Nya. Maka terjadilah pencaplokan Palestina oleh Israel, Turki berubah menjadi negara Sekuler dimana Play Boy bebas beredar, kemudian semua negara Islam Sibuk sendiri dan meninggalkan persatuan mereka, bahkan yang lebih parah lagi sejarah kemudian mencatat ,Iran dan Irak saling Serang , Perang Saudara di Sudan, Afghanistan dan setan Pun tertawa, Umat Islam Begitu mudah diadu domba ketika agama bukan lagi merupakan hal tertinggi dalam kehidupan mereka di dunia ini, maka terjadilah apa yang dikatakan Rasul bahwa suatu saat kaumku akan seperti roti yang di bagi-bagi , bukan karena jumlahnya sedikit tetapi seperti buih di lautan dan seperti debu di padang pasir itu karena mereka cinta dunia dan takut mati.
Dan Yang Sekarang sepertinya sedang memanas adalah kawasan Asia Tenggara. Kita tunggu saja apakah kawasan ini yang merupakan kawasan dengan penduduk islam Terbanyak akan segera membara dan saling Serang, tentunya kita tidak pernah menginginkan perang , tetapi jika manusia masih terus dikuasai oleh bisikan setan dan tak lagi menghargai persaudaraan maka tunggulah Kejadian tersebut. sebagai anak negri hasil murni kandungan ibu pertiwi, tentu kita akan “mengganyang” siapapun yang berani menghina dan menginjak-injak rasa nasionalisme kita, cumaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
apakah sudah saatnya kita “mengganyang” tetangga kita ? bukankah kita dan mereka tidak ada beda dan hanya dibatasi sekat negara warisan para kolonial yang mengkotak-kotakan kita ? warna kulit sama, bentuk mata sama,
bahasapun nyaris sama, bahkan sebagai muslim kita satu tubuh satu rasa dan bersaudara. entahlah siapa yang awal berwacana “ganyang mengganyang” ini, kalau soal perselisihan, jangankan dengan tetangga, dengan saudara kandungpun kadang kita sengit juga ? apakah akan teriak “ganyang” juga ? lalu siapa yang akan memancing di air keruh hasil ganyang-mengganyang ini ? ketika saudara seiman kita diganyang di palestina dan marvimarmara koq mereka yang sekarang keras teriak ganyang tidak ada suaranya ?…
Allah Berfirman: "Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Jahiliyah) bermusuh-musuhan, maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadilah kamu karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara; dan kamu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka, lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari padanya. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya kepadamu, agar kamu mendapat petunjuk. " [Surah Ali-'Imraan 3:103]. Dimana Pria mukmin yang kuat adalah pelindung bagi mukmin yang lemah.Dan Ingat pula Al Qur'an mengatakan bahwa sesungguhnya ummat islam itu bersaudara
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata:
"Kesejahteraan masyarakat tidak akan lengkap tidak di dunia ini, maupun di akhirat kecuali dengan ijtimaa '(kebersamaan), ta'aawun (kerja sama), dan tanaasur (saling membantu); saling kerjasama untuk hal yang bermanfaat , dan saling membantu dalam rangka untuk menangkal bahaya. Hal ini karena alasan bahwa manusia dikatakan sebagai makhluk sosial dan sipil oleh alam. "
Jadi kita melihat bahwa Islam menggaris bawahi pentingnya dalam membawa hati bersama-sama dan mendorong ijtimaa '(kebersamaan). Hal ini tidak hanya tercermin di bulan Ramadhan, tetapi juga dalam tindakan-tindakan lain ibadah juga. Jadi, misalnya, kita telah diperintahkan . Demikian pula, semangat kolektif yang sama ditunjukkan dalam tindakan Haji (Haji). Bahkan dalam pembelajaran pengetahuan dan mempelajarinya, berkat telah ditempatkan dalam kebersamaan. Demikian juga, bahkan dalam tindakan kita sehari-hari seperti makan, Islam mengajarkan kita kebersamaan.
Dengan demikian, Ramadhan adalah waktu untuk meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan dan persaudaraan, dan komitmen untuk kembali kepada Allah dan Agama-Nya. Dan tidak ada keraguan bahwa ini menuntut rasa persatuan bahwa: "Kami bekerja bersama sebagai diperlukan oleh Islam sebagai saudara tulus - bukan karena hizbiyyah (fanatik partai roh), atau sektarianisme - kita selama bulan Ramadhan dan bertanya: Apakah peran saya ? - Dan masing-masing dari kita memiliki peran - dalam membantu umat ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kehormatan, dan kembali ke kesatuan umat yang komprehensif dan kuat, dan kemenangan yang telah dijanjikan itu? Demikian juga, kita harus merenungkan karakter dan tindakan kita sendiri dan bertanya: Apakah kita membantu proses persatuan dan persaudaraan, atau menjadi penghalang hal tersebut
Jadi, kami meminta Allah untuk memberikan kita kemampuan untuk mengubah diri kita sendiri untuk menjadi lebih baik, selama bulan diberkati, ini dan tidak termasuk orang-orang yang dicegah dari rahmat dan pengampunan Nya. SesungguhnyaAllah Maha Mendengar dan Maha Pengasih.
Memang sejak runtuhnya khalifah terakhir di Turki oleh sang terkutuk Mustapa Kemal Attarturk . Maka ummat Islam bagaikan anak ayam kehilangan induk, kita semua menjadi takut mati dan cinta dunia melebihi kepada cinta kita kepada Nya. Maka terjadilah pencaplokan Palestina oleh Israel, Turki berubah menjadi negara Sekuler dimana Play Boy bebas beredar, kemudian semua negara Islam Sibuk sendiri dan meninggalkan persatuan mereka, bahkan yang lebih parah lagi sejarah kemudian mencatat ,Iran dan Irak saling Serang , Perang Saudara di Sudan, Afghanistan dan setan Pun tertawa, Umat Islam Begitu mudah diadu domba ketika agama bukan lagi merupakan hal tertinggi dalam kehidupan mereka di dunia ini, maka terjadilah apa yang dikatakan Rasul bahwa suatu saat kaumku akan seperti roti yang di bagi-bagi , bukan karena jumlahnya sedikit tetapi seperti buih di lautan dan seperti debu di padang pasir itu karena mereka cinta dunia dan takut mati.
Dan Yang Sekarang sepertinya sedang memanas adalah kawasan Asia Tenggara. Kita tunggu saja apakah kawasan ini yang merupakan kawasan dengan penduduk islam Terbanyak akan segera membara dan saling Serang, tentunya kita tidak pernah menginginkan perang , tetapi jika manusia masih terus dikuasai oleh bisikan setan dan tak lagi menghargai persaudaraan maka tunggulah Kejadian tersebut. sebagai anak negri hasil murni kandungan ibu pertiwi, tentu kita akan “mengganyang” siapapun yang berani menghina dan menginjak-injak rasa nasionalisme kita, cumaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
apakah sudah saatnya kita “mengganyang” tetangga kita ? bukankah kita dan mereka tidak ada beda dan hanya dibatasi sekat negara warisan para kolonial yang mengkotak-kotakan kita ? warna kulit sama, bentuk mata sama,
bahasapun nyaris sama, bahkan sebagai muslim kita satu tubuh satu rasa dan bersaudara. entahlah siapa yang awal berwacana “ganyang mengganyang” ini, kalau soal perselisihan, jangankan dengan tetangga, dengan saudara kandungpun kadang kita sengit juga ? apakah akan teriak “ganyang” juga ? lalu siapa yang akan memancing di air keruh hasil ganyang-mengganyang ini ? ketika saudara seiman kita diganyang di palestina dan marvimarmara koq mereka yang sekarang keras teriak ganyang tidak ada suaranya ?…
Dunia Islam
Big Day
I'm sorry from my blogging absent. This is my excuse today: I have a big day to prepare, Baby G is 2! Should I call her ToddG now? Look at my empty dessert table, must hurry!
And you're all invited, of course! I was thinking of going with the seal only but Baby G's Pop said it was too empty for a circus, so tell me what you think, how's the invitation? Too crowded? I just want to tell him, "I told you".
Mediterranean Chicken Pasta Salad
I saw a recipe for a delicious Greek style pasta salad over at Cathy's site, Wives with Knives, that I couldn't wait to make. I added a few extra ingredients like artichoke hearts, grape tomatoes, fresh basil, and red onion. We had this salad as our main entree and we all enjoyed it, especially my son, who had two helpings. I ate some of the leftovers the following day and it tasted delicious.
Greek Dishes,
Salad Dressings,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Featured: Media Indonesia
Wowww...one of my pictures was used as a reference for a fashion article in Media Indonesia...I'm honored! :)
Today's Quiz: Can you spot another blogger featured here as well? Who? ;p
You can read the e-newspaper here...:)
Today's Quiz: Can you spot another blogger featured here as well? Who? ;p
You can read the e-newspaper here...:)
My Personal Life,
Should I Be Proud??
Angry but did not hate
I was angry with your dishonesty...
I was angry with all that happened...
I was really angry! ...
Although I did not hate you... ...
I could not become your friend again...
If you still with your choice...
Not because I was egoistic...
But because you must realise...
The risk from an action.
I was angry with all that happened...
I was really angry! ...
Although I did not hate you... ...
I could not become your friend again...
If you still with your choice...
Not because I was egoistic...
But because you must realise...
The risk from an action.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER Tidaklah sama, mungkin dari tingkat ekonomi, waktu dan kecerdasan, pastilah berbeda , misalnya seorang sahabat saya yang masih pengangguran dan belum punya pekerjaan, tetapi tidak bisa berhenti ngeblog maka satu-satunya jalan ialah posting dan blogwalking jika punya uang.
Sering saya datang ke rumahnya membawakan komputer dan modem saya, agar ia bisa posting sesering mungkin dan bisa selalu membalas kunjungan semua sahabat, namun ia hanya menolak dengan halus katanya, saya tahu anda juga perlu alat ini, jadi nantilah jika saya punya uang biarkan saya ngeblog di warnet saja. Demikianlah HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER sahabat saya.
Oleh karena itu ketika seseorang berkomentar di blognya bahwa ia selalu skimming , tidak relevan dalam berkomentar, bukan dia yang sedih , tetapi hati saya yang sedih , mengapa tidak ada tenggang rasa dari Blogger tersebut, tidak mungkin anda menyamakan semua blogger, mempunyai koneksi yang cepat, punya fasilitas komputer atau lappy sendiri, kalau demikian adanya maka tentulah akan lancar semua kegiatan blogwalking. Jika Saya berkunjung kerumah sahabat saya itu , di mana ia harus mengerjakan semua pekerjaan rumah dan juga menggantikan ayahnya yang sudah berpulang seirng saya menjadi sedih , karena mengapa mesti seperti ini HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER sahabat saya tersebut. Padahal dia adalah blogger dengan tulisan yang berisi dan juga wawasan serta pandangannya tentang kehidupan begitu luas, terus terang saya kagum dengan semua tulisannya selama ini.
Untukmu sahabat saya hanya bisa teriak HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER, semoga kau tidak akan pernah putus asa dan berhenti ngeblog
Entri ini adalah entri wajib 2 untuk mengikuti kontes SEO HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER
Yang Dilaksanakan Oleh DENAIHATI
Sering saya datang ke rumahnya membawakan komputer dan modem saya, agar ia bisa posting sesering mungkin dan bisa selalu membalas kunjungan semua sahabat, namun ia hanya menolak dengan halus katanya, saya tahu anda juga perlu alat ini, jadi nantilah jika saya punya uang biarkan saya ngeblog di warnet saja. Demikianlah HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER sahabat saya.
Oleh karena itu ketika seseorang berkomentar di blognya bahwa ia selalu skimming , tidak relevan dalam berkomentar, bukan dia yang sedih , tetapi hati saya yang sedih , mengapa tidak ada tenggang rasa dari Blogger tersebut, tidak mungkin anda menyamakan semua blogger, mempunyai koneksi yang cepat, punya fasilitas komputer atau lappy sendiri, kalau demikian adanya maka tentulah akan lancar semua kegiatan blogwalking. Jika Saya berkunjung kerumah sahabat saya itu , di mana ia harus mengerjakan semua pekerjaan rumah dan juga menggantikan ayahnya yang sudah berpulang seirng saya menjadi sedih , karena mengapa mesti seperti ini HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER sahabat saya tersebut. Padahal dia adalah blogger dengan tulisan yang berisi dan juga wawasan serta pandangannya tentang kehidupan begitu luas, terus terang saya kagum dengan semua tulisannya selama ini.
Untukmu sahabat saya hanya bisa teriak HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER, semoga kau tidak akan pernah putus asa dan berhenti ngeblog
Entri ini adalah entri wajib 2 untuk mengikuti kontes SEO HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER
Yang Dilaksanakan Oleh DENAIHATI
Back and Front
Yaayyyyyy...I finally have my own personal name card....;p
FYI, I made my name cards at KartuNama.net...highly recommended! :)
Song: "Carl's Song" - The Magic Numbers
FYI, I made my name cards at KartuNama.net...highly recommended! :)
My Personal Life,
Video Posts
The Battle
Just bought these boots from Linea yesterday...I looooooove them to bits.
Anyway...spent my Saturday night with Sharjeel, Arin & Panji playing Guitar Hero hehehe...happyyy!! :)
Anyway...spent my Saturday night with Sharjeel, Arin & Panji playing Guitar Hero hehehe...happyyy!! :)
Fashion Diary,
My Personal Life
The Chicken & Egg Answered
How do you describe yourself?
Happy, positive, playful, odd, spontaneous but also well-planned, observant, friendly, punctual, enjoys meaningless jokes and meaningful chats, straightforward, well-mannered, determined, analytical, curious, clumsy, very serious when working, idealistic, understanding, logical, rational, tend to simplify things, noisy, solution-seeker, extremely calm when under pressure, future-oriented.
What´s your dream job?
Marketing consulting firm owner.
Where would you like to live one day?
Anywhere with him and my family nearby.
What are your parents’ professions?
My dad’s an economist, and mom’s a housewife.
Is your mom as fashionable as you?
Who's your role model?
Hermawan Kartajaya, Quraish Shihab and Bernhard Subiakto. And my parents, of course.
How was your childhood like?
I was born in Colorado, but I spent most of my childhood years in Malaysia. I always cried when mom puts me on a dress. Mom and dad said that I was the most adorable baby ever...like a doll! Hahah!
Who or what inspires you on mix-and-matching?
I am inspired by randomness. I really don’t think much when mix-and-matching. I just play around.
What encourages you to still exist in the blogging-world till now?
My blog is my personal diary. I need it to express myself...:)
Have you ever experienced a time where nobody commented on your posts? How did you feel?
Of course! But since I started blogging just to have fun and had no intention to gain followers, I actually didn’t really think about it...:)
How long did it take to get so many followers like you have now?
Well I’ve been blogging for 3 years...so I guess...3 years? ;p
Who inspires you to blog?
Susie Bubble from Stylebubble.co.uk.
How do you get back your mood when you feel stuck and don’t know what to blog about?
When I’m not in the mood to blog, then I don’t blog. Blogging shouldn’t feel like a responsibility, but an enjoyment. I usually get new ideas to blog about after I watch a new movie, listen to a new song, read a book or simply roam around the city. I get inspired by exploring new things.
When you become a wife someday, will you still maintain this blog? Or would you start a brand new blog from scratch?
I think I’ll still maintain this blog. It’s a diary of my life!:)
What's your favorite store?
Topshop, Zara, Forever 21, Mango, Dorothy Perkins, Linea, Pedder Red, Wondershoe, Bloop Endorse, and stores in the Level One Project.
Do you like to shop in flea markets?
How much money do you spend to buy fashion items in a month?
Depends. But it’s never out of the limit I have targeted.
What’s the brand of your geeky glasses?
It’s unbranded!:)
Can you describe fashion by your own definition?
Art applied on human’s body.
Who's your favorite (local and international) designer?
Dina Vahada, Muqliza Imroni, Barli, Adesagi, Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs.
Do you like to buy knock-off designer items?
I did a few times, and I’d always admit that it was a knock-off. Now I don’t anymore as I have become more aware of how hurtful it is for the designers when we do so. And it’s a crime, really.
What's your feeling when your blog is featured in the magazines or fashion websites?
Extremely content. And grateful...:)
What is the big investment and effort to be a famous blogger?
Passion, time and consistency.
After you made Love Earth bag, will you do other contributions for earth?
Definitely! Do wait! ;p
How do you describe your dream wedding gown?
I don’t have one, nor do I have a dream wedding party. The only thing I dream is to marry the man I really love.
I heard that you are an Industrial Engineering graduate! Did u like this major? Are you interested to have a job that fits your degree?
I liked it, though not that much. I enjoyed my Masters more, majoring in International Business Management. My jobs have actually been relevant to my degrees.
What's your goal in the next 10 years?
In 10 years I’ll be 35 years old. I guess I’ll be married at that time, have 2 kids, good at cooking, have become a marketing expert and a successful business owner. Insya Allah...:)
What’s your height and weight?
161 cm, 53 kg.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Ahhhh I need to count first...last time I counted, it reached 100 pairs.
Do you find it comfortable to wear heels?
Depends on the shoes. Some are comfortable, some are not.
What is your favorite color and why?
I like pink. It reminds me of Hello Kitty, Barbie, My Little Pony, Kiki & Lala, basically characters I loved a lot during my childhood.
What is the type of camera that you use to take your pictures?
I use a pocket camera...Nikon Coolpix.
If you were animal, would you be still fashionable and what would that be?
I don’t want to imagine myself as an animal...sorryyyy...;p
Have you ever met your readers, and they noticed you? If yes, what was your reaction?
Yup! Usually I blank out and give that stupid smile. But I’m always extremely happy to meet them! :)
Although you sometimes wear mini skirts and shorts, you don’t seem to convey a sexy or “too revealing” image. How can you do that?
I’m not sure. Perhaps because I don’t feel sexy. So it doesn’t look sexy...;p
What’s your mix-and-match rule?
Always combine items of different kinds. I like it when people find my style difficult to describe because I’d be clashing different styles all together.
How do you deal with nasty or inappropriate comments, especially from guys?
I ignore them.
Cheap or expensive?
Don't you feel it's so warm or even hot wearing all those tights and stockings? I mean as a person living in a tropical country, shouldn't you dress as if it's summer (I think you are not fashion conscious - especially with the climate in your country). You wear them just because you want to look fashionable?
I believe every person has their own temperature tolerance level. I easily feel cold, so I don’t find it a problem wearing tights and do layerings.
How do you manage your time from working, blogging and personal life?
I guess it’s about time management, giving a wise time-proportion to everything you do in life. I don’t like to work more than 8 hours a day, therefore always try to finish everything by 5 p.m. After office hour, I spend time with my friends and or family. Then I blog at night, for about 1-2 hours...:)
What time do you usually go to bed at night?
Usually at 01:00 a.m.
What is your job now? Is your job already your passion or blogging is your passion?
I work in a marketing division for a consumer-goods multinational company. But I decided to take a loooong sabbatical leave because I need time to work on a business I have been wanting to develop. Business is my passion. I like the idea of creating and growing something.
How was your high school years? Was it tough and how were your friends and surroundings like?
The only thing I miss about high school was my band. It was an all-girl band, and I was the lead guitarist. I still dream of being in a band again one day...;p Anyway, I was very much a geek during high school, and I guess my environment wasn’t really for geeks. So I had very limited friends at that time.
Imagine you are traveling in Neverland. And you left your bags at home. What will you wear when you meet Peterpan?
I’m confused! Are you saying that I didn’t bring any clothes and I was travelling without any clothes on? :D
I imagine that someday you’ll become an actress. Do you have passion in acting?
I don’t think so hahah! I’m bad at acting because I’d always laugh.
One thing you covet the most?
Now? Chocolates.
How big is your closet actually?
My closet is 4-doors big. It’s not that big, really!
Where do you take all your clothes when you are already bored with them?
I donate them.
How does it feel to be the 'it' girl?
But I’m not! :D
How much do you spend for your hair each month?
Hhmmm...shampoo, hair spa, probably about Rp.300.000 a month.
When do you take your picture of what you wear that day? Is it in your room? Who takes the picture?
Usually before I leave the house. In my room. Utilizing a tripod.
Don’t you want to try taking outdoor pictures instead of just in your room?
I’d love to, but perhaps once I have someone else besides my tripod heheheh...
Do you exercise your body to gym or something?
Currently I’m into yoga.
Where did you meet Sharjeel?
During my postgrad study. He was my classmate, the most annoying one. He was the type of guy who would always raise his hand when the lecturer asks a question, and I’d be like “man..here he goes again”.
What was your biggest challenge during your long distance relationship with your boyfriend?
Telephone bills :D
Where did you do your Masters?
Nottingham University.
Do you see yourself as a religious person?
Where are you from?
I’m a mix between Javanese & Sundanese.
How many siblings do you have?
I have 1 elder brother. So there’s only the 2 of us.
Do you have any family ties with Bena?
Are you spontaneous?
Very much!
When was your darkest times, and how did you overcome those moments? What made you feel strong and confident to get through it?
When I completed my Masters, I had a huge fight with my parents. Praying to Allah each and every day made me believe that everything happens for a good reason. It was a test from God, and I just had to try to work things out myself.
How do you manage your finance?
I always make an annual savings target, so I know how much I will (and must) have in my savings account at the end of the year. I save a minimum of 20% of my salary each month. I also set a monthly budget for shopping. So everything’s well planned.
What product do you apply to your skin?
Vitamin C serum and Vitamin E moisturizer from Body Shop.
Do you take any supplements?
Nope, but I think I should.
Happy, positive, playful, odd, spontaneous but also well-planned, observant, friendly, punctual, enjoys meaningless jokes and meaningful chats, straightforward, well-mannered, determined, analytical, curious, clumsy, very serious when working, idealistic, understanding, logical, rational, tend to simplify things, noisy, solution-seeker, extremely calm when under pressure, future-oriented.
What´s your dream job?
Marketing consulting firm owner.
Where would you like to live one day?
Anywhere with him and my family nearby.
What are your parents’ professions?
My dad’s an economist, and mom’s a housewife.
Is your mom as fashionable as you?
Who's your role model?
Hermawan Kartajaya, Quraish Shihab and Bernhard Subiakto. And my parents, of course.
How was your childhood like?
I was born in Colorado, but I spent most of my childhood years in Malaysia. I always cried when mom puts me on a dress. Mom and dad said that I was the most adorable baby ever...like a doll! Hahah!
Who or what inspires you on mix-and-matching?
I am inspired by randomness. I really don’t think much when mix-and-matching. I just play around.
What encourages you to still exist in the blogging-world till now?
My blog is my personal diary. I need it to express myself...:)
Have you ever experienced a time where nobody commented on your posts? How did you feel?
Of course! But since I started blogging just to have fun and had no intention to gain followers, I actually didn’t really think about it...:)
How long did it take to get so many followers like you have now?
Well I’ve been blogging for 3 years...so I guess...3 years? ;p
Who inspires you to blog?
Susie Bubble from Stylebubble.co.uk.
How do you get back your mood when you feel stuck and don’t know what to blog about?
When I’m not in the mood to blog, then I don’t blog. Blogging shouldn’t feel like a responsibility, but an enjoyment. I usually get new ideas to blog about after I watch a new movie, listen to a new song, read a book or simply roam around the city. I get inspired by exploring new things.
When you become a wife someday, will you still maintain this blog? Or would you start a brand new blog from scratch?
I think I’ll still maintain this blog. It’s a diary of my life!:)
What's your favorite store?
Topshop, Zara, Forever 21, Mango, Dorothy Perkins, Linea, Pedder Red, Wondershoe, Bloop Endorse, and stores in the Level One Project.
Do you like to shop in flea markets?
How much money do you spend to buy fashion items in a month?
Depends. But it’s never out of the limit I have targeted.
What’s the brand of your geeky glasses?
It’s unbranded!:)
Can you describe fashion by your own definition?
Art applied on human’s body.
Who's your favorite (local and international) designer?
Dina Vahada, Muqliza Imroni, Barli, Adesagi, Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs.
Do you like to buy knock-off designer items?
I did a few times, and I’d always admit that it was a knock-off. Now I don’t anymore as I have become more aware of how hurtful it is for the designers when we do so. And it’s a crime, really.
What's your feeling when your blog is featured in the magazines or fashion websites?
Extremely content. And grateful...:)
What is the big investment and effort to be a famous blogger?
Passion, time and consistency.
After you made Love Earth bag, will you do other contributions for earth?
Definitely! Do wait! ;p
How do you describe your dream wedding gown?
I don’t have one, nor do I have a dream wedding party. The only thing I dream is to marry the man I really love.
I heard that you are an Industrial Engineering graduate! Did u like this major? Are you interested to have a job that fits your degree?
I liked it, though not that much. I enjoyed my Masters more, majoring in International Business Management. My jobs have actually been relevant to my degrees.
What's your goal in the next 10 years?
In 10 years I’ll be 35 years old. I guess I’ll be married at that time, have 2 kids, good at cooking, have become a marketing expert and a successful business owner. Insya Allah...:)
What’s your height and weight?
161 cm, 53 kg.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Ahhhh I need to count first...last time I counted, it reached 100 pairs.
Do you find it comfortable to wear heels?
Depends on the shoes. Some are comfortable, some are not.
What is your favorite color and why?
I like pink. It reminds me of Hello Kitty, Barbie, My Little Pony, Kiki & Lala, basically characters I loved a lot during my childhood.
What is the type of camera that you use to take your pictures?
I use a pocket camera...Nikon Coolpix.
If you were animal, would you be still fashionable and what would that be?
I don’t want to imagine myself as an animal...sorryyyy...;p
Have you ever met your readers, and they noticed you? If yes, what was your reaction?
Yup! Usually I blank out and give that stupid smile. But I’m always extremely happy to meet them! :)
Although you sometimes wear mini skirts and shorts, you don’t seem to convey a sexy or “too revealing” image. How can you do that?
I’m not sure. Perhaps because I don’t feel sexy. So it doesn’t look sexy...;p
What’s your mix-and-match rule?
Always combine items of different kinds. I like it when people find my style difficult to describe because I’d be clashing different styles all together.
How do you deal with nasty or inappropriate comments, especially from guys?
I ignore them.
Cheap or expensive?
Don't you feel it's so warm or even hot wearing all those tights and stockings? I mean as a person living in a tropical country, shouldn't you dress as if it's summer (I think you are not fashion conscious - especially with the climate in your country). You wear them just because you want to look fashionable?
I believe every person has their own temperature tolerance level. I easily feel cold, so I don’t find it a problem wearing tights and do layerings.
How do you manage your time from working, blogging and personal life?
I guess it’s about time management, giving a wise time-proportion to everything you do in life. I don’t like to work more than 8 hours a day, therefore always try to finish everything by 5 p.m. After office hour, I spend time with my friends and or family. Then I blog at night, for about 1-2 hours...:)
What time do you usually go to bed at night?
Usually at 01:00 a.m.
What is your job now? Is your job already your passion or blogging is your passion?
I work in a marketing division for a consumer-goods multinational company. But I decided to take a loooong sabbatical leave because I need time to work on a business I have been wanting to develop. Business is my passion. I like the idea of creating and growing something.
How was your high school years? Was it tough and how were your friends and surroundings like?
The only thing I miss about high school was my band. It was an all-girl band, and I was the lead guitarist. I still dream of being in a band again one day...;p Anyway, I was very much a geek during high school, and I guess my environment wasn’t really for geeks. So I had very limited friends at that time.
Imagine you are traveling in Neverland. And you left your bags at home. What will you wear when you meet Peterpan?
I’m confused! Are you saying that I didn’t bring any clothes and I was travelling without any clothes on? :D
I imagine that someday you’ll become an actress. Do you have passion in acting?
I don’t think so hahah! I’m bad at acting because I’d always laugh.
One thing you covet the most?
Now? Chocolates.
How big is your closet actually?
My closet is 4-doors big. It’s not that big, really!
Where do you take all your clothes when you are already bored with them?
I donate them.
How does it feel to be the 'it' girl?
But I’m not! :D
How much do you spend for your hair each month?
Hhmmm...shampoo, hair spa, probably about Rp.300.000 a month.
When do you take your picture of what you wear that day? Is it in your room? Who takes the picture?
Usually before I leave the house. In my room. Utilizing a tripod.
Don’t you want to try taking outdoor pictures instead of just in your room?
I’d love to, but perhaps once I have someone else besides my tripod heheheh...
Do you exercise your body to gym or something?
Currently I’m into yoga.
Where did you meet Sharjeel?
During my postgrad study. He was my classmate, the most annoying one. He was the type of guy who would always raise his hand when the lecturer asks a question, and I’d be like “man..here he goes again”.
What was your biggest challenge during your long distance relationship with your boyfriend?
Telephone bills :D
Where did you do your Masters?
Nottingham University.
Do you see yourself as a religious person?
Where are you from?
I’m a mix between Javanese & Sundanese.
How many siblings do you have?
I have 1 elder brother. So there’s only the 2 of us.
Do you have any family ties with Bena?
Are you spontaneous?
Very much!
When was your darkest times, and how did you overcome those moments? What made you feel strong and confident to get through it?
When I completed my Masters, I had a huge fight with my parents. Praying to Allah each and every day made me believe that everything happens for a good reason. It was a test from God, and I just had to try to work things out myself.
How do you manage your finance?
I always make an annual savings target, so I know how much I will (and must) have in my savings account at the end of the year. I save a minimum of 20% of my salary each month. I also set a monthly budget for shopping. So everything’s well planned.
What product do you apply to your skin?
Vitamin C serum and Vitamin E moisturizer from Body Shop.
Do you take any supplements?
Nope, but I think I should.
My Personal Life
Friday, August 27, 2010
Anak SMP (Senang Mendapat Paket)
Gerakan SEO Bersih Anak SMP yang dicetuskan oleh MasTukiran dan Bang Atta telah bergulir bak bola salju, dan sekarang semakin banyak sahabat dari seantero negeri yang telah berpartisipasi dalam Gerakan Anak SMP dan gerakan ini telah menampakkan hasilnya apalagi dengan ikut sertanya beberapa jago SEO, dan hasilnya sudah 6 entry yang sekarang mangkal di page 1 inilah beberapa artikel tersebut
25 Agu 2010 ... anak SMP adalah anak dalam masa transisi dari SD ke SMP. anak SMP dalam teorinya masih dalam kategori masa kanak-kanak namun bisa juga ...
Iseng-iseng mendukung Gerakan SEO Positif dengan keyword Anak SMP. SLTP N 1 Karanggayam terkenal cerdas-cerdas dan trampil khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten ...
hari.narmadi.net/anak-smp-karanggayam.html -
hari.narmadi.net/anak-smp-karanggayam.html -
20 Agu 2010 ... Anak SMP - sekedar berbagi info dan blogging lifestyle.
ancispengelana.blogspot.com/2010/08/anak-smp.html -
ancispengelana.blogspot.com/2010/08/anak-smp.html -
Bila kita mencari Keyword Anak SMP di Search Engine, yang pertama kita akan temukan web/blog yang tidak senonoh dengan keyword SMP, Anak SMP. www.zaifulanwar.com/anak-smp/ | |
· Anak SMP
attayaya belajar: Anak SMP - global warming, global cooling, pointblank, atlantica, cheat game, upin ipin, tanda pangkat, sms pantun, pantun, wallpaper, smp ...
Anak SMP. Sedikit coretan mengenai keyword keyword Anak SMP. Sedikit Tips mengenai Anak SMP. Posting Anak SMP untuk Internet Sehat!
www.newoes.com/anak-smp -
www.newoes.com/anak-smp -
Hari ini saya menjadi SMP lebih -lebih lagi anak saya yang SMP banget (senang mendapatkan paket), itu karena paket dari Pakdhe Kholik telah tiba. berupa dua buah T-Shirt ACI, Dua Buah Buku dan 1 Topi BlogCamp
Dan anak saya menjadi Anak SMP (senang Mendapat paket) langsung make baju dan topinya katanya mau di posting di blog dia di My Little Princess
Tapi saya pasang aja di blog ini nanti dia make foto yang lain aja
Tapi saya pasang aja di blog ini nanti dia make foto yang lain aja
Makasih banyak Pakdhe dan buat semua sahabat hayoo hajar terus keyword tak senonoh
Anak SMP,
Gerakan SEO Positif
Dina & Diana
It was a goooood day...alhamdulillah...:) It's been quite a while since I met up with Dina, and today we finally had dinner together...gosh how I miss her so much. It's always nice to chat with my lovely Dina, as we both sorta have the same mindset on so many things in life...and we both love High School Musical! Hahah!
And I also bought a new book! Yay! :)
Mango shirt, DR for Bloop Endorse faux leather pants, Padini belt, Nefertiti necklaces, Longchamp bag, Topshop footless tights, Moonaddict shoes
And I also bought a new book! Yay! :)
Fashion Diary,
My Personal Life
Peasant Omelette with Potatoes, Mushrooms, Bacon, and Cheddar
When I was growing up there was a restaurant in my town called The Kitchen. It had so many amazing breakfasts but my very favorite was the Peasant Omelette. It was a very thin omelette filled with potatoes, cheese, bacon, and green onions. It was simple, hearty, and delicious! I wasn't in the mood to cook a big dinner (again) so I made omelettes. I cooked up some baby potatoes with onions and
Vice Versa
I love the word versatile. Don't you just love words that start with un-popular letters of the alphabet? V, W, X, Y, Z... Sometimes they get left behind and have really thin sections at most dictionaries. Anyho.. the incredible Zee (see, that's why I love calling her by her nickname) gave me this award called versatile! Thanks much! Looks like I suppose to name 7 random things about me that you probably haven't heard of, or not, er.. well, here goes..
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
- I'm pretty good with animals, I love them and I have never get bitten in my life (except for mosquito and other bugs, of course). Even a trained rottweiler once lied on his back, tails shaking when I approached him, the owner was quite embarrassed. Maybe I smelled like one?
- On the contrary, I'm not very good with people, especially new ones. Shy, perhaps?
- I have never been a devoted fan of rock stars. But I gotta say that the Beatles and Queen's songs make my ears smile. Yes, I'm old school.
- My favorite Sesame Street characters as a child and adult are Count and Oscar. Love how they are "different" yet still lovable.
- No, I don't think Bert and Ernie are a romantic couple. They're just an odd friends.
- My grandmother was a model and a kindergarten teacher. Isn't she lovely?
- I do like seeing socks with sandals trend but you've got to be really crazy to put them on under the hot sun here in Indonesia. I think that's one trend I can't never pull off.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
White Chocolate, Pecan, and Craisin Cookies
After a long day at the park the kids were hoping to help me make cookies for their afternoon snack. After looking through the baking cupboard, they chose white chocolate, craisins, and pecans to use in their cookies. They were simple and fun to make and tasted FANTASTIC. These cookies were rich, decadent, and so delicious.White Chocolate, Pecan, and Craisin Cookies:Recipe and photo made by For
The Chicken & Egg Soon To Be Answered
Alright, peeps! I guess I've received quite a lot of questions already and I shall answer them all very soon...thank you so much! :)
My Personal Life
Lailatul Qadar (The night of thousand months)
The night of thousand months ...
The night was full of the magnificence...
The night was full of the love...
The holy love from heavenly...
The night of thousand months ...
When the angel descended to the earth...
Embraced warm souls...
That waited while raising praise (Tasbih)...
Possibly we did not yet deserve...
Got the gift...
However we hoped...
With all modesty...
As the shape of yearning...
The shape of our love...
As the servant of God...
Allahu Robbi.
The Pray
Lemonade {for} Life
When one of my nice readers asked me in an email, "Have you uploaded all the Lemonade Party Kit?" I had to say, "Unfortunately, yes, for now." and that reminded me that I owe the rest of you readers the announcement as well. Yes, the Lemonade Party Kit printables are done. Please do use them in your parties or simply just because. Like these kids from volumetwentyfive. Visit them for more photos and tips to make that utterly cute and effortless lemonade stand.
Here are the Lemonade Party Kit links, in case you missed one:
cupcake topper/stickers
napkin rings/garlands
favor box
Do share your own party photos with us!
Here are the Lemonade Party Kit links, in case you missed one:
cupcake topper/stickers
napkin rings/garlands
favor box
Do share your own party photos with us!
printables to print
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
5 jenis Makanan yang bisa Melawan Stress
Tidak bisa dipungkiri Stress adalah sebuah hal yang banyak menyerang manusia saat ini , baik yang sedang bekerja ataupun pengangguran, karena tekanan hidup yang begitu tinggi , sampai-sampai kemarin ada ibu yang tega membunuh Putrinya karena tekanan ekonomi.
Seperti yang dikatakan Bang Haji Stress obatnya Iman dan Takwa, itu adalah hal yang pasti, namun selain itu kita bisa mengkonsumsi beberapa jenis makanan yang bisa mencegah atau mengurangi stress, inilah ke lima jenis makanan tersebut :
1. Pepaya
Tidak ada buah yang lebih hebat selain Pepaya untuk mencegah Stress, karena ia bisa mencegah pertambahan hormon Stress, Vitamn C dosis tinggi pada pepaya jumlahnya mengalahkan kandungan Vitamin C pada Jeruk dan ini memberi efek menenangkan pada manusia, penelitian di amerika makan 200 milligram pepaya dua kali sehari menghentikan keluarnya hormon stress atau Cartisol.
2. Alpukat
Potassium pada alpukat dapat memerangi tekanan darah tinggi, dan dapat memperbaiki peredaran darah sehingga bisa mengurangi stress
3. Almond
Kacang almond memilik lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang anti stress, juga mengandung Vitamin E yang mengurangi stress untuk keperluan sehari-hari anda bisa makan 40-50 biji kacang almond atau seperduanya tapi dicampur dengan bahan makanan lain yang mengandung banyak vitamin E
4. Teh Pepermint
Aroma pepermint yang dingin merupakan aroma terapi yang kuat untuk menenangkan seseorang, penelitian menemukan bahwa pepermint membuat supir lebih Fokus dan lebih rileks
5. Biji Labu
nah kalau di kampung saya biji labu hanya untuk ditanam kembali , ternyata menurut penelitian menemukan bahwa biji labu memiliki kandungan magnesium yang tinggi, dan bisa mengatasi keluhan, sakit kepala, migrain, imsonia serta tekanan darah tinggi , terserah bagaimana cara anda mengolahnya untuk menjadi bahan makanan
Sumber : http://health.yahoo.net
Seperti yang dikatakan Bang Haji Stress obatnya Iman dan Takwa, itu adalah hal yang pasti, namun selain itu kita bisa mengkonsumsi beberapa jenis makanan yang bisa mencegah atau mengurangi stress, inilah ke lima jenis makanan tersebut :
1. Pepaya
Tidak ada buah yang lebih hebat selain Pepaya untuk mencegah Stress, karena ia bisa mencegah pertambahan hormon Stress, Vitamn C dosis tinggi pada pepaya jumlahnya mengalahkan kandungan Vitamin C pada Jeruk dan ini memberi efek menenangkan pada manusia, penelitian di amerika makan 200 milligram pepaya dua kali sehari menghentikan keluarnya hormon stress atau Cartisol.
2. Alpukat
Potassium pada alpukat dapat memerangi tekanan darah tinggi, dan dapat memperbaiki peredaran darah sehingga bisa mengurangi stress
3. Almond
Kacang almond memilik lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang anti stress, juga mengandung Vitamin E yang mengurangi stress untuk keperluan sehari-hari anda bisa makan 40-50 biji kacang almond atau seperduanya tapi dicampur dengan bahan makanan lain yang mengandung banyak vitamin E
4. Teh Pepermint
Aroma pepermint yang dingin merupakan aroma terapi yang kuat untuk menenangkan seseorang, penelitian menemukan bahwa pepermint membuat supir lebih Fokus dan lebih rileks
5. Biji Labu
nah kalau di kampung saya biji labu hanya untuk ditanam kembali , ternyata menurut penelitian menemukan bahwa biji labu memiliki kandungan magnesium yang tinggi, dan bisa mengatasi keluhan, sakit kepala, migrain, imsonia serta tekanan darah tinggi , terserah bagaimana cara anda mengolahnya untuk menjadi bahan makanan
Sumber : http://health.yahoo.net
Bacon, Egg, Sharp Cheddar Bagel Sandwich
I love making breakfast for dinner and luckily my family likes it too. I made a bagel egg sandwich with sharp cheddar and bacon for my husband. It was hearty, filling, and delicious. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.Bacon, Egg, Sharp Cheddar Bagel Sandwich:Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking.netBagel thin, toasted1 egg, cooked over hardSharp cheddar cheese, shreddedTwo slices of
Grana Padano
For as long as I can remember I've heard that Parmigiano Reggiano was the king of cheeses. It's the cheese I ate in Italy and cooked with as well. It's the cheese I always buy. I knew about Grana Padano, but believed it was inferior to Parmigiano. A substitute. Poor man's Parmigiano. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
First of all, technically you could say Parmigiano is a type of Grana. Grana means grain and refers to the grainy texture of the cheese, and Padano refers to the region where it is produced. Parmigiano is produced in Parma, Reggio Emilia, and Modena. Grana is produced in Piedmont, Lombardy, Piacenza, Veneto, and Trentino. Both cheeses are lactose free and a good source of protein and calcium.
Grana * Produced in a large region * Less expensive than Parmigiano * Made from raw, skim milk * Cows fed grass, cereal & silage * Cows can be treated with antibiotics * Aged from 9 to 24 months and up * Natural preservative, lysozyme | Parmigiano * Produced in a small region * More expensive than Grana * Made from raw skim milk & whole milk * Cows fed grass & cereal * Cows not treated with antibiotics * Aged 24 months or more * Free of preservatives |
Because Grana uses more skim milk it is lower in fat and develops flavor more quickly than Parmigiano. I tasted and compared Grana Padano that was aged only 16-20 months and Parmigiano Reggiano that was aged 28-32 months. Here are my tasting notes:
Buttery, rich, sweet and mildly salty, nutty, creamy with a floral and fruity scent and a flaky, crunchy crystalline texture
Very salty, rich, nutty, earthy, some crystalline crunchiness
The shocking verdict? I actually preferred the Grana! Because cheese is a natural and seasonal product there will be differences throughout the year. But I encourage you to do your own taste test. I no longer believe Grana is a more popular cheese in Italy only out of price considerations. I will still buy Parmigiano on occasion, but for day to day use, I'll be switching to Grana. Both cheeses can be used as a table cheese, grated over pasta, salad, in traditional risotto dishes and with roasted vegetables.
Recipes using Grana
Recipes using Parmigiano
Notes: I bought the Parmigiano from Rainbow Grocery, the Grana was provided for me and came from Di Palo Selects. The Grana is pictured on the left and the Parmigiano on the right.
My New Magic Box!
So I finally got the phone I wanted! Yeehaaaaa! Alhamdulillah...:)
Aside from the square shape I personally find very attractive, I love this phone because it has entertaining features such as the "spin" (not sure what they actually call it) which allows you to change songs on your playlist by simply spinning your phone like a spinning top, and the "shake" which lets you know how many messages you have received by shaking your phone...hihi..:D
Anyway, I've been seeing Bena making cool videos lately, so I decided tobeat him try make one myself...here's my first attempt dedicated for my new Nokia X5...;p
Yay!! :)
Aside from the square shape I personally find very attractive, I love this phone because it has entertaining features such as the "spin" (not sure what they actually call it) which allows you to change songs on your playlist by simply spinning your phone like a spinning top, and the "shake" which lets you know how many messages you have received by shaking your phone...hihi..:D
Anyway, I've been seeing Bena making cool videos lately, so I decided to
Song: "You Owe Me An IOU" - Hot Hot Heat
Yay!! :)
My Personal Life,
Video Posts
The Cooks
Had dinner with my former colleagues, and they surprised with me a gift...recipe books!! Awwwww they know me so well that I am so bad at cooking yet so badly wanting to learn hehehe....so happy! :)
Thank you so much, guys...that book on the left is like 10 centimeters thick! As thick as my heels...:D
I guess the first recipe I'd loooove to try would be of course my all time favorite dish...:)
Do wait for my own Julie & Julia project! :)
Thank you so much, guys...that book on the left is like 10 centimeters thick! As thick as my heels...:D
I guess the first recipe I'd loooove to try would be of course my all time favorite dish...:)
Do wait for my own Julie & Julia project! :)
Fashion Diary,
My Personal Life
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sardine, Chickpea & Celery Salad
I created a "brain healthy" recipe for Posit Science that features canned sardines, an excellent choice for brain health, as they're rich in Omega-3 fatty acids but very low in mercury. I can't reprint it here just yet, so if you'd like to see if for free, sign up for the Posit Science newsletter. You'll get a new recipe each week and can browse the full collection created by food bloggers around the country.
The recipe is easy as can be, it only has 4 ingredients plus a simple dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, cumin, salt and pepper. It's perfect for hot weather, I hope you'll love it!
Hijabi Inspirations
When I start to fill this blog with my DIY projects, there were limited source of information about hijab fashion. But nowadays, especially this year, many many hijabi bloggers have come with their beautiful mix & match :) Meet my favorites:
Why do we love fashion blog? Because they are REAL PEOPLE wearing REAL CLOTHES :)
Well, magazine can be inspiring too, but I love reading fashion blog more because of that reason :))
Thank you for all the girls who can be the inspiration for wearing hijab... Hope someday, Hijab = The Trend ;) amiin...
PS: there are still many muslimah fashion bloggers out there... pardon me if your blog was not on the list above... hehehe... Maybe I'll make the sequel of this article :p
1. Aifa Suitcase - love her creations & designs 2. Caca - love her vintage style 3. Ghaida - sweet & modest 4. Wulan - stylish & inspirational blog 5. Fiminin - muslimah blog-magazine 6. Dian Pelangi - a young & famous designer 7. Puput Utami - feminine style 8. Fika - so nice to see her wearing hijab this year :)
They are all from Indonesia! :D
1. Hana Tajima - young inspirational designer 2. Fira - so stylish! 3. Shea - mix & match queen 4. Nabilah - cheerful style 5. Hijab Revival - elegant look 6. Coco's Pearls - Chic daily outfit & tips 7. Hijabscarf - New famous blog-magazine from Indonesia, super fashionable
Why do we love fashion blog? Because they are REAL PEOPLE wearing REAL CLOTHES :)
Well, magazine can be inspiring too, but I love reading fashion blog more because of that reason :))
Thank you for all the girls who can be the inspiration for wearing hijab... Hope someday, Hijab = The Trend ;) amiin...
PS: there are still many muslimah fashion bloggers out there... pardon me if your blog was not on the list above... hehehe... Maybe I'll make the sequel of this article :p
Couscous with Kalamata Olives, Pine Nuts, and Feta Cheese
This is another recipe I adapted from my new cookbook, Organically Raised: Conscious Cooking for Babies and Toddlers. I added tomatoes, parsley, and red onion to the recipe because I had some leftover that needed to be used up. This was a simple, hearty, and delicious side dish that my entire family enjoyed. My son couldn't get enough! Couscous with Kalamata Olives, Pine Nuts, and Feta Cheese:
Greek Dishes,
Side Dishes,
The full moon night (In Ramadhan Month)
The full moon night...
In Ramadhan months...
Truly beautiful scenery...
Always had yearning...
And the beautiful memory...
When gazing at the moon...
The soft of the moonlight...
Illuminated the night...
With fully elegance...
Lighted the heart and the spirit...
Made the feeling perfect...
Although only fatamorgana.
In Ramadhan months...
Truly beautiful scenery...
Always had yearning...
And the beautiful memory...
When gazing at the moon...
The soft of the moonlight...
Illuminated the night...
With fully elegance...
Lighted the heart and the spirit...
Made the feeling perfect...
Although only fatamorgana.
The Analogy
Monday, August 23, 2010
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