For those of you who haven’t heard, True Match is a dedicated variant customized to truly match our Asian skin texture and tone. My tip: search for the color that matches your neck instead of face. That is because most of us Asians have different shades between the face and neck, and that's where the foundation comes to play - to even it out.

Above is a 1) liquid foundation, 2) two-way cake foundation, and 3) loose powder with minerals. I think I’ll just be using the liquid foundation & loose powder. Mom has taken the two-way cake foundation anyway hehehehe…here’s my attempt of using the two products in the manner that I usually conduct on a daily basis…;D
(Song: "Dancing With Myself" - Nouvelle Vague)
Verdict: I find the foundation light with a runny texture, able to blend easily and cover some of my dark spots naturally. And it doesn’t give you that crack effect I really hate. Phewh! Loose powder is nice too, feels light to the skin hence perfect for everyday wear...I like it! :)