Anyhoo .. some of my talented readers have made it up for me this Halloween..have I mentioned how I love seeing my printables actually functional to babalisme's readers? OK, here's one..
2 little holligans' treat bags was including the Halloweenies printables, both boy and girl versions! And yes, she sew that cute little bag herself.
Susan of poca cosas, on the other hand, added much needed embellishment to my Halloween mini cards! Notice the little pearls on Skelly's chest?
If you manage to keep your eyes open until you read this, congratulations. I'm also here to announce the winner of my first ever giveaway!! Chosen by, everyone, congrats to Andi Lia and Jamie Lee!! I have contacted the winners earlier today and if you are them, do reply me back with your mailing address. Thank you all for participating!