Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tell Me What's Going On

I'm so sad. My grandmother is in hospital. I don't know what happens to her, all I know is she throws up blood. That's so scary. Yesterday she just went back to home and now she is in the hospital again. I wish her all the best. I hope she'll get well soon.

Oh, I want to thanks Colin of Sexy Legs and Body for giving me this award. He's so kind, I love to read what he writes. So please do check his blog, where you can gossip about celebrities and of course, see a lot of sexy legs. Haha. I'm giving this award to my lovely Jasna of Fashion Jazz. I always adore her shoes. So if you want to see the best shoes, check her blog! She's also so lovely and nice :)

award blogfab stephanie

Btw, Happy Halloween to you!


Award dari Coretan Jaiman

Saya mengenalnya dari beberapa Shoutbox sahabat  dan saya jadi penasaran jika melihat nama yang tertera disana , Hittler. Jr bagaimana tidak itu adalah nama penguasa Jerman jaman dulu yang sempat menggegerkan dunia ,  lalu saya coba bertandang ke blognya ternyata  nama blognya Coretan Jaiman dan memang betul sesuai dengan namanya Hitler. Jr semua postingannya gila-gilaan membuat kita untuk betul-betul gila blog dan posting terbarunya adalah Rumus Google menentukan Page Rank  dan cara gila meningkatkan page rank Alexa,  wih betul-betul gila kita harus blogwalking sampai 15 jam sehari.
Saya sebagai orang yang baru amat respek kepada mas Hitler. Pesannya untuk terus meningkatkan solidaritas dan persahabatn di Dunia Blogger  . Baru-baru ini ia memberi saya kehormatan dengan memberi  sebuah award persahabatan , inilah award tersebut :

Dan untuk terus mempererat silaturrahmi , award itu saya teruskan kepada sahabat yang rajin berkunjung dan bersilaturrahmi dengan saya yakni:
1. Ibnu Mas’ud : Bukan Sembarang Blog
2. Nuansa Pena
3. Kediaman Ayah
4. Latifah Hisboel : Cinta Hakiki
5. Putri Malu
6. Harri Online
7. Aviorclef
8. Menggapai Cita-Cita
9. Mbak Reni : Catatan Kecilku
10. SC Community’s Blog

Awardnya diambil ya sahabat meski anda sendiri sudah mendapatkan  langsung dari mas Hittler atau dari Katro Zone , bang iwan atau mbak Fanny.  Semoga persahabatan kita terus berlanjut dan semakin erat. Keep spirit and Blogger Forever.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The challenge...

It was a process...
To understand something...

Learned to be the obligation...
And the right anyone...
There were those who was difficult...
There were also those who was easy...

There were many that could be studied...
In this life...
Not all needed the cost...
That important had the wish...
And the opportunity...

The wish to begin...
The opportunity to make use of...

Often happened...
The wish was available...
But the opportunity did not have...
Like that also was the reverse...
So as...
Many that became hopeless...
Sit fell silent...
Was waiting for fate...

All that...
It was the challenge...
That must be dealt with...
And each problem must have the solution...

To ourselves...
To increase the motivation...
In order to be able to study with all heart...
Made use of time...
Made use of the available potential...
In order to be not thrown away was in vain.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet Thea (pronounce it like "thea" in "theater"). She brings her imaginary friends to life with her outstanding stitchery skill. And do they look good in fabric and felt. ...and she's only 18. Yes, eeeeiiighttteeen!! Envy. Envy.

Thea's shop on Etsy called Lucy's Colorful Dreams are displaying these little creatures here, and if you're swift enough to grab now, you're in luck, she's having a sale right now until Nov, 1st. Her blog, the LoversCanvas can be viewed here.

In all of my interview, I never edit my participants' answers, let it be their notations, use of capital letters, etc, I like the irregularities as they bring out the characters of the interviewees, even if it's only from their typing habit. So, Thea here had warned me about her punctuation and her random mind walking that could put a 4 year old toddler into deep shame. That's what she told me, not me mocking her, I swear! Seriously, I think it might be one of her charm, and please put this in mind while you're reading. You have been warned!

Where do you find the images of your handmade creatures? Do they appear regularly in your dreams, sketches from your childhood, or what?
In all honesty I have absolutely no clue haha. I’ll be in bed (this is why I keep a drawing pad under my bed at night) and I’ll wake up and have this image of something draw it and then finish it in the morning haha. Just little sprits of creativity. I still like to think that I have the imagination of a 4 year old, I’m a total little kid in a big kids body dealing with all the responsibilities of a adult.
Certain sounds in music will set of a design cause I try to think what it would look like in physical form.
Is that just a little weird? Hehe
As a little kid I had tons and tons and tons of plushies I still have them all and sleep with one occasionally I haven’t kept any of my own plushies for myself but I will one day I’m sure haha.
Plushies can be your best friend, another plushies enemy, they’re just such a source of pleasure and imagination, That I feel that everyone needs one cause they just take you back ya know?

How do people around you initially react towards your creatures?
My wonderful amazing boyfriend/future fiancé absolutely adores my plushies.
Just about everyone that’s seen them loves them or just thinks they’re ok (generally those who are closed minded and don’t like out of the ordinary things lol) Me well I’m my best critic and I will admit I have scrapped a couple critters even after the stuffing process cause they just didn’t come out right, but even I’m surprised with how adorable my things are here and there ^_^

How does living in Las Vegas affect you and/or your creatures?
Well living in Vegas is a new thing we only just moved here a few months ago, I’m a California grown girl whose moved around quite a lot, born and raised in San Francisco, Santa Rosa, San Rafael, Hawaii (yes Hawaii, Maui), then back to California and now here in Nevada, personally I haven’t found it to affect my business at all, but I don’t have TOO many options for craft shows which is a big bummer when California both north and south have such awesome opportunities. (But living in Nevada will change with the coming of the new year)

Speaking of business, when and how did you first see making dolls as an opportunity?
Another thing I can honestly say I have no idea haha, umm well I am a avid poster on the threadbanger forums and I think it was just me starting to want to sew because I was seeing all these other people creating. A phone call to my mom resulting in my mom buying me a sewing machine and then getting some fabric drawing up my own pattern and going for it. I’ve taught myself how to do everything I’ve been doing. Just a few online tutorials here and there. My mom tried to teach me how to sew when I was little but I just didn’t have the attention span nor the patience to figure it out lol.

What is the most challenging thing to face in your business?
Definitely getting enough attention, there are so many other amazing shops with just as equally great plushies so theres A LOT of competition, but that doesn’t stop me I’m always up for a challenge. ^_^

Do you have a favorite among your creatures?
Hmmmmmmm, well I have quite a few, one that I actually haven’t posted yet is just sooo soo cute ^_^ it just makes me make that face every time I see it haha. As for the ones that are up I adore my owl Owen, Wub, Harper, My wonderful zombie couple, and mummy boy whom I sold was def a favorite, I put so much time and so much love into each of my critters that they all really do have a soul.

What is the most memorable compliment from a satisfied customer you have ever received?
Probably the custom order dinosaur I just did for seriously the sweetest women in Ireland. She came to me saying that my adorable spots the dinosaur (who just sold actually) looked exactly like what she wanted just a few alterations needed to be done. So she sent me the picture and I worked my magic. Through out the whole process she was just the sweetest thing ever, and I would gladly do business with her again. It wasn’t so much what she said that made me happy its the intentions she had for the little dinosaur. But every compliment I’ve received on my little critters have all meant the world to me, people opinions really matter to me when it comes to stuff I create cause I want it to appeal to them.
On the contrary, what it the meanest, heart breaking criticism you have ever heard?
I haven’t gotten anything heart breaking yet, but whenever I go into chats on etsy, or show my stuff to people, I think the thing that hurts the most is just my stuff not getting posted or people just doing that kind of non chalant kind of response where they just say uh huh ya that nice.

Ok, that's it for now, thank you for your time!!
Your most welcome, thank you! For wanting to interview me it’s a absolute pleasure <3

Recipe Revisited - Happy Halloween

For the first time ever, I am revisiting a recipe. I am doing this for two reasons... It's a fun way to make lunch a little more special for Halloween - your kids will love it! I have a terrible flu and have no energy to cook or blog. I will be taking the next few days off to rest and recuperate. I hope you all have a fun and spooky Halloween. See you next week.Recipe Revisited from

Teguran Seorang Dai

Kemarin seorang dai membaca mirror blog saya di facebook dan mengirim pesan kepada saya yang isinya memberi pelajaran yang sangat berarti buat saya yang isinya kurang lebih demikian: Blog anda banyak berisi renungan dan pencerahan tetapi apakah anda sudah melaksanakan sendiri hal tersebut ? jangan hanya pandai berpikir tanpa melaksanakan sendiri pemikiran tersebut , apabila anda yang mengingatkan orang tentang sesuatu hal yang baik tetapi anda tidak melaksanakannya berarti anda tidak mendapatkan pahala, bahkan anda mungkin digolongkan menjadi orang munafik , pandai berkata tetapi anda sendiri tidak melaksanakan.

Kita harus realistis di dalam hidup, nilai kita di hadapan Tuhan bukan karena angan-angan kita, tetapi karena tindakan nyata dalam kehidupan. Betapapun baiknya kalau hanya dipikiran maka nilainya hanya satu ,tetapi kalau sudah mulai diimplementasikan Tuhan bisa melipat gandakan pahalanya menjadi 10 bahkan lebih , bahkan tidak terbatas, tergantung bagaimana kualitas implementasi dari pemikiran itu.

Apa bedanya angan-angan dengan cita-cita. Angan-angan adalah jutaan keinginan baik yang tidak dilanjutkan dengan rencana yang matang. Sedangkan cita-cita adalah ketika niat baik itu menjadi tujuan untuk diwujudkan dengan adanya rencana yang matang dan jelas, apakah kita sedang berangan-angan atau sedang bercita-cita? Tanyakan pada diri anda kalau punya rencana yang jelas berarti anda sedang bercita-cita tetapi kalau anda tidak punya perencanaan tentang pemikiran itu berarti anda hanya berangan-angan dan pahala bukan didasarkan pada angan-angan, tetapi berdasarkan tindakan nyata sebagai pelaksanaan tujuan, berdasarkan rencana yang telah kita susun .

Jadilah manusia yang punya tujuan baik, kemudian merencanakannya dan melaksanakannya, tidak mampu melaksanakan sendiri lakukan bersama orang lain , jangan jadi manusia penuh dengan angan-angan karena pahala tidak berdasarkan angan-angan tetapi berdasarkan tindakan nyata dalam kehidupan. Setelah membaca pesan dai tersebut saya merenung sejenak apakah semua yang telah saya tulis di blog ini telah saya implementasikan sendiri dalam kehidupan saya, sebuah tanggung jawab yang besar,  tetapi meskipun demikian saya amat bersyukur karena ada orang yang telah mengingatkan saya untuk selalu introspeksi diri bahwa mudah-mudahan semua yang saya tulis di blog ini bukan hanya angan-angan saja tetapi telah direncanakan dan ada tujuan yang baik untuk mengimplementasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan untuk itu.

Maple and Brown Sugar Acorn Squash

I had an acorn squash in the refrigerator that I needed to use up. I usually cook them with butter, cinnamon and nutmeg but this time I decided to try maple syrup and brown sugar. It was so delicious! I love the flavor of the maple syrup with the creamy and delicious squash. It not only looks really pretty but it tastes wonderful too. I was shocked that my kids didn't care for this dish since

The Perfect Fruit: Book Review

The Perfect Fruit
Have you ever noticed how the perfect fruit demands your attention? A run of the mill apple or banana is fine, benign even. But really spectacular fruit grabs you and doesn't let go. I hope everyone has the amazing experience of fresh, intensely flavored, sensual and almost overwhelming experience some day that Chip Brantley had when he first tasted a pluot. It changed his life. No kidding. The Perfect Fruit is his personal and journalistic investigation of this relatively recent stone fruit.

Barely into the first chapter I found myself inexplicably drawn to a local farmers market where I found the aptly named "flavor king." You have to admit, it is an awfully beautiful looking fruit. It tasted even better. Sweet, tangy, juicy, floral and complex.

Flavor King pluots

The season for pluots is pretty much now over, but if you want to read a book about a most unlikely subject that will draw you in, much like a piece of perfect fruit, I wholeheartedly recommend The Perfect Fruit. Brantley covers the breeding, the marketing and flavor of the fruit. The book is well-written, with a strong attention to detail, it covers much of the business related to stone fruit but also the passion that drives fruit breeders to keep working on new hybrids all the time.

I was a bit skeptical about a whole book on pluots. But it's a book filled with interesting characters, almost dynastic families and the forces of nature. I found it fascinating, I hope you will too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sweet and Spicy Flank Steak

One of the perks of having a food blog is getting to try new products. I was sent a couple of bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce recently and decided to marinate some flank steak in it. I lightly seasoned the steak with sea salt and pepper, rubbed some minced garlic into the meat then drizzled it with Country Bob's sauce. I let it sit in a large zip lock for 4 hours before cooking it in

The world of make believe.

No, I'm not posting about Barney, so all of you sick of the purple dinosaur can relax. (anyway, who dresses up like Barney this Halloween, please raise your hand!! Noone?? last Halloween? no? So am I the only one finding Barney a little, emphasize this..a liiiittlleee... cute?) I loved role-playing as a kid, heck, if I'm not ashamed of my age, I'd still love to. And here are some make believe tools that keep me drooling all day..

Try to be Cool

Shirt : unknown . Blazer : Glitz . Shorts : Glitters . Tights : Gaudi . Bag : mom's

Excuse the ugly faces and poses. I was trying so hard to get cool shoots. But I failed. Hmm. Think I have to smile like usual.

Anyway, last Saturday my school had this event with the topic of "Go Green". That was why I wore a green shirt. There was "Fun Bike" where more that 1000 people joined and rode bicycles from my school to a mall named MOI. Pretty far. I didn't join it. And there was planting time. They planted a lot of plants. I didn't join also. And this bazaar, I had to come. Well, I think I'm not really an earth savior, aren't I? :(

Sorry for the lack update. I went to the mall after bazaar and I didn't have time to update blog. So, have a nice day all of you!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Warm Spinach Salad with Sausage and Potatoes

I adapted a recipe I found in Real Simple magazine to make one of the most delicious salads I've ever had. I roasted some onions, baby potatoes, mushrooms, garlic, tomatoes, red onion and asparagus in the oven. I tossed the spinach with the warm vegetables, sausage, feta cheese and a balsamic and mustard dressing. It was really quick and simple to make and tasted so unbelievably good. My kids,

Social status...

All definitely did not yet be...
However must continue to be undergone...
That important tried...
To get that was wanted...
Although by all the methods...

Indeed was not easy...
Not only time...
Money and the power...

To just met the condition...
To become the civil servant...
That became ideal...
All over the corner of the country...

To the private employee...
Moreover only entrepreneurs...
Must have real proof...
If wanting to be appreciated...
And was not gazed at an eye...

Such was...
If the social status...
Still became the standard...
The future guarantee.

Why do YOU cook, Guy Prince?

Guy Prince
Guy Prince is a man with focus. He grills and he smokes and coaxes the best out of food in his own unmistakeable way. Who else would serve squares of bacon as an appetizer at a picnic? There is no mistaking the man, his food or his writing. He's also a true gentleman who never passes up the opportunity to help anyone with their smoking, grilling or meaty dilemmas. His blog is Meathenge and his stunning carnivorous photos will make you insanely hungry.

"Excellent question. For me, when I was a lot younger I found that I could cook better tasting food at home. And since I live and grew up in California, I could sure as hell out grill or out smoke any my local BBQ joints. The deal was sealed."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hadapi hidup dengan terus memperbaiki diri

Manusia di ciptakan oleh Tuhan untuk menjadi Khalifah di bumi ini, Ia adalah makhluk paling mulia di antara semua makhluk, namun tidak jarang manusia menjadi rendah dan lebih rendah dari binatang, banyak manusia  yang tidak tahu fungsinya di muka bumi ini mereka berbuat kerusakan dan segala macam hal yang tidak berguna. Ada pula manusia yang hidup seadanya saja, tanpa ingin berperan di dalam kehidupan ini. Ada pula yang hidupnya selalu bersedih dan penuh kegelisahan, sehingga ia menjadi insan yang lemah dan  tidak mempunyai peranan dalam kehidupan ini ,padahal apabila kita beriman kepada Nya dan percaya dengan adanya potensi  yang diberikan oleh Tuhan sejak lahir,  maka kita akan berada di puncak.
Manusia bersedih mungkin karena ia selalu teringat masa lalu yang gagal dan ia menyesalinya, “ah kenapa saya tidak begini waktu itu, kenapa saya berbuat seperti itu”, dan segala macam kesedihan lainnya padahal kita tidak akan bisa kembali ke masa itu.
Manusia akan gelisah apabila  ia hidup dimasa  depan “bagaimana dengan besok, bagaimana hidup saya 5 tahun yang akan datang” , padahal belum tentu ia sampai di masa itu. Buatlah Batasan dengan masa lalu jangan terus-terusan bersedih, buatlah batasan dengan masa depan jangan terus gelisah.
Bila kita ingat masa lalu yang kelam dan banyak kegagalan mohon ampunlah pada Tuhan, dan bila khawatir dengan masa depan berdoalah dan buatlah planning agar masa depan kita lebih baik, hadapilah hari ini dengan berusaha meningkatkan potensi diri selama 24 jam dan demikian pula esok harinya, dengan demikian akan terjadi peningkatan kualitas diri yang berkesinambungan dengan sendirinya masa depan akan lebih baik.
Bila terus terjebak masa lalu dan terus gelisah memikirkan masa depan maka potensi diri akan hilang tertutupi dan inilah yang akan membuat kita lemah. Banyak manusia yang mempunyai tiga beban, masa lalu yang menyedihkan , masa yang akan datang yang masih samar dan tentu saja masa sekarang yang penuh dengan tantangan, siapapun tak akan kuat menghadapi ini semua sekaligus yang paling penting kita harus berpikir secara realistis, Masa lalu adalah masa lalu, masa depan biarlah terjadi dan akan kita hadapi dengan penuh kepercayaan diri dan tentu saja hari ini kita berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik agar hidup kita semakin membaik.Terus semangat dan jangan membiarkan diri terpuruk sedih, gelisah dan lemah, ayo berkarya!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Warming up.

For Halloween. I won Florspace's Halloween giveaway (yaaay!) and the package arrived this morning. Wow, what a way to start a weekend! Don't get jealous, peeps! Here they are, taken early in the morning. There should have been a cute pumpkin lantern with the package, but you know, paper lantern and Baby G don't get along too well, so... OK, let's say it's not ready for its close ups. (I nearly cried when it was torn in just 6.5 seconds after I opened the package!) Now I just wish I can get Florspace's talent in sewing, she sews the best bags!

Have a great Halloween warm up and weekend too!

Homemade Granola

My son and I spent a rainy afternoon making homemade granola together. I found this recipe at Kiss My Spatula and it looked simple, delicious and fairly healthy. I used walnuts, almonds, coconut and dried cranberries because that's what we had on hand. It was crunchy, slightly sweet with a bit of tartness too. My kids ate this for breakfast with milk and they also had it as an afternoon snack

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Black Bean and Chorizo Soup

My great friend Jen gave me this recipe years ago. My husband and I really love this soup but I don't make it often because it's too spicy for the kids. I recently decided to make a batch and my husband and I both thought it was amazing. It's spicy and so flavorful. Adding sour cream to the soup mellowed out the spice a bit, but it was still too spicy for my kids. I am looking forward to the

The Whitney Museum Gala

Some photos of The Whitney Museum Gala event. They dressed up so glamorous and blingy. And of course in Versace :) What do you think?

Taylor Momsen and Shakira

mischa barton_whitney_v_20oct09_pa_b_320x480llohan_whitney_v_20oct09_pa_b_320x480
Mischa Barton and Lindsay Lohan

leigh lezark_whitney_v_20oct09_rex_b_320x480lake bell_whitney_v_20oct09_pa_b_320x480
Leigh Lezark and Lake Bell

chanel imanachung2_v_20oct09_pa_b_320x480
Chanel Iman and Alexa Chung

p.s. Thank you so much to Annie of Fruitcake You for giving me One Lovely Award. And Jasna of Fashion Jazz for the tag. I appreciate all of them. They two are so lovely. You should check their blogs! :D

The old women...

A woman who has been old...
Her skin very black chocolate...
Wrinkles everywhere...
Used the cover of the head...
Typically villagers...

Sold under the tent...
In the page of a post office...
Sought a living...
For the family in the house...

She really kind...
Clever at serving the buyer...
Friendly and Patient...
Really pleasant...
Felt in the deepest heart...

The sincerity...
And the softness...
Illuminated her old face...
Really calmed...
Could not be described...
With words...

Thank you...
Your spirit...
Your sincerity...
Your goodness...
Gave me the inspiration...
To more was motivated...
Fought to gain hope ...
Was not easy to surrender...
With the situation.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stroberi :Award Pembangkit segala Asa

Sampai sekarang hati saya masih sakit, bahkan mungkin takkan hilang sampai kapanpun.  meski itu sudah 15 tahun yang lalu , tetapi syukurlah phobiaku dengan cerpen,novel dan puisi telah hilang. Dulu sekali aku pernah membenci segala hal yang bersifat fiksi entah itu cerpen, puisi, novel atau karya sastra lainnya. Terima kasih setulus hati untuk mbak Fanny orang yang membawa saya kembali ke Cerpen
Aku mengenal Iva Junaedi gadis blasteran Indonesia  Cina dari tulisan cerpennya yang selalu setia menghiasi Koran kampus UMPAR tahun 1994. Dia adalah gadis idola dengan fisik yang nyaris sempurna dan otak yang super smart dengan IPK  cum laude ditambah lagi dengan kemampuan menulis cerpen cinta yang begitu romantis,  maka tidak heran dia menjadi impian semua mahasiswa cowok  kala itu.
Akupun termasuk salah satu pengagummya, tetapi cuma pengagum tak pernah ada keberanian secuilpun, bahkan untuk sekedar menyapanya,  dia terlampau tinggi untuk dijangkau. Sampai pada suatu hari kejadian yang masih terekam jelas di otakku telah merubah jalan hidupku. Koran kampus mendapat bantuan komputer 1 unit,  mesin ketik yang selama ini dipakai oleh Iva telah berganti pemilik kepada Isti  sang bendahara yang juga sahabat karibku. Komputer itu processornya intel Pentium 286,  hardisk 16 MB dan memori 1 MB ,  wah jadul banget nih.
Karena komputer build up semua softwarenya asli termasuk program pengolah katanya Wordstar,  inilah yang menjadi masalah karena Iva tidak menguasai program itu, dia hanya menguasai chi writer program pengolah kata lainnya, dan Dekan FKIP sudah mewanti-wanti agar program dari kompi itu jangan diutak –atik.
Jadilah Isti sibuk mencari siapa mahasiswa yang menguasai program Wordstar. Setelah bermandi keringat mengubek UMPAR   akhirnya ia datang menemuiku. “ Hei Nir, seandainya aku ingat kamu dari tadi pasti deh saya nggak secapek ini”. Emangnya ada apa  Ti, lagian sahabat sendiri dilupakan, terlalu kamu”. “Gini, biang cerpen kita si Iva perlu orang   untuk membimbing dia mengoperasikan program Wordstar,  ternyata jarang banget orang yang ngerti Wordstar semuanya pada make Chi writer, kamu pasti bisa deh, kamu kan instruktur komputer di Handayani”. “Kebetulan saya bisa Ti , tapi nggak ah,  aku pasti grogi kalau harus membimbing dia, lagian apa mau di bergaul dengar orang biasa seperti aku”. “, Kamu salah Nir, dia itu tidak membeda-bedakan,  setiap  orang yang ingin berteman dengannya pasti diterima dengan tangan terbuka”. “Oke, Istidari kapan saya bisa bertemu dengannya”. Ucapku dengan penuh kgembiraan.“Kapan saja kamu siap, Munir Ardi”.
Esoknya dengan memberanikan diri kulangkahkan kakiku menuju markas redaksi Idealisme , Koran kampusku,  didalam ruang redaksi telah menunggu Iva dan Isti. “Iva, ini teman yang telah saya ceritakan , ia akan membimbing kamu sampai menguasai program wordstar”. Dengan sedikit kikuk kuulurkan tanganku “Munir ardi”. “Iva  Junaedi”. Iya menjabat tanganku dengan hangat.
Sejak hari itu kami sering bersama, mulanya hanya jika aku membimbingnya menjalankan program wordstar, tetapi beberapa hari kemudian  kebersamaan kami semakin intens bahkan di luar kampuspun kami sering jalan bersama dan entah dimulai darimana tiba-tiba muncul perasaan suka di antara kami. Awalnya seribu ragu datang menghadang,  tetapi ketika ia pun menampakkan sinyal rasa suka terhadapku, akhirnya aku mendobrak segala halangan, entah itu cemohan para pesaingku, mahasiswa cowok lain yang klepak-klepek memburu cinta Iva atau juga nasehat Isti yang menyarangkan agar kami bersahabat saja selamanya. Hari  itu tanggal 22 Nopember 1994 aku utarakan perasaanku padanya “ Iva aku sayang kamu dan  ingin kamu mengisi hari-hariku selamanya”. Meski hanya dijawab dengan sebuah senyuman manis,  saya tahu ia  juga suka padaku . Jadilah hari-hariku penuh dengan romansa antara kami  berdua,  walau kami digelari beauty and the beast bahkan yang paling kejam ada yang ngomong “wah pake pelet apa tuh si Munir sampai bisa merebut hati Iva”.
Ternyata jalan dengan dia betul-betul butuh kesabaran, ia adalah anak tunggal yang dibalik segala keunggulannya ternyata dia adalah anak mami yang diproteksi dengan berlebihan oleh kedua orang tuanya, tambahan sifatnya possesif banget dan yang paling hebat berjubel orang yang ingin menjadi pengganti kedudukan saya. Mulanya tidak seorangpun yang dihiraukan oleh Iva sampai kedatangan seorang mahasiswa pindahan dari UGM Yogya. Idrus dialah yang menjadi malapetaka diantara hubungan kami berdua. Idrus adalah manusia yang komplit, kaya, otak encer serta punya wajah yang berwibawa dan satu kehebatannya yakni, berorasi membuat orang terkagum-kagum,  tidak heran kalau dia terpilih menjadi Ketua Senat Mahasiswa.
Sejak berkenalan dengan Idrus sikap Iva menjadi lain, perhatiannya mulai berkurang dan puncaknya ketika dia menjadi Wakil Ketua Senat, mereka berdua jadi sering bersama, aku malah terabaikan,  setiap kuajak untuk keluar berdua pasti ada-ada saja alasan untuk menolak, sibuk, capek, ada rapat dan segala macam alasan lainnya. Saya jadi curiga jangan-jangan hatinya telah mendua, selingkuh kalau istilah jaman sekarang.
Dugaan saya terbukti. Hari itu tanggal  22 Nopember 1995 genap satu tahun kebersamaan kami,  saya datang ke gedung  tempat Iva kuliah,  dia sedang duduk di sebuah kursi . “ Apa kabar va, gimana kalau kita dinner malam ini sekaligus ngerayain satu tahun kebersamaan kita”. “Maaf  Nir, malam ini saya harus ke pesta ulang tahun bareng ortu”. Jadilah malam itu saya lalui sendiri di rumah, namun entah apa yang mendorong hati saya untuk  pergi ke cafĂ© surya di pantai Pare-pare.  Di cafĂ© itu ramai orang berdua dengan pasangannya, ketika melihat ke sudut utara cafĂ© ,  bumi seakan berputar, penglihatanku kabur saat melihat Idrus sedang menggenggam tangan Iva sambil membisikkan sesuatu ditelinganya, mesra sekali. Aku tak sanggup melihat pemandangan ini lebih lama,  segera kupacu motorku pulang ke rumah .
Hari berikutnya aku tidak perduli lagi dengan dunia, tidak perduli dengan keadaan, maupun nilai-nilaiku yang jeblok,  hari-hariku kuhabiskan dengan tinggal dirumah. Satu bulan penuh aku tidak menginjakkan kaki di kampus, kubuka  Koran-koran  yang memuat cerpen-cerpen tulisan Iva semuanya tentang  kesetiaan atau keindahan  cinta,palsu,  ternyata semua itu hanya cerpen tidak ada dalam realita. Ataukah salahku karena telah berani bermimpi muluk untuk hidup berdampingan dengan seorang putri,  apakah mencintai dan berharap adalah dosa.
Sejak saat itu aku jadi benci dan phobia dengan yang namanya cerpen, roman atau novel yang kebanyakan berkisah tentang keindahan kisah cinta. Tidak  itu hanya kebohongan besar, kuputuskan untuk tidak membaca cerpen seumur hidupku karena setiap membaca cerpen wajah dan senyum Iva selalu muncul di benakku.
Itu 14 tahun yang lalu sampai ketika aku menekuni dunia blogger awal bulan Juli 2009 aku menemukan blog yang penuh dengan cerpen dengan beragam tema, perenungan, motivasi, joke dan cinta,  entah mengapa perasaan ketakutan dengan cerpen itu hilang lenyap entah kemana, mungkin karena waktu yang telah berlalu atau karena sekarang aku telah mempunyai teman hidup,  entahlah yang jelas setelah menemukan blok mbak Fanny semangat saya seakan-seakan membuncah untuk terus menekuni dunia blogger  saya rajin membongkar postingan lama Sang cerpenis untuk mencari inspirasi, dan semangat saya semakin bertambah ketika di postingan 500 nya ia memberi saya award. Ini adalah bentuk pengakuan eksistensi saya di dunia blogger, meski saya orang baru.  Terima kasih dari lubuk hari saya yang paling dalam  You are great women for me.  (untuk istriku tercinta maafkan postingan ini,   kau memiliki ruang  dihati takkan tergantikan selamanya)

Alarm yang Luar Biasa

Percaya atau enggak, tubuh punya cara sendiri buat ngasi tau kalo dia sakit dan butuh istirahat ekstra. For me, the alarms are:
  • Mata keliatan sembab, ada kantung mata (padahal tidur cukup & gak lagi nangis)
  • Di kuping muncul benjolan kecil
Kalo kalian mengalami apa? I believe we have differences :)

*Picture was taken from free clipart here.

Honey - Ginger Chicken Breasts

I adapted this recipe from one I found in a magazine called Best Chicken Recipes by Cooking Light. My son made the marinade with me - he was so proud of himself (look how cute he looks in the new chefs hat our neighbor Cheryl gave him). This dish was really easy to make and tasted wonderful. Both my kids asked for seconds and gobbled up every last bite, they especially loved the sauce. My husband

Hodo Soy Beanery Factory Tour

Hodo Soy Beanery factory
Last week I got a sneak peek at the Hodo Soy Beanery factory in Oakland. I learned how tofu, soy milk and yuba (tofu skin) is made and my ability to eat store bought tofu was ruined forever.

I am not a tofu hater. I like it. I don't find it bland, but mild, and I love the way it picks up the flavor of whatever else is in the pot or pan. I even like the Japanese style of serving cold cubes of tofu topped with a little grated ginger, soy sauce and scallions. Hodo Soy founder Minh Tsai likes tofu too. But he missed the fresh tofu he ate in Vietnam where he grew up. He experimented making it and his creations were a big success. Today he sells to high end restaurants like Greens, Slanted Door and Coi. Tsai explained at first restaurants used his products for staff meals but quickly it migrated on to menus. Soon his tofu will be at retail outlets and in December you can visit the factory and see it being made too.

It's not a very complicated process, though much of the process is done by hand. Organic non-genetically modified soybeans grown in the US are soaked 6-8 hours, then ground, water is added, they are cooked by steam injection and filtered. The soy milk can be drank fresh, used to make yuba, a most delicate and tender tofu skin (nothing like the kind that is rehydrated) and also used to make tofu. Calcium sulfate is used to coagulate the soy milk and turn it into tofu, and then it is pressed and cut into chunks.

Fresh tofu is a lot like fresh mozzarella. It tastes very different and much better when it is super fresh. The texture is better and so is the flavor. Yes, flavor. Fresh tofu and soy milk have unbelievable creamy, nutty, slightly bean-y flavor. It is delicious with sweet or savory preparations. You just have to try it to believe it. I can see using the sheets of yuba like crepes, as noodles, and stir fried. "Ho" means good in Chinese and "Do" means bean. Good bean. Really.


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Finally she came back...
Only was heard by you...
The voice was in the form of the article...
Only was seen by you...
The face was in the form of the picture...
All that...
Did not reduce your feeling...
To always yearn for her...

Happily the feeling in your heart...
Really was felt different...
Not like yesterday...

Such was if falling in love...
Blinded the eyes...
All was felt beautiful...
Although only "fatamorgana"...

That was certain...
Please to patient...
If the love could not you reach...
Must be fought for if that needed...
stopped if that made you suffered.

Kemampuan Berekspresi (Haiyah judul macam apa ini)

Baru hari ini aku blogwalking dengan serius *halah* dan terkagum2 pada mereka yang bisa menuangkan isi kepala mereka dengan cara yang menarik! Sebut saja RadityaDika, SherinaMunaf, Triniti si NakedTraveler...
Ternyata blogwalking bisa mengisi waktu, hemat biaya pula, gak sadar udah malem gini.

Sekarang, sambil menyeruput bandrek panas, kucoba sekuat tenaga membuat tulisan bermutu. Ternyata walo aku berpikir keras ampe mencret2 juga tetep aja ga menarik. Huhuhuu..
I'm wondering, when could I express myself freely without having a great wall that I built myself?
Ngomong-ngomong tentang ekspresi, hasil kreativitasku pernah gak dipercaya sebagai karyaku!
  1. 3 SD, pe-er bikin kerajinan tangan dari lilin malam. Reaksi bu guru: "Kamu dibikinin ibu kamu, ya??"
  2. 2 SMA, tugas seni rupa. Aku menggambar keranjang isi buah2an. Begitu tiba waktu penilaian dari pak guru, beliau bilang, "Coba gambar ini lagi, gambar sendiri, ya!"
Well, enough for me-me-me time... Narsis banget kamu, Yak.. kayak ada yang baca blogmu aja 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloweenie dress-up printable : accross the blog.

You have the girl dollie, and the boy counterpart. But have you had the dog? This is what I call a lovely coincidence, Amy of LivingLocurto made the dog Halloween dress up printable way before mine came out, and if you already have both of mine, Amy's doggie dress up would be a very nice addition to the family!! And please don't stop there, Amy has dozen of printables and ideas for Halloween, do browse a little more!

If you're thinking of ways to make the printables live longer to (at least) next Halloween (or is it until this year's Halloween?) Amanda of funny days with mommy and maddie has the keys to immortalized the paper printables. Magnets and a cookie tray. I know!! How can I think of this before?! Look for her instructions here.

*update* Now that Amanda has printed the boy version, her little Maddie sure loves cross-dressing them. Bwahahaaha, take it easy, people, she's just a kid and I think it looks cute!

And it seems that Amanda's idea is perfectly suited to Kim's Molly. Look how serious her face is! (notice the Halloween placemats? It's so cute!)

Visit Learning Vicariously and you may never run out of activity for a toodler, seriously, I think Emily is a certified pre-school art teacher, reading her blog is like an endless fun toddler's dream! (And of course, one of the activity includes the magnetic paper doll by me :))

JustPouch used the Halloween pattern for candy bags inside this Halloween treats!

*update* Here are some of the most creative ladies of the blogosphere's more neat ideas :
  • pocacosas' intending to use the dress up dolls for placemats at the kids table for Halloween! Make sure they don't bring their own scissors if you want the placemats still in one piece before dinner's served. :)
  • Have a feltboard around in your home? Glue sandpaper to the back of the printables and there you go, play with your feltbouard, as suggested by Cynthia.
*update* You can also find the printable links at these wonderful places, thank you, everyone! If you have linked and I'm a total moron who miss you out, please do remind me again. :)
kid stuff world
at home with kim vallee
craftgossip's indie craft
small for big

See, what else have you created this Halloween related to the dollie printables? I'll keep this post updated with things I found accross the blogosphere, just give me a head up!

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