Please don't cry...
Forgive me...
That could not keep the promise...
To bring our heart...
Towards the holy gate...
Not my intention to deny...
Because for me...
Promised not the appearance statement...
You must know...
I could not to realize the certainty...
Because I am not the Lord...
I also not request...
You must be waiting...
I only ask for...
So that you believed to me...
If you always...
The most beautiful woman for me...
My earthly paradise...
If this the best...
For us at this time...
Although bitter...
And believed...
If fate not belonging to us.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Menghargai Kelemahan Orang Lain
Dunia blogger memang dunia yang penuh dengan kebaikan dan nilai luhur. Dunia penuh ide, persahabatan yang hangat, serta tolong menolong. Namun yang paling berkesan di kepala blogger pemula ini adalah bahwa sahabatku semua menghargai kelemahan orang lain.
Selama 5 bulan ngeblog dengan segala keterbatasan saya, baik dalam menulis maupun dalam layout blog (maklum buta tentang HTML) saya belum pernah mendapat pengalaman yang tidak berkenan dihati, semua sahabat mensupport saya dengan tulus dan membimbing dengan sepenuh hati, semua tetap menghargai kelemahan saya, ini beda dengan dunia nyata dimana begitu mudah seorang mencela dan meremehkan seorang yang lain. Mudah-mudahan hal seperti ini akan terus saya alami.
Tulisan ini lahir berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan juga yang terjadi belakangan ini dimana setelah kotak komentar saya diberi scroll bentuknya malah jadi amburadul dengan dua scroll, dan parahnya kotak komentarnya malah tidak kelihatan sama sekali bila diakses melalui HP.
Sahabat yang datang peduli dan membantu saya untuk mengatasi hal ini. Adalah Kang Sugeng Admin dari Be A great Person yang sangat peduli dengan blog saya, beliau langsung memberi email agar saya bisa mengirim salinan template saya dan beliau sendiri yang bersusah payah untuk mengedit dan mengirim kembali hasilnya.
Sejak pertama mengenal kang Sugeng saya begitu respect kepada beliau figur blogger yang ramah dan selalu merendah, tidak pernah membanggakan diri, meski saya tahu 2 artikelnya telah memenangkan juara pada kontes menulis. Untuk Kang Sugeng makasih atas persahabatan ini, (matur nuwun karo persahabatan iki semoga arep langgeng).
Kemudian Kang Enes Admin dari SC Community, setiap blog saya bermasalah maka beliau dengan senang hati akan menganalisa HTML dan CSS blog saya dan memberi solusi dari masalah itu meski saya tahu , kesibukan beliau juga sangat banyak. Pernah template saya diacak oleh orang di warnet, kang enes dengan telaten menganalisa setiap template yang saya coba pada blog ini, bayangkan saat itu saya ganti template sampai 8 kali dalam sehari. Untuk kang Enes (imakasih sadaya kebai maneh nu teu bisa kuring balas biar Tuhan nu membalas)
Dan tentu saja Kakanda tercinta Setiawan Dirgantara, figure yang selalu saya banggakan baik di dunia maya maupun didunia nyata, beliau selalu memberi pandangan dan juga bimbingan dalam ngeblog , tentang artikel yang saya posting atau susunan blog saya.
Dan juga semua sahabat yang selalu datang berkunjung memberikan saran untuk perkembangan blog ini
Demikianlah begitu senangnya saya dalam ngeblog dengan semua sahabat yang begitu tulus mensupport dan memberi bimbingan dan menghargai segala kelemahan saya.
Tribute to
Banana Coffee Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting
I've seen a few banana cakes on the web recently and it made me want to bake one. My son and I were bored one rainy afternoon so we decided to bake a banana cake with coconut pecan frosting. It's a Cooking Light recipe I found on myrecipes and it was simple to make and it turned out so moist and delicious. My kids loved this cake for their after school snack...they told me it was awesome at least
Breads and Muffins,
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I am not Superman
I am not Superman...
That could fly...
Brought you danced on the star...
I am not Superman...
It was immune that bullets...
Could protect you every time ...
I also not Clark Kent...
That loved Louis Lane...
From over the thick glasses...
I am only human...
That will bring thou flew...
With my love wings...
And protected you...
The most beautiful woman...
With the strength of my heart...
We only could love each other ...
Without had...
Like Superman with Louis Lane...
Only that...
My similarity with him....
Such was fate...
Could not be changed...
Equally the feeling...
One heart...
Did not guarantee togetherness.
That could fly...
Brought you danced on the star...
I am not Superman...
It was immune that bullets...
Could protect you every time ...
I also not Clark Kent...
That loved Louis Lane...
From over the thick glasses...
I am only human...
That will bring thou flew...
With my love wings...
And protected you...
The most beautiful woman...
With the strength of my heart...
We only could love each other ...
Without had...
Like Superman with Louis Lane...
Only that...
My similarity with him....
Such was fate...
Could not be changed...
Equally the feeling...
One heart...
Did not guarantee togetherness.
Steak and Black Bean Nachos
Two of my son's very favorite foods are steak and nachos. We had leftover steak the other day so I decided to surprise him with steak nachos for lunch. He was so excited! He asked me to put lots of tomatoes on them. I used extra sharp cheese because he loves strong cheeses, and I added green onions and black beans for extra flavor and fiber. He gobbled up this entire plate of nachos and let me
Mexican Dishes
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Green Beans with Mushrooms and Shallots
I was in the mood for steak and potatoes recently and decided to make some tasty green beans with mushrooms and shallots as the side dish. It was an extremely easy recipe to make, had very little clean up and tasted fantastic. They went really well with flank steak and mashed potatoes and gravy and were a huge hit with my entire family. I will be making these green beans over and over again.
Side Dishes,
Bad Shoes Day
Hahahahahahha I just wanna laugh...
I found this beautiful red wedges that my mom bought +-4 years ago. Still new, has never been used, kept neatly in the wardrobe. We've just forgotten that we had this wedge.
So I wore this wedge to the office this morning. And what happened next (in the afternoon) was a totally disaster.
So, lessons I've got today:
I found this beautiful red wedges that my mom bought +-4 years ago. Still new, has never been used, kept neatly in the wardrobe. We've just forgotten that we had this wedge.
So I wore this wedge to the office this morning. And what happened next (in the afternoon) was a totally disaster.
Both the sole's are broken, the inside's fabric is torn
Hahaha should I feel ashamed? I just wanna laugh :DSo, lessons I've got today:
- Buy a high quality pairs if you need an everlasting shoes
- Just wear your shoes right away (don't keep it too long) or it will be torn by age (or, obsolete --> this is a word I remember from inventory management course, hahahahaha)
Personal Life,
The desire
The desire was the wish...
That was had by each kind of humankind...
That influenced feeling...
And lifestyle...
Without desire...
The life was not coloured...
Monotonous and boring...
Sugar was felt bitter...
Salt was felt insipid...
Because of the desire...
We will do anything...
To receive satisfaction...
Because of the desire...
Justice became fake...
Had not felt was enough...
With what available...
Because of that...
The desire must be controlled...
If not...
Will lead astray...
And left regret.
#btw tq mas Edwin's 4 this award, i really appreciated that , hope our friendship be always established :)
That was had by each kind of humankind...
That influenced feeling...
And lifestyle...
Without desire...
The life was not coloured...
Monotonous and boring...
Sugar was felt bitter...
Salt was felt insipid...
Because of the desire...
We will do anything...
To receive satisfaction...
Because of the desire...
Justice became fake...
Had not felt was enough...
With what available...
Because of that...
The desire must be controlled...
If not...
Will lead astray...
And left regret.
#btw tq mas Edwin's 4 this award, i really appreciated that , hope our friendship be always established :)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Yogurt and Granola Parfait with Fresh Fruit and Almonds
My kids wanted a sweet treat after school today so I made a simple yogurt and granola parfait with fresh blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and sliced almonds. They took just minutes to make and made my kids very happy. I used low fat vanilla yogurt and low fat, high fiber granola to make this snack healthy and delicious. This is great for breakfast, an afternoon snack or dessert.Yogurt and
Kesibukan Mengalihkan Duniaku
Sejak mengenal Blogger 5 bulan lalu , aku merasa bahwa ini adalah dunia yang selama ini saya cari, tempat dimana saya bisa mengekspresikan pikiran, ide dan perasaan, serta tempat dimana aku bisa mengenal orang-orang hebat. Saya langsung menyukainya dan jadilah tiada hari tanpa blogging, meski harus menghabiskan waktu, pikiran , tenaga dan materi yang banyak . Setiap hari aku mangkal di warnet Fais , Admin belajar ngeblog 4-5 jam (apa kabar bro ? lama tak jumpa yah), maklum waktu itu aku belum punya koneksi internet .
Semua pengorbananku rasanya setimpal, asal anda tahu sahabat di dunia nyata aku adalah orang yang kurang percaya diri dan susah berkomunikasi dan aku hanya punya kegiatan olahraga tennis lapangan, namun sejak menekuni dunia blogger, banyak nasehat dan pencerahan yang begitu bermanfaat, itu membangun kepercayaan diri saya dalam menghadapi dunia nyata. Sekarang aku punya banyak teman dan selalu percaya diri bergaul dengan bekal yang diperoleh dari blog teman-teman.
Akhir-akhir ini meski saya telah punya koneksi sendiri dirumah , tetapi kesibukan begitu menumpuk karena saya diberi kepercayaan oleh pimpinan untuk menjadi WAKASEK di sekolah dan begitu banyak administrasi yang harus dibenahi dalam menghadapi UAN/UAS yang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret ini . Mungkin kanda Awang juga mengalami hal yang sama namun karena beliau telah banyak makan asam garam maka kesibukan disekolah tidaklah sampai mengalihkannya dari dunia blogger I, terbukti dalam 3 hari ini dia telah update 3 postingan beda dengan saya yang belum update.
Kesibukan betul-betul menumpuk itu membuat saya kehilangan ide untuk membuat postingan baru, kemudian tak ada waktu untuk blogwalking, hanya beberapa teman yang sempat saya kunjungi setiap harinya , jadilah postingan para sahabat terlewatkan. Dan puncaknya 2 hari belakangan ini saya hanya bisa buka FB, makanya tidak heran sewaktu saya ada waktu sedikit waktu bw ke blog Kanda awang, mas ahmad edi gunawan admin dari nuansa pena berkomentar “wah bang munir udah keluar dari semedinya ya”.
Kemarin ketika sedang mengajar cara mengirim file melalui email di sekolah entah sengaja atau kebetulan 2 siswa mengirim gambar yang mengingatkan saya kepada dua sahabat yang juga jarang saya kunjungi minggu ini. Inilah gambar yang mereka kirim ke email saya
Gambar ini cocok untuk mbak Fanny (Sang Cerpenis Bercerita) sang sangat menyukai strawberry
Dan ini mungkin cocok untuk MC Admin dari bintang Utara dan Via Three yang suka banget dengan Spongebob
Mungkin secara tidak langsung ini mengingatkan saya, bahwa sekarang kamu harus menjadwal ulang kegiatan setiap harinya dan harus menyediakan waktu untuk ngeblog paling tidak 2-3 jam dalam sehari , meski seberapapun kesibukan yang saya hadapi, Karea saya sadar bahwa ada petuah bijak mengatakan
Untuk semua sahabat (GUBUK BLEKENYEK, RUMAH GOEN, CINTA HAKIKI, THINK TO BE A THING, PHONANK, SASTRA RADIO, SC COMMUNITY, dan sahabat lainnya ) sekali lagi maaf karena 1 minggu ini saya jarang berkunjung ke blog anda
Asal Posting
Monday, January 25, 2010
Italian Goulash
My mom used to make goulash for us when we were kids and it was one of my favorite meals. I haven't had it for years and I have been craving it lately. My mom would make her goulash with tomato sauce, ground beef, canned mushrooms, onion, bell pepper and elbow macaroni. I decided to make an Italian goulash using leftover homemade marinara, fresh mushrooms, onions, bell pepper, fresh basil, garlic
Italian Dishes
Fancy Food Show Winter 2010 Cool Stuff
There were a number of things I saw at the Winter Fancy Food Show that really intrigued me this year. But tasting something is not the same as cooking with, or trying something in my own home kitchen, so I decided I would put some of the most provocative products into a separate post from my favorites. Hopefully this makes sense. Next up will be the trends from the show and beyond...
If you love cheese, how can you not fall head over heels for this wedding cake? It's made entirely of Cypress Grove chevre and lovely fresh flowers. For someone who prefers cheese over sweets, it would be a fantastic way to celebrate in style. In fact, master cheesemaker and Cypress Grove founder Mary Keehn served one at her own wedding.
I've been hearing about black garlic for quite some time, but I'm not sure I'd ever tried it before the show. It was offered up in various forms from whole heads, to cloves to liquid. It is fermented and all the natural sugars come out creating a very sweet molasses like flavor and a texture somewhat chewier than a raisin. It has no bite and is actually used in various desserts, believe it or not. I think it would be great with caramelized onions, on pizza, or even in bread. I snagged a sample and look forward to experimenting with it. Hopefully it will be more widely available soon.
Let me tell you, the show floor was simply buzzing about smoked olive oil. Everyone I met asked if I had tried it. Yes, I did. And I liked it, but will need to see how it works on various dishes. It seems like it would have good potential on soups and drizzled over vegetables or to boost flavor on grilled foods. It's supposedly a top seller in Tyler Florence's kitchen shop in Mill Valley.
When I was in Japan I discovered yuzukosho, a paste made from the yuzu citrus and kosho, a Japanese green chili pepper. It's got loads of tangy citrus flavor not just pure heat. I was so crazy about it I bought tubes to bring home, afraid that I might not find it here (fortunately it is available in my local Japanese grocery store). This new product is yuzusco, like Tabasco, and it is yuzu and kosho but in a thin vinegar sauce. It has all the complexity and mild heat of yuzukosho but is much easier to use. I would use it in place of Tabasco, which I find to be fairly simple and one note. I hope the company producing it is able to get distribution soon.
I only tried a packaged mole sauce once, and it was dreadful (actually Trader Joe's discontinued it not long after I bought it)l. I tried both the black and red mole sauces from award-winning San Angel as well as the red cascabel sauce and was very impressed. The red was a bit spicier, the black a bit sweet but each tasted homemade and contains high quality natural ingredients. They were layered with flavors and I could see keeping them on hand to use with leftover chicken and turkey. I'd use the cascabel to make enchiladas.
My friend Vanessa of Italy in SF introduced me to these fantastic Etruria Gourmet vinegars from Italy and their producer, Giuseppe Cagnoni. I had never had honey vinegar before and fell for it, hard. I plan to pick up a bottle and see how many ways I can use it. I bet it would be great on fruit salad as well as bitter green salads. Vanessa suggested using the mild honey vinegar with sparkling water for an aperitif, which sounds great. The raspberry vinegar was also amazingly fragrant and floral. Giuseppe explained how the ancient honey vinegar was probably first invented by accident. All his vinegars are living, contain "mother" and are not filtered.
Another vinegar I liked was this Sparrow Lane pear vinegar. Again, I tried it plain, so I don't have a good idea how it will perform in recipes, but I did like it very much.
One of the oddest things I tried, also all the buzz at the show, were savory filled macaroons from Fabrique Delices. Supposedly these are popular in France. I liked the goat cheese one, but the other flavors such as porcini and sun-dried tomato were problematic for me, as the cookies were too sweet. Since they are made from egg whites and sugar, I'm not sure how the baker will get the balance of sweet and savory right, but I think it's an interesting idea and look forward to trying them again, perhaps with a glass of wine?
The Fancy Food Show has very few gadgets and gizmos, but there was an interesting invention, Bread Armor a special plastic zip top bag designed specifically to keep artisanal bread fresh. It wasn't an ordinary plastic bag, but one made of 7 layers and supposedly it keeps baguettes fresh for up to 20 days. Obviously I need to put this to the test! But as someone who routinely makes bread crumbs or tosses out petrified baguette remnants, I am very excited at the prospect of this product. It can also be reused many times.
If you love cheese, how can you not fall head over heels for this wedding cake? It's made entirely of Cypress Grove chevre and lovely fresh flowers. For someone who prefers cheese over sweets, it would be a fantastic way to celebrate in style. In fact, master cheesemaker and Cypress Grove founder Mary Keehn served one at her own wedding.
I've been hearing about black garlic for quite some time, but I'm not sure I'd ever tried it before the show. It was offered up in various forms from whole heads, to cloves to liquid. It is fermented and all the natural sugars come out creating a very sweet molasses like flavor and a texture somewhat chewier than a raisin. It has no bite and is actually used in various desserts, believe it or not. I think it would be great with caramelized onions, on pizza, or even in bread. I snagged a sample and look forward to experimenting with it. Hopefully it will be more widely available soon.
Let me tell you, the show floor was simply buzzing about smoked olive oil. Everyone I met asked if I had tried it. Yes, I did. And I liked it, but will need to see how it works on various dishes. It seems like it would have good potential on soups and drizzled over vegetables or to boost flavor on grilled foods. It's supposedly a top seller in Tyler Florence's kitchen shop in Mill Valley.
When I was in Japan I discovered yuzukosho, a paste made from the yuzu citrus and kosho, a Japanese green chili pepper. It's got loads of tangy citrus flavor not just pure heat. I was so crazy about it I bought tubes to bring home, afraid that I might not find it here (fortunately it is available in my local Japanese grocery store). This new product is yuzusco, like Tabasco, and it is yuzu and kosho but in a thin vinegar sauce. It has all the complexity and mild heat of yuzukosho but is much easier to use. I would use it in place of Tabasco, which I find to be fairly simple and one note. I hope the company producing it is able to get distribution soon.
I only tried a packaged mole sauce once, and it was dreadful (actually Trader Joe's discontinued it not long after I bought it)l. I tried both the black and red mole sauces from award-winning San Angel as well as the red cascabel sauce and was very impressed. The red was a bit spicier, the black a bit sweet but each tasted homemade and contains high quality natural ingredients. They were layered with flavors and I could see keeping them on hand to use with leftover chicken and turkey. I'd use the cascabel to make enchiladas.
My friend Vanessa of Italy in SF introduced me to these fantastic Etruria Gourmet vinegars from Italy and their producer, Giuseppe Cagnoni. I had never had honey vinegar before and fell for it, hard. I plan to pick up a bottle and see how many ways I can use it. I bet it would be great on fruit salad as well as bitter green salads. Vanessa suggested using the mild honey vinegar with sparkling water for an aperitif, which sounds great. The raspberry vinegar was also amazingly fragrant and floral. Giuseppe explained how the ancient honey vinegar was probably first invented by accident. All his vinegars are living, contain "mother" and are not filtered.
Another vinegar I liked was this Sparrow Lane pear vinegar. Again, I tried it plain, so I don't have a good idea how it will perform in recipes, but I did like it very much.
One of the oddest things I tried, also all the buzz at the show, were savory filled macaroons from Fabrique Delices. Supposedly these are popular in France. I liked the goat cheese one, but the other flavors such as porcini and sun-dried tomato were problematic for me, as the cookies were too sweet. Since they are made from egg whites and sugar, I'm not sure how the baker will get the balance of sweet and savory right, but I think it's an interesting idea and look forward to trying them again, perhaps with a glass of wine?
The Fancy Food Show has very few gadgets and gizmos, but there was an interesting invention, Bread Armor a special plastic zip top bag designed specifically to keep artisanal bread fresh. It wasn't an ordinary plastic bag, but one made of 7 layers and supposedly it keeps baguettes fresh for up to 20 days. Obviously I need to put this to the test! But as someone who routinely makes bread crumbs or tosses out petrified baguette remnants, I am very excited at the prospect of this product. It can also be reused many times.
If i became the president...
If I became the president...
I will start the morning...
By drinking coffee...
And read the Newspaper...
Seen by me the advertisement part...
Who knew had the vacancy...
For my people that the unemployment...
Seen by me hot news...
Hmmm, had many disasters...
Corruption ,manipulation...
The crime and poverty...
Raged all over the corner of the country...
Ah, I had many subordinates...
I call my minister...
To immediately give the report...
While having lunch with my secretary...
I was online...
And chatting with the others president...
Discussed the matter of the debt...
That had not ended...
I also opened Facebook...
To update status...
And was opened my blog...
Who knew had the new comment...
Such was my work every day...
Be enough with the Newspaper...
And telephone...
I could control all...
Fortunately this of only assumptions...
If not...
My country...
Will add chaotic.
I will start the morning...
By drinking coffee...
And read the Newspaper...
Seen by me the advertisement part...
Who knew had the vacancy...
For my people that the unemployment...
Seen by me hot news...
Hmmm, had many disasters...
Corruption ,manipulation...
The crime and poverty...
Raged all over the corner of the country...
Ah, I had many subordinates...
I call my minister...
To immediately give the report...
While having lunch with my secretary...
I was online...
And chatting with the others president...
Discussed the matter of the debt...
That had not ended...
I also opened Facebook...
To update status...
And was opened my blog...
Who knew had the new comment...
Such was my work every day...
Be enough with the Newspaper...
And telephone...
I could control all...
Fortunately this of only assumptions...
If not...
My country...
Will add chaotic.
The wishes
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pants for Parents
I was thinking of how cute the idea of this (which I found via swissmiss), when I suddenly think of this possibility.
With Baby G's fondness of things, I change my mind about the pants. *shudder*
Mix & Match for 5 Days
Hehehe... it's not me, it's Noura... :p
I was too lazy to print & cut the paper doll so I had fun editing it by CorelDraw ^^
hehehe this is a very short post, I guess.. :D
I was too lazy to print & cut the paper doll so I had fun editing it by CorelDraw ^^
hehehe this is a very short post, I guess.. :D
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cinnamon Rolls
My daughter came home from school last week with a book that she checked out from the library and to my surprise it was a cookbook (needless to say, I was thrilled!). After carefully looking through the book, she said she wanted to make the cinnamon rolls with me. After looking at the recipe for the cinnamon rolls, I decided to adapt it quite a bit to work with the ingredients we had on hand
Breads and Muffins,
Fancy Food Show Winter 2010 My Favorite Things
Here's the thing about the Fancy Food Show, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet the prince. There are thousands of products to sample and not nearly enough time to try them all, so I let my intuition guide me and keep my eyes peeled for what could be something delicious (plus I ask everyone I can about their best discoveries).
Today I'm excited to show you the things I loved the most. Next I will show you some cool new discoveries that I think have a lot of potential...
So without further ado I give you my top 10 picks!
Please don't be offended but I affectionately call this salted butter caramel sauce, sex in a jar. It is hands down the most delicious caramel I have ever tasted. It comes from Isigny in Normandy featuring one of the only AOC's for butter. This jar of caramel contains salted butter, sugar and creme fraiche. That's all. It has depth, balance, texture, and the flavor lingers lusciously on your tongue. I discovered it in the French section of the show floor and so far it is unavailable in the US, but I did my best to convince someone at Zingerman's to import it. Fingers crossed!
Mother-in-law's Kimchi was the only kimchi I saw or tasted at the show. I liked both varieties, but was most impressed with the fresh and crunchy cubed daikon kimchi, it had a wonderful bright quality. I think I could have eaten a whole jar. It wasn't too spicy, and was bursting with freshness.
I'm already a big fan of Rogue Creamery blue cheeses but there were two new ones I fell for at the show, Cave Man, which is aged in a limestone cave and has some earthy notes, and Brutal a limited edition cheese which is intensely flavored and super creamy aged for 3-4 years. Good stuff! Keep your eyes open for it.
Do you ever use creme fraiche? Then you must seek out Kendall Farm's creme fraiche. It is the most delicate and scrumptious creme fraiche on the market. It also works great in recipes, you can whip it and you can add a dollop to pan drippings and it won't just melt into nothingness, it will thicken your sauce. It's tangy and silky and very decadent.
I found Zix ravioli cookies in a section of products searching for a home "on the shelf." They are flaky and rich, filled with a raspberry almond filling. I liked both the regular and gluten-free versions. These are pretty cookies that taste as good as they look. Locavores take note! They are from Sonoma county.
Sometimes you give something a chance that you're not quite sure about. So it was with J. Burger Seasoning from August Kitchen. It is kind of like a mirepoix, that mixture of onions, celery and carrot but in this case it has onions, Worcestershire sauce, tomatoes, bread crumbs and spices, cooked down to a flavorful melange that can season and add texture to meatballs, burgers, sauces, soups, stews, you-name-it. Available at Foodzie. Makes me wonder if I should make something like this to keep on hand in my own kitchen?
I liked all the Ramar ice cream flavors I tried, but the More Than Coconut was my favorite. It was green and included the flavoring of pandan leaves which lent herbal vanilla notes. Very memorable. I look forward to finding this ice cream from the Philippines in Asian grocery stores in the Spring of this year.
I recently went out to a much lauded Italian restaurant in San Francisco. The pizza was ok, and the pasta wasn't anything special. I knew exactly what was wrong. The dough of the stuffed pasta lacked that silky smoothness with just a bit of give. Bertagni pasta from Bologna is way better. It's available fresh in the refrigerator section of markets and delis. The thickness of the pasta varies depending upon the filling, for fillings that take longer to cook the pasta is thicker. I tried the tortellini and am looking forward to trying some of the ravioli next.
I have mixed feelings about goat milk products. Some cheeses and yogurts made with goat milk are good, others are stinky, with too much barnyard for me. The goat milk caramels from Happy Goat made in old fashioned copper pots are pure genius, mild, soft but not too soft, smooth and tremendously satisfying. Very impressive! A local product too.
The final product is something I was sent a sample of not too long ago. It's the pancake and waffle mix from Kodiak Cakes. I generally make pancakes and waffles from scratch, because no mix ever lives up to my expectations. Kodiak not only makes light and crisp waffles, and fluffy, tender pancakes, it is lowfat and filled with whole grains! The ingredients are 100% whole grain wheat flour, 100% whole grain oat flour, non-fat dry milk, dry honey (honey, wheat starch), leavening (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate), egg whites and salt. Amazing! Available at my local supermarket and a new staple in my pantry.
Other Fancy Food Show round ups:
Italy in SF note: Vanessa and I went to the show together, so seeing her post will give you a sneak peek at some of the products I will be writing about next...
Oyster Food & Culture
Lettuce Eat Kale
Yum Sugar
Food Channel
Lick My Spoon
Local Food
Eat Something Sexy
The Baking Bird
Go Dutch Baby
Cake Grrls Cakery
Bay Area Bites
What's Cooking?
A date with flavor
Eat. Drink. Better.
Food Bat
The Second Lunch
3 posts on the show from Is it EDible(!)
The Well-Tempered Chocolatier
Today I'm excited to show you the things I loved the most. Next I will show you some cool new discoveries that I think have a lot of potential...
So without further ado I give you my top 10 picks!
Please don't be offended but I affectionately call this salted butter caramel sauce, sex in a jar. It is hands down the most delicious caramel I have ever tasted. It comes from Isigny in Normandy featuring one of the only AOC's for butter. This jar of caramel contains salted butter, sugar and creme fraiche. That's all. It has depth, balance, texture, and the flavor lingers lusciously on your tongue. I discovered it in the French section of the show floor and so far it is unavailable in the US, but I did my best to convince someone at Zingerman's to import it. Fingers crossed!
Mother-in-law's Kimchi was the only kimchi I saw or tasted at the show. I liked both varieties, but was most impressed with the fresh and crunchy cubed daikon kimchi, it had a wonderful bright quality. I think I could have eaten a whole jar. It wasn't too spicy, and was bursting with freshness.
I'm already a big fan of Rogue Creamery blue cheeses but there were two new ones I fell for at the show, Cave Man, which is aged in a limestone cave and has some earthy notes, and Brutal a limited edition cheese which is intensely flavored and super creamy aged for 3-4 years. Good stuff! Keep your eyes open for it.
Do you ever use creme fraiche? Then you must seek out Kendall Farm's creme fraiche. It is the most delicate and scrumptious creme fraiche on the market. It also works great in recipes, you can whip it and you can add a dollop to pan drippings and it won't just melt into nothingness, it will thicken your sauce. It's tangy and silky and very decadent.
I found Zix ravioli cookies in a section of products searching for a home "on the shelf." They are flaky and rich, filled with a raspberry almond filling. I liked both the regular and gluten-free versions. These are pretty cookies that taste as good as they look. Locavores take note! They are from Sonoma county.
Sometimes you give something a chance that you're not quite sure about. So it was with J. Burger Seasoning from August Kitchen. It is kind of like a mirepoix, that mixture of onions, celery and carrot but in this case it has onions, Worcestershire sauce, tomatoes, bread crumbs and spices, cooked down to a flavorful melange that can season and add texture to meatballs, burgers, sauces, soups, stews, you-name-it. Available at Foodzie. Makes me wonder if I should make something like this to keep on hand in my own kitchen?
I liked all the Ramar ice cream flavors I tried, but the More Than Coconut was my favorite. It was green and included the flavoring of pandan leaves which lent herbal vanilla notes. Very memorable. I look forward to finding this ice cream from the Philippines in Asian grocery stores in the Spring of this year.
I recently went out to a much lauded Italian restaurant in San Francisco. The pizza was ok, and the pasta wasn't anything special. I knew exactly what was wrong. The dough of the stuffed pasta lacked that silky smoothness with just a bit of give. Bertagni pasta from Bologna is way better. It's available fresh in the refrigerator section of markets and delis. The thickness of the pasta varies depending upon the filling, for fillings that take longer to cook the pasta is thicker. I tried the tortellini and am looking forward to trying some of the ravioli next.
I have mixed feelings about goat milk products. Some cheeses and yogurts made with goat milk are good, others are stinky, with too much barnyard for me. The goat milk caramels from Happy Goat made in old fashioned copper pots are pure genius, mild, soft but not too soft, smooth and tremendously satisfying. Very impressive! A local product too.
The final product is something I was sent a sample of not too long ago. It's the pancake and waffle mix from Kodiak Cakes. I generally make pancakes and waffles from scratch, because no mix ever lives up to my expectations. Kodiak not only makes light and crisp waffles, and fluffy, tender pancakes, it is lowfat and filled with whole grains! The ingredients are 100% whole grain wheat flour, 100% whole grain oat flour, non-fat dry milk, dry honey (honey, wheat starch), leavening (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate), egg whites and salt. Amazing! Available at my local supermarket and a new staple in my pantry.
Other Fancy Food Show round ups:
Italy in SF note: Vanessa and I went to the show together, so seeing her post will give you a sneak peek at some of the products I will be writing about next...
Oyster Food & Culture
Lettuce Eat Kale
Yum Sugar
Food Channel
Lick My Spoon
Local Food
Eat Something Sexy
The Baking Bird
Go Dutch Baby
Cake Grrls Cakery
Bay Area Bites
What's Cooking?
A date with flavor
Eat. Drink. Better.
Food Bat
The Second Lunch
3 posts on the show from Is it EDible(!)
The Well-Tempered Chocolatier
I Want Fall and Winter So Bad
Blazer : Glitz . Top : unbranded . Skirt : Princess . Scarf : ColorBox . Shoes : Charles & Keith . Socks : SoxGallery
Yes, you can see from the outfit. I want fall and winter so so bad. It sucks we don't have any of those here. I want to wear coat, fur vest, big shawl, etc. I don't care if they make me look bigger, they're just so stylish. Haha.
Well, I've been thinking. I only update my blog once a week, that means the outfits have to be better because I have a week to think of what to wear. I don't want to disappoint you all. So I hope you like this outfit :)
Anyway, I won a giveaway! Jeggings from Jessica. I'm so happy, now I have jeggings. Haha. Thank you so much dear, love them so so much! Don't forget to check out her blog!
And awards from djhanq and Colin, thanks dears! They're lovely, come see their blogs!
List 10 things that made you happy, then tag 10 bloggers!
fashion, sweet bloggers, cute outfits, tights, colorful things, twilight stuffs, my best friend, holiday, blogging and magazines :)
So I guess, goodbye it is. See you next week! Love you! <3
p.s. I won another giveaway. This time is a lovely apron from Erika! Thank you so much dear! I'll post the pic as soon as I get it :)
what i wore
Kena Taq Lagi Nih
Beberapa Bulan yang lalu ketika pertama ngeblog saya pernah mendapat PR dari Cosmorary yang kayaknya sekarang lagi bersemedi lagi dan untuk menjawabnya terpaksa minta pertolongan Kanda Setiawan. Tapi ternyata sekarang dia sendiri yang mentaq saya terpaksa deh pusaka lama dibongkar lagi semua, tetapi aturannya sekarang beda, kalau dulu aturannya adalah mencari judul buku yang pernah kita baca untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlampir.
Sekarang Aturannya adalah buatlah daftar 15 buku yang akan selalu kau ingat (berarti buku-buku yang paling kita sukai!). Tak perlu susah-susah berpikir. Cukup tuliskan 15 buku yang pertama dapat anda ingat dalam 15 menit. Untunglah saya sudah pernah di Taq sebelumnya jadi nggak perlu nangis bombay meski saya tahu jawaban saya buku-bukunya biasa saja.
Dan Jawabannya Adalah :
4. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (oleh :Reverrend Charles Ludwig). Kisahnya selalu bikin terkesima dari dulu sampai sekarang
5. Unicorn (oleh : Philip Dann). Cerita Fiksi tentang kuda terbang bertanduk.
6. Lupus makhluk manis dalam bis . Cerita yang penuh joke dan keceriaan dunia remaja
7. Federation (Oleh : Judith Reeve), mengisahkan tentang sisi kehidupan di Atas kapal Starwars
8. Rendesvous in the Snow(Michio Kaku). Kisah Romantis Bersetting gunung Fuji.
9. Belenggu( Oleh : Armijn Pane). Roman yang paling pertama saya baca
10. Tips berpikir Ala Einstein ( Oleh : Todd Siller). Berisi tips-tips penting agar otak encer
11. Permainan Berpikir ! (Oleh: Michael Micalko). Beberapa jenis permainan yang mengasah pikiran
12. With the Honorable ( oleh :Karen Houle).Menceritakan Prinsip hidup dan keteguhan hati
Makasih untuk Kanda Setiawan yang udah Mentaq saya dan Sekarang Saya teruskan dengan mentaq
Nuansa Pena
7 Taman Langit
Lingkar Cincin dan
Blogger Bumi Lasinrang
Semoga dengan Taq book ini kita akan semakin rajin membaca dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru
Sekarang Aturannya adalah buatlah daftar 15 buku yang akan selalu kau ingat (berarti buku-buku yang paling kita sukai!). Tak perlu susah-susah berpikir. Cukup tuliskan 15 buku yang pertama dapat anda ingat dalam 15 menit. Untunglah saya sudah pernah di Taq sebelumnya jadi nggak perlu nangis bombay meski saya tahu jawaban saya buku-bukunya biasa saja.
Dan Jawabannya Adalah :
1.The Forgotten Conditions of Learning and Teaching(oleh : Barzun Jacques.). Cara-cara mengajar ditengah situasi sulit
2. The Baby ( oleh :Lorna Meyer). Sisi kehidupan bayi
3. Keraton Sastra ( oleh :Diman Nugroho). Buku yang pernuh karya sastra Anak negeri
3. Keraton Sastra ( oleh :Diman Nugroho). Buku yang pernuh karya sastra Anak negeri
4. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (oleh :Reverrend Charles Ludwig). Kisahnya selalu bikin terkesima dari dulu sampai sekarang
5. Unicorn (oleh : Philip Dann). Cerita Fiksi tentang kuda terbang bertanduk.
6. Lupus makhluk manis dalam bis . Cerita yang penuh joke dan keceriaan dunia remaja
7. Federation (Oleh : Judith Reeve), mengisahkan tentang sisi kehidupan di Atas kapal Starwars
8. Rendesvous in the Snow(Michio Kaku). Kisah Romantis Bersetting gunung Fuji.
9. Belenggu( Oleh : Armijn Pane). Roman yang paling pertama saya baca
10. Tips berpikir Ala Einstein ( Oleh : Todd Siller). Berisi tips-tips penting agar otak encer
11. Permainan Berpikir ! (Oleh: Michael Micalko). Beberapa jenis permainan yang mengasah pikiran
12. With the Honorable ( oleh :Karen Houle).Menceritakan Prinsip hidup dan keteguhan hati
13. New People, New Condition ( Oleh : Charla Porland). Kisah hidup manusia jaman awal revolusi Industri di Inggris
14. Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck (oleh Hamka). Kisah Roman percintaan romantis yang tak sampai
15. Be a free (Freddy Call Myer). Ajakan untuk berpikir bebas
Nuansa Pena
7 Taman Langit
Lingkar Cincin dan
Blogger Bumi Lasinrang
Semoga dengan Taq book ini kita akan semakin rajin membaca dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Chicken and Black Bean Stuffed Poblano Peppers
I love stuffing poblano peppers with different ingredients. I had leftover Southwestern Roasted Chicken to use up so I decided to mix the chicken with black beans, cilantro, onion, bell peppers, jalapeno, sharp cheddar cheese and some seasonings then stuff the mixture into the poblano peppers. I topped each baked stuffed pepper with guacamole and served them with a side of salsa. Words can't
Mexican Dishes
The Football Player...
I want to be like the football player...
I must be ready and could...
Placed in any position...
When being needed...
I must be able to also co-operate...
Mutual introspection and appreciated...
With the colleague of one team...
In achieving the aim...
Such was necessarily...
In responding to the life at this time...
The very high competition...
Narrow employment opportunities...
Made us...
Must be able to adjust...
And clever make use of...
Each opportunity...
Must be realised...
The capacity anyone not be the same...
But we must always try...
To become better...
Studied and continued to study...
In order to continue to be able to be playing...
And only did not become the spectator.
I must be ready and could...
Placed in any position...
When being needed...
I must be able to also co-operate...
Mutual introspection and appreciated...
With the colleague of one team...
In achieving the aim...
Such was necessarily...
In responding to the life at this time...
The very high competition...
Narrow employment opportunities...
Made us...
Must be able to adjust...
And clever make use of...
Each opportunity...
Must be realised...
The capacity anyone not be the same...
But we must always try...
To become better...
Studied and continued to study...
In order to continue to be able to be playing...
And only did not become the spectator.
The wishes
Macaroni & Cheese with Spanish Peppers: Recipe
I love quick and easy recipes. So I must confess, when I make macaroni and cheese I generally cook it on the stove top and subsequently eat it as fast as I can get it onto my plate. But if I had my choice, I like a bubbly casserole of macaroni and cheese, moist, oozing with cheese, spiked with a little hot mustard and paprika. The perfect macaroni and cheese for me would also have some chewy cheese around the edges and a crisp topping for contrast. I wondered, does everyone prefer this style? So I asked on Twitter and fifty nine people told me they prefer baked macaroni and cheese and about four said they are happy with stove top versions. Baked it is!
Macaroni and cheese is a very versatile dish, some recipes use a white sauce, others a custard sauce and some have no sauce at all. Many variations include the addition of ham, bacon, tomatoes or peas. When it comes to cheese, I've seen recipes using American cheese, gruyere, cheddar, Colby, Monterey jack, and even goat cheese. Most recipes I've seen rely on a combination of cheeses, which adds more depth of flavor.
In preparing to create a baked version I read an article in the New York Times that said most times recipes don't use enough cheese, they recommended twice as much cheese as macaroni. It took several tries to get this recipe right, and along the way I discovered a few more keys to a great macaroni and cheese casserole. If you cook the macaroni all the way through, it will be overcooked after you bake it. For baked versions, you need to undercook the macaroni, and make sure the sauce is fairly soupy so the macaroni has something to absorb. I like layering some cheese to ensure some gooey cheesiness along with a cheesy sauce. Finally a topping of butter, parmesan and panko yields a crunchy and flavorful crust. Panko is crunchy even before being baked, but if you want a dark brown crust, you may need to broil it for a few minutes.
For this recipe I used a combination of sharp cheddar and a fairly new cheese, Bellavitano made by Sartori in Wisconsin. In some ways it's a bit similar to parmesan cheese, it has a dry texture and little crunchy crystals, but it's also a bit like an aged cheddar in terms of flavor and how it melts. Because it's so intensely flavored you don't need quite as much of it when you cook with it. My personal touches to this recipe were the addition of sweet sauteed onions, smoked paprika and piquillo peppers. I wanted to spice it up, but gently. The smoked paprika also lends an orange color to the casserole which is nice if you are using a white cheddar, as I did.
Macaroni & Cheese with Spanish Peppers
Serves 6-8
3/4 lb elbow macaroni
1/4 cup butter
1 medium onion, diced
1 Tablespoon Spanish smoked sweet or hot paprika "pimenton de la vera"
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 cup all purpose flour
4 cups whole milk
1/2 lb Bellavitano cheese, shredded
1/2 lb sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
10 ounces about 1 1/4 cups piquillo peppers drained and diced
1 cup panko bread crumbs
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/3 cup parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Add pasta to the water, cook until almost al dente (half as long as directed) drain and reserve.
Heat a large pot over medium heat and add butter. When butter melts, add the onions and cook until softened, about 5 minutes, stir in paprika and dry mustard, cook over low for about a minute. Add the flour and cook a minute more, stirring. Whisk in milk slowly, and bring up to a simmer, thicken over medium low heat for a couple of minutes.
Turn off the heat and allow to cool for about 5 minutes, then stir in the drained macaroni, Bellavitano cheese and piquillo peppers. Layer the pasta and cheddar cheese in a broiler safe 13 x 9 inch pan, in 3 layers, starting with the macaroni and ending with the cheese. In a small bowl combine the panko, butter. and parmesan. Sprinkle topping evenly over macaroni and bake for 30 minutes. Broil for 2-3 minutes if you want a browner crust.
For more macaroni and cheese recipes check out
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Chicken and Basil Dumplings
I found this recipe in my Cooking Light Best Chicken Recipes magazine. The original recipe made rosemary dumplings but since my husband and I don't care for rosemary, I decided to use basil instead. This recipe was very easy to make and tasted FANTASTIC. It really hit the spot after being sick for so long. I loved the dumplings and the rich broth filled with chunks of chicken, carrots and celery
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Roasted Tomatoes with Cotija Cheese and Cilantro
I am finally on the mend...thank you so much for all of your well wishes and sweet comments, you truly made me feel better.One of my very favorite foods in the world is roasted tomatoes. I make them often and switch up the seasonings to suit the meal. I roasted these tomatoes with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper then topped them with cotija cheese and fresh cilantro. They are extremely easy
Mexican Dishes,
Side Dishes,
Setiap Traffik dari blog Menghasilkan uang
Saatnya untuk bercerita bagi orang dewasa yang ingin mendapatkan uang dari blog, ini cara yang paling gampang setiap refererr dari blog anda langsung bernilai uang . Melalui postingan ini saya mengajak sahabat semuanya untuk mengikuti Program baru Insentif tunai untuk setiap trafik ke blog denaihati.
Anda cukup memasang banner seperti diatas ini atau link atau gambar yang menarik dan setiap pengunjung yang mengklik banner tersebut dari blog anda, maka akan dapat reward 0,02 RM bayangkan jika dalam sebulan anda beroleh visitor sebanyak 1000. maka anda menghasilkan 20 RM jika lebih silahkan cari sendiri jumlahnya , dan terbukti membayar saya sendiri kemarin di kontes yang lain telah menerima transfer ke rekening saya sebanyak satu juta rupiah menarik bukan
Segera kunjungi dan klik disini untuk informasi selengkapnya dan mendapatkan banyak hadiah setiap bulannya. Dan gadget terbaru akan menanti anda di kontes selanjutnya
Segera kunjungi dan klik disini untuk informasi selengkapnya dan mendapatkan banyak hadiah setiap bulannya. Dan gadget terbaru akan menanti anda di kontes selanjutnya
Cerita Dewasa,
Gerakan SEO Positif
The earthquake
The earthquake...
The very extraordinary natural disaster..
Could not be predicted...
When could happen...
And the death..
As overturning the hands palm..
Did not care old or young..
Rich or poor..
All destroyed..
All that proof...
The lord's power...
That could not be denied by us...
With everything was avoided...
Why humankind...
Still liked to boast...
And did not acknowledge...
That this life...
There are those that arranged...
And human knowledge...
Against the universe...
Still was limited...
Not more than the contents of our head.
The very extraordinary natural disaster..
Could not be predicted...
When could happen...
And the death..
As overturning the hands palm..
Did not care old or young..
Rich or poor..
All destroyed..
All that proof...
The lord's power...
That could not be denied by us...
With everything was avoided...
Why humankind...
Still liked to boast...
And did not acknowledge...
That this life...
There are those that arranged...
And human knowledge...
Against the universe...
Still was limited...
Not more than the contents of our head.
I've been up to..
..playing with Baby G's toys and photographed them. Silly hobby.
I'm sorry for my sudden on and off blogging status, I can''t imagine a mother of 3 active toddlers still manage to blog daily and keep the house clean, I can't even barely rest my feet chasing up with G. I will find my new blogging schedule.
I'm sorry for my sudden on and off blogging status, I can''t imagine a mother of 3 active toddlers still manage to blog daily and keep the house clean, I can't even barely rest my feet chasing up with G. I will find my new blogging schedule.
daily babbling
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- Please don't cry
- Menghargai Kelemahan Orang Lain
- Banana Coffee Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting
- I am not Superman
- Steak and Black Bean Nachos
- Green Beans with Mushrooms and Shallots
- Bad Shoes Day
- The desire
- Yogurt and Granola Parfait with Fresh Fruit and Al...
- Kesibukan Mengalihkan Duniaku
- Italian Goulash
- Fancy Food Show Winter 2010 Cool Stuff
- If i became the president...
- Pants for Parents
- Mix & Match for 5 Days
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Fancy Food Show Winter 2010 My Favorite Things
- I Want Fall and Winter So Bad
- Kena Taq Lagi Nih
- Chicken and Black Bean Stuffed Poblano Peppers
- The Football Player...
- Macaroni & Cheese with Spanish Peppers: Recipe
- I want to be a Korean
- Chicken and Basil Dumplings
- Roasted Tomatoes with Cotija Cheese and Cilantro
- Setiap Traffik dari blog Menghasilkan uang
- The earthquake
- I've been up to..
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- Kreativitas Dalam Dunia Blogger
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- Cilantro and Lime Rice
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- Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup with Pesto Tortelloni
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- Why do YOU cook, Mary Ladd?
- Buah Manis Dari Konsistensi (special for Laksamana...
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- Viva la Resolution!
- Coba dan Coba Lagi
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- It's 2010 Already!