Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Apricot-Glazed Chicken Thighs
I adapted a recipe I found in Cooking Light - June 2009. I loved how simple and easy this recipe was to make. The chicken thighs were tender and juicy and the apricot glaze was sweet with a nice twang from the vinegar. My kids both ate all of their chicken before eating anything else on their plate - they really loved it. I served this dish with roasted broccoli and brown rice for a healthy and
Introducing the Wines of Portugal
A few weeks ago I attended an informal Portuguese wine tasting with Jardiniere Wine Director, the utterly charming, Eugenio Jardim. It was very gratifying for me on a number of levels. A few years ago, during the process of writing WinePassport: Portugal I got very excited about Portuguese wines. My enthusiasm has not waned. I am happy whenever I meet those who also enjoy sharing the pleasures of Portuguese wines, of which there are many.
Jardim had just returned from Portugal where he tried lots of wine and even wrote about regions of the country. We started out with one of my favorites, a Luis Pato sparkling wine from Bairrada and then proceeded with several wines I was unfamiliar with but enjoyed greatly. Then a week or so ago I went to a wine tasting of Portuguese wines that lacked distributors on the West Coast. The mood was giddy as wine writers, retailers and sommeliers discovered unique and captivating wines at often bargain prices. While red table wines from the Douro valley are becoming more common, there is much more to discover.
Next week Vini Portugal will host it's annual wine tasting event in San Francisco on April 5th, 2010, and Evan Goldstein will be giving master classes. I can't wait! If you are interested in Portuguese wines, this is THE event to attend.
While I suggest you also purchase a copy of WinePassport: Portugal, here are tips from Jardim for enjoying Portuguese wines and my comments as well:
1. Portugal is where you will find tremendous value when it comes to wine. Try something new, you don't have much to lose.
2. Don't get hung up on the varietals. As Jardim pointed out, they can be hard to pronounce and many wines are blends. When starting out, look to regions and styles instead.
3. Portugal is the last frontier. This is ironic, because Portugal has been making wine for a very, very long time. Grapes were brought to Portugal by the Phoenicians in 600 BC and Portugal has been exporting wine since the 14th century.
4. The native varieties are wonderful. Some may be similar to varietals in Spain, but others are completely unique and more often than not, food friendly.
Melatih dan meningkatkan Daya ingat Anak
Tak semua hal yang pernah didengar dapat disimpan dan tak semua yang telah disimpan dapat dimunculkan kembali. Daya ingat merupakan
kemampuan terbatas. Sebagai orang tua melatih dan meningkatkan daya ingat anak merupakan salah satu jalan agar ia dapat menyerap
pelajaran yang telah diberikan. Jika kita ingin anak memiliki daya ingat yang luar biasa kuncinya adalah ketekunan dalam melatih . Dr. Cauhan (2004) seorang ahli Psikologi Pendidikan Merumuskan beberapa cara yang bisa digunakan untuk menjadikan seorang anak memiliki daya
ingat yang "hebat", yaitu :
kemampuan terbatas. Sebagai orang tua melatih dan meningkatkan daya ingat anak merupakan salah satu jalan agar ia dapat menyerap
pelajaran yang telah diberikan. Jika kita ingin anak memiliki daya ingat yang luar biasa kuncinya adalah ketekunan dalam melatih . Dr. Cauhan (2004) seorang ahli Psikologi Pendidikan Merumuskan beberapa cara yang bisa digunakan untuk menjadikan seorang anak memiliki daya
ingat yang "hebat", yaitu :
1. Over Learning
Cara pertama ini adalah dengan memberikan bahan pelajaran kepada anak secara berulang-ulang sampai ia mengerti betul hal tersebut
misalnya jika ia sudah menguasai semua modals dalam bahasa Inggris suruhlah ia menghafalnya kembali sebelum pelajaran baru diberikan.
misalnya jika ia sudah menguasai semua modals dalam bahasa Inggris suruhlah ia menghafalnya kembali sebelum pelajaran baru diberikan.
2. Mengasosiasikan makna pada pelajaran
Mengasosiasikan sebuah pelajaran dengan mengingatkan pada hal-hal yang akrab dengan anak sehingga anak mudah mengingatnya. Misalnya hari
pahlawan hendaknya orang tua mengingatkan dengan hari kelahiran saudara yang tepat 10 November.
pahlawan hendaknya orang tua mengingatkan dengan hari kelahiran saudara yang tepat 10 November.
3. Pengorganisasian bahan pelajaran
Cara ketiga adalah dengan mengelompokkan bahan-bahan atau pelajaran yang akan diberikan sehingga anak lebih mudah menghapal sesuai
dengan kategori bahan tersebut.
dengan kategori bahan tersebut.
4. Resitasi
Resitasi hampir mirip dengan over learning. Kalau pada over learning anak diminta mengulang-ulang pelajaran yang sudah
dikuasainya, maka resitasi adalah pengujian, dengan tanpa memberi contoh atau kesempatan kepada anak untuk bertanya atau membuka buku.
dikuasainya, maka resitasi adalah pengujian, dengan tanpa memberi contoh atau kesempatan kepada anak untuk bertanya atau membuka buku.
5. Kejelasan konsep
Konsep adalah hal yang penting, jika anak tidak mengerti konsep maka mereka perlu diberi kesempatan bertanya
Melatih anak tidak harus saat belajar dan tidak perlu dipaksa. Pada saat senggang hasil pemberian pelajaran akan jauh lebih baik.Selamat mencoba, dan selamat melatih anak semoga akan lahir Mozart baru yang mampu menuliskan satu gubahan lagu di luar kepala saat masih 14 tahun atau Kardinal Mezzofanty yang mampu memahami 66 bahasa dunia dan tentu saja Ahmad Salam yang mampu menghafal Al Qur'an 10 Juz
pada saat berumur 9 tahun.( Disarikan dari berbagai sumber)
pada saat berumur 9 tahun.( Disarikan dari berbagai sumber)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Give me the answer
You are the great woman...
Though revered as a princess...
Persuaded with one thousand jewels ...
Could not conquer your heart...
I am not a perfect creature...
That could get whatever I want ...
Or filled all of your wishes...
Not possible if I must shoot the sun...
So that you are amazed to me...
Also not possible if I had to divide the sea...
Then you will believe me...
Give me the answer...
What should i do...
So that you could choose me...
A man...
That fell in love with you...
Who want be able to plunge the arrows romance...
In your heart...
Embraced you with the love...
Took care of you with the feeling...
And give me the reason...
That could make me willing...
To not expect you again .....
And accepted the reality...
If i'm not the man you choice.
Though revered as a princess...
Persuaded with one thousand jewels ...
Could not conquer your heart...
I am not a perfect creature...
That could get whatever I want ...
Or filled all of your wishes...
Not possible if I must shoot the sun...
So that you are amazed to me...
Also not possible if I had to divide the sea...
Then you will believe me...
Give me the answer...
What should i do...
So that you could choose me...
A man...
That fell in love with you...
Who want be able to plunge the arrows romance...
In your heart...
Embraced you with the love...
Took care of you with the feeling...
And give me the reason...
That could make me willing...
To not expect you again .....
And accepted the reality...
If i'm not the man you choice.
The wishes
Turkey and Roast Beef Sandwich with Extra Sharp Cheddar
Sandwiches make me happy. I can trace my love for the sandwich back to my childhood and being at my good friend Molly's house. Molly had the most wonderful refrigerator that her mother kept filled with fresh cuts of meat and cheese, tons of vegetables from the garden, homemade bread, homemade pickles, and all sorts of condiments. Molly and I would make ourselves the biggest and tastiest
Stonehouse 27 Indian Sauces
I'm not big on convenience foods in general, but I like the idea of an Indian "simmer sauce" to create a quick meal at home with whatever meat, seafood, tofu or vegetables I happen to have on hand. Unfortunately I never found a brand of Indian sauces that really delivered. The flavors were not great or they were too oily. Well, problem solved. Stonehouse 27 makes a line of Indian sauces that are very high quality with no artificial ingredients or preservatives. They even use agave syrup in place of the more common corn syrup and are gluten-free and vegetarian (and mostly vegan).
The sauces are not necessarily what you might find at a typical Indian restaurant. They are inspired by the Portuguese and Anglo-Indian heritage of the company’s founder, Sharon Fernandes. I was given samples around the time of the Fancy Food Show earlier this year and recently had the chance to try the Tamarind and Garlic, Cilantro and Coconut and the Cashews and Cream sauces with various fresh ingredients. I was really struck by the bright freshness of the flavors. The tamarind was nice and tangy, the cashew and coconut was creamy and rich. They are very flexible and easy to use. If you use meat and vegetables they make a very tasty one dish meal. Frankly they are better than the Indian food I can get delivered.
They are a bit more expensive than other sauces I've seen at about $8 for a jar, but for the quality and convenience I think they are well worth the money. Half a jar and half a pound of shrimp or chicken plus some vegetables made enough for at least three servings.I do think you need a bit of cooking sense to use them. The time necessary for simmering depends on the size you have cut your meat or vegetables. And I like that they are unsalted so I can season to taste. But even when I am bleary-eyed making a satisfying meal with these sauces is a breeze and a nice change of pace from jars of spaghetti sauce. Keep your eyes open for them stores near you or purchase online.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Black Bean and Roasted Anaheim Chile and Bell Pepper Soup
I want to say thank you for your sweet comments about my missing rings. I received a phone call on Saturday afternoon from a gentleman who found two of my rings. We discovered that he had my engagement/wedding ring and a silver band that I have worn for 20+ years. I was thrilled, appreciative and so relieved. I am very thankful that an honest and kind person found these very special rings
Mexican Dishes,
Elie Saab Inspiration for Party
Elie Saab's haute couture collection will dazzle your eyes. The fabric texture, the flowing maxi dresses... aaaaahhhh... soooo prettyyyy!!!!
Add a simple jacket/blazer and you're ready to go!
Use chiffon blouse + necklace for shape shifter
Wear bodyfit abaya for maximum coverage. Not transparent anymore :D
Source of Elie Saab's picture:
AWARD from Ajjah
1. thank and link the person who gave u the award
i got this from 3 f's
thank youuu ^^ If I didn't get this award from you, I'll give you this award coz you have a sweet blog!
2. pass the award to bloggers you recently discovered and think are fantastic
fira who always amaze me with her edgy fashion style
wulan whose blog is always nice to read: fashion and life tips
fiminin, 3 girls who runs fashion blog and awesome styles just like magazine
luchie whose blog make my eyes happy... DIY, creative reviews....
ummm... will continue this later... *why do I only remember fashion blogs...? omygod*
3. contact said blog to let them know they've won the award
4. seven things bout yourself
I'll speak about myself as the third person here.
(1) she is a random abstract thinker
(3) she had painting lesson at 6 years old but stopped at 2nd meeting coz she didn't like to be taught how to draw *silly little girl*
(4) she's a very berry sensitive person. Can't stop crying when watching My Name Is Khan.
(5) had 2 session of driving lesson but still being afraid to drive on her own
(7) wait,,, where's number 2 and 6??? blah blah
*she is too introverted to tell anything to anyone ;p*
*um, maybe 'introvert' is just an excuse for laziness -____- *
TPR untuk menanamkan kebiasaan kerja mandiri yang menyenangkan
Terlalu sering anak-anak dan guru mengalami ketidakpuasan dan kekecewaan dalam proses pendidikan. Guru merasa frustasi karena usaha mereka untuk membantu anak-anak mereka tidak berhasil. Bagaimana guru dapat membantu anak-anak mereka menjadi sukses dan menemukan kebahagiaan dalam belajar? guru dapat membantu anak-anak mereka agar bahagia di sekolah, dan dalam hidup, dengan memiliki harapan yang realistis dari kemampuan anak-anak mereka dan dengan membantu mereka mengembangkan kebiasaan kerja secara mandiri
Pengalaman saya mengajarkan kosa kata baru disekolah pada anak siswa baru. Hampir semua anak gelisah rasanya mereka ingin melompat keluar dari kursi, berlari ke lapangan dan bermain basket. Pikirannya tertuju pada apa saja dan segala sesuatu tetapi tidak kearah pelajaran. saya kehilangan kesabaran. Lagi pula saya harus mempersiapkan pelajaran di kelas lain . Bagaimana agar saya lebih berhasil menarik perhatian siswa di sekolah, itu memerlukan pemahaman mengenai perkembangan kemampuan anak.Lalu saya bertanya pada diri sendiri mengapa siswa tidak tertarik untuk mempelajari kata baru, apakah karena situasi yang kurang mendukung dan kurang nyaman bagi siswa ?.
Pengalaman saya mengajarkan kosa kata baru disekolah pada anak siswa baru. Hampir semua anak gelisah rasanya mereka ingin melompat keluar dari kursi, berlari ke lapangan dan bermain basket. Pikirannya tertuju pada apa saja dan segala sesuatu tetapi tidak kearah pelajaran. saya kehilangan kesabaran. Lagi pula saya harus mempersiapkan pelajaran di kelas lain . Bagaimana agar saya lebih berhasil menarik perhatian siswa di sekolah, itu memerlukan pemahaman mengenai perkembangan kemampuan anak.Lalu saya bertanya pada diri sendiri mengapa siswa tidak tertarik untuk mempelajari kata baru, apakah karena situasi yang kurang mendukung dan kurang nyaman bagi siswa ?.
Hal sangat umum bagi Guru untuk mengharapkan seorang anak untuk tetap tenang dan diam selama kegiatan belajar, tetapi penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa otak berfungsi lebih baik ketika ada gerakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Sebagian besar anak-anak perlu bergerak setiap lima belas menit atau lebih agar dapat berkonsentrasi. Membuat gerakan bagian dari kegiatan ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk merangsang pembelajaran yang optimal dan juga minat dan kegembiraan dalam belajar.
Jadi saya putuskan untuk memasukkan aktivitas gerakan ke dalam pelajaran dan juga telah berupaya untuk memanfaatkan bakat alami setiap untuk bertanya dan memasukkan unsur game dengan metode TPR (Total Physical Response) dalam kegiatan . Hasilnya Siswa tidak hanya merasa senang mempraktikkan setiap kata, ia juga akan belajar lebih cepat dan Saya akan memiliki waktu yang baik juga. Sebagai contoh, saya meninggalkan potongan-potongan puzzle di berbagai tempat di sekitar ruangan dan setiap kali seorang siswa menulis ejaan yang benar dari sebuah kata, ia akan diizinkan untuk mendapatkan bagian dari teka-teki. Ketika semua dari potongan-potongan itu dikumpulkan, ia bisa membuat teka-teki bersama-sama. Dengan menggabungkan gerakan dalam aktivitas. Langkah berikutnya memberikan reward sesekali pada saat siswa berhasil mengerjakan tugas
Mengembangkan kebiasaan kerja mandiri memungkinkan anak merasa seperti pelajar yang sukses. Perasaan sukses mendorong lebih fokus dan komitmen. Guru dapat membantu anak-anak mereka dengan menyatakan kepercayaan pada kemampuan anak mereka untuk berhasil. Anak-anak yang didorong untuk percaya kesuksesan adalah jauh lebih mungkin untuk bertahan saat keadaan menjadi sulit. Mereka tidak menjadi kecewa dan kehilangan perhatian. Mereka memahami kontrol yang mereka miliki dalam pengalaman pendidikan mereka.
Salah satu aspek dari kebiasaan kerja mandiri adalah keterampilan manajemen waktu yang baik. Membantu anak-anak mengembangkan keterampilan manajemen waktu yang kuat akan meningkatkan nilai-nilai mereka dan memberi mereka kesempatan untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan keluarga dan teman-teman mereka. .
All about Savoy Cabbage
Savoy cabbage is the prettiest cabbage of all, with its fantastic crinkly leaves and its contrasting dark on pale color palette. Only a few outer leaves are dark green and quite so textured, inside it is creamy and pale. Despite its rugged appearance it's actually very tender and sweet. Best of all, it cooks quickly and easily and it doesn't have the sulfur odor so distinctive in other cabbage; just don't over cook it. Savoy cabbage is named for the Savoy region, a medieval duchy on the border of Italy, France and Switzerland. But I think we should call it by its lovely Italian name, cavolo verza. Now that's the name of a star!
Savoy cabbage is high in vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber. It's also a very good source of fiber, manganese, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Heads of savoy cabbage are so large it's a good idea to have several dishes in mind when you purchase or harvest it. Because it is so tender, don't shy away from using it in salads. Just use salt and a vinegar or lemony dressing to help it wilt.
I like just about all cabbages, but savoy cabbage is my favorite and not just because it is so beautiful and healthy. The sweetness of savoy cabbage makes it a wonderful foil for rich and salty foods like duck confit, bacon or sausages. But because it is naturally mild and sweet, it is equally delicious as a bed for mild white fish or seafood. It can be cooked or used raw. It can be braised, roasted or boiled, and it's very easy to saute it in butter, olive oil or bacon fat. It can be used in preserved recipes like kimchi or sauerkraut.
Here are some ways to use savoy cabbage:
* Steam and serve with fish, or wrap the fish in the leaves and steam
* Saute it with boiled potatoes, garlic and onions
* Stuff the leaves with rice or potatoes and ground meat
* Add to minestrone
* Make sauerkraut
* Make kimchi
* Saute with bacon and spaetzle
* Use in borscht
* Shred it with carrots and seaon with apple cider vinegar, sugar and salt to make cole slaw
* Saute cabbage, bacon and onions then toss with egg noodles
* Combine with sliced sugar snap peas and a creamy dressing in slaw
The last date
In the edge of the river...
One year ago...
The dark light accompanied...
When I hold your hand tightly ...
Felt your love...
That penetrated through to the niche soul...
If the month and the star could was reach by me...
I'll pull in order to more closely ...
To become the witness...
If that night, your beauty was like the fairy...
The beautiful moment...
That will not be forgotten...
And possibly was not will be repeated...
That's our last date...
Now we have been apart...
Because of different faiths...
A difference...
And the decision...
That has thought with logic...
Let the story ...
A memory for us ...
Not a thing to regret...
Because love is a gift.
One year ago...
The dark light accompanied...
When I hold your hand tightly ...
Felt your love...
That penetrated through to the niche soul...
If the month and the star could was reach by me...
I'll pull in order to more closely ...
To become the witness...
If that night, your beauty was like the fairy...
The beautiful moment...
That will not be forgotten...
And possibly was not will be repeated...
That's our last date...
Now we have been apart...
Because of different faiths...
A difference...
And the decision...
That has thought with logic...
Let the story ...
A memory for us ...
Not a thing to regret...
Because love is a gift.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Want To Do This
But my age is already twenty-something... Hahahaha... So if you readers are below 20, this is a very challenging yet creative activity ;)
Hidup Melupakan Bathin akan tersesat
Hidup ini begitu indah dan sangat mempesona, kadang kita terlupa apa tujuan sebenarnya kita hidup, Renungkanlah, datang sendiri tidak bawa apa apa,pulang sendiri tidak bawa apa apa
sebenarnya itulah kehidupan, mudah dikatakan, sulit dirasakan, selalu merasa semua adalah milikku anakku, isteriku, pekerjaanku, rumahku, mobilku, kepandaianku, ilmu, amalku, ibadahku. padahal semua milikNYA.
Kita Sering bertindak dengan mendahulukan nafsu, tanpa memperdulikan bisikan hati, padahal hati tak akan pernah bohong, bathin akan selalu membisikkan kebenaran
pandangan mata selalu bersalah, pandangan nafsu selalu melulu, pandangan hati itu yang hakiki, mari, bersih bersih, memurnikan hati, memurnikan RASA, agar kita saat kembali dalam jiwa yang tenang ridha dan Diridhai oleh Nya
Postingan ini saya sadur dari hasil saya chat dengan Kang Boed yang lama nggak muncul karena kesibukan Spritual.
Hampir tujuh bulan ngeblog saya hanya bisa selalu menerima award dari sahabat maka dikesempatan ini saya juga ingin membagikan award buatan saya sendiri , tapi mohon maaf awardnya jelek karena saya nggak tahu photosop atau pengolah gambar sejenisnya.halah kok pake gambar bunga lebay ya. Award ini kubagi untuk
1. Fatamorgana
3. Rizky
5. Cinta Hakiki
6. Sastra Radio
7. Mas Ipin
8. Kang Sugeng
9. Attayaya
10. Kang Enes
11. Alkatro
12. Mas Goen
14. Nyach
Kalian Semua adalah inspirasiku thanks for all
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Paperdoll Again, Boy & Girl
Ines said on my previous Paperdoll Project that the girls in her class loved the paperdoll, but the boys also wanted some to play! :D So here I'll post them ^^ Sorry for taking so long for blogging, too lazy to think what's next to write on Tealovecoffee *lazy syndrome*. Sometimes I just feel like losing my creativity, hahaha :p
I'm getting lazier to post because:
1. For DIY Projects: don't have any idea. But you can check my sidebar (Gogirl! Article by Me) if you want to see a few articles I wrote for Gogirl! Web Magazine ;)
2. For daily style: I usually take a picture in my room, but I don't want to wear shoes coz it will crap my floor -___- stupid reason isn't it? Hahaha... And I'm too shy to take a pict outside because none of my family knows about this blog ;p
The girl version, click for larger image
The boy version, click for larger image
*Sorry for not being able to draw more clothes... It's easier to draw girl's clothes, hahaha
I'm getting lazier to post because:
1. For DIY Projects: don't have any idea. But you can check my sidebar (Gogirl! Article by Me) if you want to see a few articles I wrote for Gogirl! Web Magazine ;)
2. For daily style: I usually take a picture in my room, but I don't want to wear shoes coz it will crap my floor -___- stupid reason isn't it? Hahaha... And I'm too shy to take a pict outside because none of my family knows about this blog ;p
Freebies Download,
Friday, March 26, 2010
The heart painting
When the sun came...
Welcomed the beautiful morning...
Washed dew...
In the wet leaves...
Like your smile...
The faithful greet me ...
Made me be enchanted...
Without could speak...
Your smile indeed the difference...
Be full of the sincerity...
The sincerity of a woman...
That loved a man...
Now that smile...
Not for me anymore...
Like at dusk...
That changed the night...
The smile...
Only became the heart painting...
Still whines up to now...
Although still was tomorrow...
And the same sun.
Welcomed the beautiful morning...
Washed dew...
In the wet leaves...
Like your smile...
The faithful greet me ...
Made me be enchanted...
Without could speak...
Your smile indeed the difference...
Be full of the sincerity...
The sincerity of a woman...
That loved a man...
Now that smile...
Not for me anymore...
Like at dusk...
That changed the night...
The smile...
Only became the heart painting...
Still whines up to now...
Although still was tomorrow...
And the same sun.
The Feeling
Flank Steak and Avocado Taco Salad
I marinated some flank steak in my favorite marinade then let everyone decide what they wanted for dinner. My husband and daughter wanted steak burritos and my son wanted steak nachos. I decided on a steak and avocado taco salad. While I fed everyone else, I baked a flour tortilla into a bowl then filled it with lettuce, black beans, flank steak, avocados, tomatoes and coitja cheese. I served
Mexican Dishes,
Favorites from the Chocolate Salon
Did you make it to the Chocolate Salon this past weekend? It just gets better and better every year. There are salons held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle and Las Vegas annually. In addition to trying tons of chocolate, one of the best things about attending a Chocolate Salon is that you get to meet many chocolatiers in person.
This year I was a judge and got a chance to try pounds and pounds of chocolate even before the actual event. I discovered there is a lot of very mundane chocolate, but also some amazingly good stuff from new confectioners who have only been open for business for barely a year or two.
A perennial favorite of mine is Amano, and this year they took many of the top awards. But since I've written about Amano before, I'm going to focus on chocolatiers that were new to me. Keep your eyes open for their fantastic chocolate and chocolate confections!

Bill Brown is the soft-spoken chocolatier behind William Dean Chocolates, named after his two grandfathers. His chocolates are exquisite and beautiful too! The popular peanut butter and jelly chocolate is what first grabbed me. His talent really shines in everything he makes with fruit, even pate de fruits. I also loved the bitter green tea white chocolate bar and the tropical caramel because they were not too sweet.

Clarine's Florentine's cookies dipped in chocolate are hands down the best florentines I've ever tried. There is something to be said for doing one thing, and doing it very well. The cookies have tons of toasted caramelized flavor and the chocolate is rich and luxurious. Like taking a little vacation in cookie form. Made in Berkeley.

Oakland based Vice chocolates are really something special. Named Vice because the chocolatier found on an elimination diet that chocolate was one thing she could still eat. The dark chocolate, fig and anise seed bar was a unique combination of flavors and textures. It's dark, sultry and exotic, a most sophisticated fruit and spice bar. All the chocolates are very adult and intense. When it comes to the bon bons, I especially liked the Domina, a dark chocolate ganache infused with tangy crème fraîche, black tea, bergamont, and orange oil and the Violent Heart, filled with a chipotle infused caramel.
Quite a few of my favorites also happened to be local to the Bay Area:
Her Coconess made me rethink rocky road. High quality ingredients is what makes it so good. Imagine super toasty fresh almonds, delicate marshmallows all wrapped in dark chocolate. Mmmmm!
The Cocoa Delice cognac truffle was the best truffle at the show, in my opinion. Not too boozy, but very rich.
Dolce Bella made the crispiest toffee. A nice light crunch, very buttery, but not the kind of toffee that sticks in your teeth.
Another toffee-like treat was from Kika's Treats--caramelized graham crackers dipped in dark chocolate. A brand new comfort food, I could nibble on these all day.
Coco-luxe's cinnamon chocolate almonds are a nice twist on the usual chocolate almond. Very snackable (if that's a word).
A couple honorable mentions:
Kay Dillon's confections were surprisingly good, especially since they are vegan. She uses coconut and all organic ingredients. Dillon is a seasoned pastry chef with a wedding cake business, but her caramels and ganache are also wonderful.
Alter Eco fair trade certified chocolate has come a long way. The smooth textured Blackout bar has deep cocoa powder flavor and the Velvet bar has a touch of milk chocolate but also a very creamy smooth texture. The Quinoa bar is like the best ever version of a Nestle Crunch. These bars are a very good value and can be found at supermarkets.
Check out all the award winners.
This year I was a judge and got a chance to try pounds and pounds of chocolate even before the actual event. I discovered there is a lot of very mundane chocolate, but also some amazingly good stuff from new confectioners who have only been open for business for barely a year or two.
A perennial favorite of mine is Amano, and this year they took many of the top awards. But since I've written about Amano before, I'm going to focus on chocolatiers that were new to me. Keep your eyes open for their fantastic chocolate and chocolate confections!
Bill Brown is the soft-spoken chocolatier behind William Dean Chocolates, named after his two grandfathers. His chocolates are exquisite and beautiful too! The popular peanut butter and jelly chocolate is what first grabbed me. His talent really shines in everything he makes with fruit, even pate de fruits. I also loved the bitter green tea white chocolate bar and the tropical caramel because they were not too sweet.
Clarine's Florentine's cookies dipped in chocolate are hands down the best florentines I've ever tried. There is something to be said for doing one thing, and doing it very well. The cookies have tons of toasted caramelized flavor and the chocolate is rich and luxurious. Like taking a little vacation in cookie form. Made in Berkeley.
Oakland based Vice chocolates are really something special. Named Vice because the chocolatier found on an elimination diet that chocolate was one thing she could still eat. The dark chocolate, fig and anise seed bar was a unique combination of flavors and textures. It's dark, sultry and exotic, a most sophisticated fruit and spice bar. All the chocolates are very adult and intense. When it comes to the bon bons, I especially liked the Domina, a dark chocolate ganache infused with tangy crème fraîche, black tea, bergamont, and orange oil and the Violent Heart, filled with a chipotle infused caramel.
Quite a few of my favorites also happened to be local to the Bay Area:
Her Coconess made me rethink rocky road. High quality ingredients is what makes it so good. Imagine super toasty fresh almonds, delicate marshmallows all wrapped in dark chocolate. Mmmmm!
The Cocoa Delice cognac truffle was the best truffle at the show, in my opinion. Not too boozy, but very rich.
Dolce Bella made the crispiest toffee. A nice light crunch, very buttery, but not the kind of toffee that sticks in your teeth.
Another toffee-like treat was from Kika's Treats--caramelized graham crackers dipped in dark chocolate. A brand new comfort food, I could nibble on these all day.
Coco-luxe's cinnamon chocolate almonds are a nice twist on the usual chocolate almond. Very snackable (if that's a word).
A couple honorable mentions:
Kay Dillon's confections were surprisingly good, especially since they are vegan. She uses coconut and all organic ingredients. Dillon is a seasoned pastry chef with a wedding cake business, but her caramels and ganache are also wonderful.
Alter Eco fair trade certified chocolate has come a long way. The smooth textured Blackout bar has deep cocoa powder flavor and the Velvet bar has a touch of milk chocolate but also a very creamy smooth texture. The Quinoa bar is like the best ever version of a Nestle Crunch. These bars are a very good value and can be found at supermarkets.
Check out all the award winners.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
One of Those Days
I went to the park with a girlfriend and our kids yesterday. We decided to incorporate some exercise into our play time at the park. I took my rings off so I could do pull-ups on the monkey bars, then I preceded to do other exercises for a while. We left that park and headed down the path to another park. I left my rings sitting on the wood pole by the monkey bars. I didn't realize that I
Buku 58 WEBSITE dan BLOG Pilihan dari PC MILD
2 hari hiatus tanpa membuka blog rasanya rindu banget, saya mohon maaf kepada sahabat semua karena belum membalas kunjungan anda, 2 hari ini sekolah sibuk sekali dalam rangka rapat pemantapan UAN, disamping itu disekolah saya diadakan Perkemahan Pramuka jadi sibuk sekali, bahkan untuk membuka blog lewat HP pun tidak sempat.
setelah Kegiatan selesai saya ingat mempunyai janji kepada seorang sahabat. Saya adalah seorang pelanggan setia PC MILD sebuah Tabloid Komputer Ibukota, tapi heran kok aku tetap nggak bisa punya blog yang bagus, belum ngerti HTML, apalagi sampai bikin script, tetap nol besar.
Tahun 2010 setiap edisi PC MILD menyertakan sebuah buku yang sangat bermanfaat, edisi terakhir bukunya tentang TIPS dan TRIK VISTA, nah disini saya akan menulis tentang buku yang mengikuti PC MILD edisi 5/2010. Nah dibuku ini ada 58 blog pilihan dari seluruh dunia. Disini kita akan membaca kumpulan blog dan website yang menyajikan hal-hal: Hardware, Software, General IT, Desain , Tip Trik dan Tutorial.
yang menariknya dibuku ini diulas review sebuah blog, kemudian ada screenshot blog dan bagian paling bawah ada tampilan Alexa dari blog itu masing-masing :
dibawah ini saya akan menuliskan beberapa nama blog/situs saja dari buku tersebut yang mungkin bisa menjadi referensi anda dalam ngeblog :
Kategori Tip dan Trik Tutorial (PR 6 , ALEXA 5.712)
Kategori SoftWare ( PR 8, Alexa 385)
website ini adalah website tutorial yang paling valid dan direkomendasikan oleh banyak pihak
Kategori Design (PR 5, Alexa 12.494)
Kategori Hardware (Alexa 36.339)
Kategori General IT
kategori ini menjadi perhatian khusus saya, kenapa mari kita tunggu sebentar .................jawabannya
karena pada kategori ini ada sebuah blog sahabat yang masuk yaitu
Ya salah satu blog sahabat yaitu Laksamana embun masuk kategori general IT jadi pada buku ini ada screenshot blog yang waktu itu postingannya adalah John Van Neumann dan pada bagian bawah ada screenshot dari ALexa blog ini.
di kategori ini ada beberapa website terkemuka seperti sebuat website yang menyajikan tip dan trik menulis di blog website ber PR 6 dengan Alexa 4.438
Selamat untuk embun dan anda memang layak mendapatkan hal ini atas konsistensi anda dibidang IT dan saya yakin semua sahabat andapun bangga dengan hal ini, Salam untuk bertuah, salam Takzim Selalu semoga persahabatan ini tetap akan langgeng dan blog anda semakin eksis kedepannya
Tribute to
Brian Boitano Interview
I watch the Food Network show, What Would Brian Boitano Make? for its humor, its easy, healthy food and because it's shot in San Francisco. While wrapping up filming of the second season, I got a chance to talk with Brian Boitano about the show and more....
I saw photos of your street cart episode online recently, that looked like fun. What have been some of the highlights of shooting this season?
It's even better than last year, we're just finishing up, I did a fun episode with the scooter society and with Manuela (the very Spanish mother of a skating friend). Manuela makes a comeback. Lots of real people; friends really liked the first episode with her. Also my French handyman Guy, who doesn't ever work. We're going to have reoccurring characters.
What's your process for coming up with recipes for the show?
There's a theme first--like the Chinese episode. I think about what my guest likes to eat. For example Manuella had never had Chinese food and didn't think she'd like it. She likes Spanish food, she likes Paella. So I created a fried rice dish for her. What happens is I keep a notebook in the kitchen and take notes. But I don't do measurements. I write it step by step, then I break it down with measurements later. When I first learned to cook I would read recipes and measure everything and then I realized it's not fun, it's like skating where everything goes according to a strict plan.
I try to come up with food that fits what my guests want, for example with the roller derby episode I was just trying to please my guests (that prominently featured bacon). In reality I have a very healthy diet. You have to enjoy the flavors of food and not just fat. I think that you don't have to have a lot of fat and cream, I like how I feel when I'm eating lighter. It's not hard to put cauliflower and apples together to make a puree. It's really a San Francisco mentality. For me that means being green in the kitchen and food that's accessible. My producers are purists not in a stuffy way but about fresh ingredients. They shop at the Ferry Building and Rainbow Grocery, even Bi-Rite and Cal-Mart.
I'd describe the humor on your show as cheeky. How do you get away with being on the Food Network and seemingly making fun of it at the same time? You don't fit the mold....
The Food Network was happy to go in a different direction. I watch the Food Network all the time but I understand the challenge to stay fresh. For example I'm trying to find different ways to say "flavorful." I try to avoid saying things like "depth of flavor." I shoot one episode in 5 days so I have time to think things through. One day is just for cooking. It gives me a break to think about it and I can focus on the action happening behind the scenes. It's easier for me to come up with ideas because I'm not in the kitchen all the time.
Is your goal to be like Martha Stewart and have a line of products, magazines?
I would love to do that, it would be really fun, it would be right up my alley. I have an idea of what I would like. I have an opinion about everything, even jarred foods. But for now I'm happy doing what I'm doing.
How much of the styling is your own?
A lot, I lay out how I would do thing and the production team takes it from there. I like a rustic style. I have really easy going friends who aren't fussy. I have the attitude that if my friends can't make it I won't do it on the show.
Is there anything you haven't been able to do on the show?
I want to do an olive oil cake next season, if we get picked up. I wanted to do an episode of casseroles since I grew up in the 70's my mom made casseroles a lot. I hated them! So I wanted to do a modern twist on casseroles. The production company film was against the idea, apparently they don't film well.
What Would Brian Boitano Make with radishes?
My favorite thing is to serve them the French way, with a little plate of salt. and people just dunk it. Great with drinks or wine.
What Would Brian Boitano Make with swiss chard?
It's a staple for me. I eat it a lot. I would saute it in olive oil and galric and a little red chi flakes, salt and pepper.
What Would Brian Boitano Make with sardines?
I like sardines! I would do little remoulade and probably grill them but fried is good too. Those are the two ways I like serving fish, grilled or fried. I like to cook it on the skin side and so it gets all crispy.
Your show features a lot of entertaining. Do you have people over to your house often?
Oh yeah! Not when I'm filming. I'm too tired but I give dinner parties, pizza parties, I have a brick in the oven. I do game night and sometimes serve hors d' oeuvres and drinks.
Alder of Vinography mentioned that you're something of a wine lover. What styles do you prefer? What's your house red and your house white?
It's weird I'm into a white wine kick, I went years of dirnking red, and now white. I like Pinot and Merlot and not a big Cab fan, unless they are less tannic on the back end. I like blends of Cab Franc and Merlot, Bordeaux, I just buy everything, I generally stick with California wines but I'll get on a kick with Italian wines like Amarone and Barolo. Because he's Italian, my dad likes Montalcino Montepulciano. I always try to order to a different wine so I can learn more. I'll get a case of something. Right now I'm drinking Chardonnay, Rombauer and Trefethen.
You live in San Francisco, where do you like to eat?
I love Frascati for the dark chocolate bread pudding, I like Polker's for salads and for when I don't feel like spending a lot of money. Amarena is good, a little expensive but good. One of my favorites is Pompei's Grotto on the Wharf. When my mom and dad were dating they used to go there. The food is really clean and simple. Best fish in the city.
Thanks Brian!
About 10 thing (Buwel Tag)
Who you are at home ?
Someone who wants to make the family proud...
But naughty and was difficult to be arranged...
What your friends said about you ?
They said I'm a loyal person and could be believed...
But sometimes hard to understand...
Five things you wanted, but still not achieved ?
2. Own home
3. Own coffee plantation
4. Waroeng coffee
5. Married
Who names a person who is very important to you?
H. Haitami and Hj. Itje Farida, my parent’s name.
Mention your favorite blogger (based on they character blog) and the reason?
1. Fanny
Because she independent...
2. Clara
Because she always want to learn how to solve her problem...
3. Elsa
Because she have strong principle...
4. Mocca Chi
Because she is mysterious
When you want to get married?
Maybe next (next month, next year)...
Does bitter memories as with former lover ?
When her parents did not approve of our relationship
You favorite theme love song?
Senandung lagu cinta (Ada Band)...
Pemujamu (Ada Band)
Love of my life (Quinn)...
Always (Bon Jovi)...
Forever and one (Hallowen)...
What principle in ur live ?
More better than yesterday...
Tag 10 other friend (Please did like above )
1. Exort
2. Inul
3. Clara
4. Vany
5. F2 Blog
6. Darin
7. Ajeng
8. Richo
9. Cyber dreamer
10.Fai Cong
Tq for my brother Buwel
that give those tag and this award, i really appreciated that :)


Someone who wants to make the family proud...
But naughty and was difficult to be arranged...
What your friends said about you ?
They said I'm a loyal person and could be believed...
But sometimes hard to understand...
Five things you wanted, but still not achieved ?
2. Own home
3. Own coffee plantation
4. Waroeng coffee
5. Married
Who names a person who is very important to you?
H. Haitami and Hj. Itje Farida, my parent’s name.
Mention your favorite blogger (based on they character blog) and the reason?
1. Fanny
Because she independent...
2. Clara
Because she always want to learn how to solve her problem...
3. Elsa
Because she have strong principle...
4. Mocca Chi
Because she is mysterious
When you want to get married?
Maybe next (next month, next year)...
Does bitter memories as with former lover ?
When her parents did not approve of our relationship
You favorite theme love song?
Senandung lagu cinta (Ada Band)...
Pemujamu (Ada Band)
Love of my life (Quinn)...
Always (Bon Jovi)...
Forever and one (Hallowen)...
What principle in ur live ?
More better than yesterday...
Tag 10 other friend (Please did like above )
1. Exort
2. Inul
3. Clara
4. Vany
5. F2 Blog
6. Darin
7. Ajeng
8. Richo
9. Cyber dreamer
10.Fai Cong
Tq for my brother Buwel
that give those tag and this award, i really appreciated that :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Chocolate Banana Muffins
My kids and I decided to create some muffins together for breakfast. I had two VERY ripe bananas to use up and I thought that instead of regular banana muffins we would try chocolate banana muffins. They were super easy to make, especially since I had two helpers. They turned out moist and so delicious - both of my kids gobbled them up quickly. I am looking forward to trying different variations
Breads and Muffins,
The Tablehopper’s Guide to Dining and Drinking in San Francisco
Zagat, move aside, because the 'hopper is in the house! Another friend, another book. What can I say? I have some pretty talented friends. I adore Marcia Gagliardi aka the Tablehopper. She's smart and funny and writes a cheeky newsletter all about the latest in San Francisco dining not to mention drinking. I can't believe she's only been at it for four years because the Tablehopper is as San Francisco as the Golden Gate Bridge.
The Tablehopper's Guide to Dining and Drinking in San Francisco is a unique guidebook. While I was skeptical at first I must admit, I have used the book quite a few times already in planning various get-togethers, both with friends and family. It's the ultimate guide to finding "the right spot for every occasion." Looking for somewhere romantic? Or the perfect spot to nurse a broken heart? Need a place to go with a big group that won't break the bank? Somewhere to take conservative older folks? Listen, the book would be worth the price alone for Marcia's list of favorite places or her itineraries for those visiting our fair city.
Marcia lists some of my favorite places but perhaps more importantly, a lot of under-the-radar spots you probably wouldn't hear about otherwise. Am I biased? Sure, but I really do think it's a great book and I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't absolutely believe in it. But don't take my word for it, you can read an excerpt. Also check out the Tablehopper web site for upcoming events with Marcia.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What a Blast!
Dress : Glitters . Tights : unbranded . Shoes : Charles & Keith . Bangle : Krisna from Bali . Bag : Gobelini Firanze
Hello all! How are you? I'm having a holiday right now. Super duper bored, but it's so much better than school right? Haha. Last Monday, Jufilin, Febro and I went to Kelapa Gading Mall to meet our friend, Michelle, or sometimes called MJ! She was our junior high school friend. Now she studies in Singapore. We missed her so so much! And I'm glad I had a chance to meet her.
Me (you know which one I am!), Febro (floral dress), MJ (holding camera) and Jufilin (butterfly necklace)
So I think this is it! Gonna see you soon, bloggers! And thank you MJ for the photos! Gonna miss you! Mwah!
what i wore
Barbecue Chicken Pizza
We planned to head to the beach in our motor home for the weekend and spend a few days playing in the surf and sand but instead I got a terrible cold so I ended up staying on our couch for the weekend. Thanks to my amazing husband who kept our children entertained and happy while I coughed, sneezed, read and slept. UGH! Thankfully, I am feeling much better now. I wanted to make something quick
Tag dari Negeri Jiran
Dengan kehormatan yang tak terkira dari sahabatku mbak Latifah Hisboel blogger Yang telah memberiku Tag, yang sebenarnya Tag ini harus dikerjakan dengan bahasa melayu, dikarenakan saya tidak bisa, jadi saya kerjakan dengan bahasa Indonesia. mohon maaf mbak Ateh bila tidak sesuai harapan saya mengerjakannya.
Tanpa Sia-siakan masa Segera I Nak Kerje.
Anda dikehendaki untuk menjawab sepuluh soalan di bawah dengan menggunakan bahasa melayu sepenuhnya.
Sila jawab dengan jujur..
Jangan Temberang
[#1] Siapakah diri anda di rumah?
Jawapan: Pimpinan bagi sang Istri, Ayah bagi anak-anakku, sahabat bagi semua Saudara Iparku yang tinggal Bersama,
[#2] Siapakah diri anda disamping rakan?
Jawapan: 1.Saya pribadi berharap menjadi seorang kawan yang selalu menolong .
2.meski saya selalu berusaha baik namun banyak juga yang iri
[#3] 5 benda yang anda idamkan tetapi masih belum tercapai
Jawapan: Mengikut turutan
1. Car
2. memiliki usaha Lembaga Pendidikan semacam kursus
3. membangun .Rumah sendiri
5. Pingin Punya Akses Internet yang nggak Lemot.
[#4] Siapakah nama pasangan anda?
Jawapan: Rosha Rusdi Aku memanggilnya ( Ucha )
[#5] Ceritakan 5 perkara yang anda paling suka tentang pasangan anda
Jawapan: Apa Ya…
1. Telaten Mengurus Aku
2. Sabar
3. ulet
4. Selalu memotivasi aku
5. Sederhana tidak banyak minta dan yang paling penting nggak pernah komplain
kalau aku BW sampai larut malam
[#6] Bila tarikh anda couple?
Jawapan: Tanggal 3 August 2005
[#7] Apakah kenangan pahit anda bersama pasangan anda?
Jawapan: Tidak ada,
[#8] Lagu tema cinta anda?
Jawapan: Penjaga Hati (Ari Lasso)
[#9] Apa perubahan yang ingin anda lihat dari pasangan anda?
Jawapan: Alhamdulillah tidak ada yang harus dirubah, .
[#10] Tag 10 rakan ada yang lain
Buat siapa ya !
Just one more step
Just one more step ...
We reap that fruit ...
After all this time ...
Treated by us together...
The step was stopped...
Because something...
That beyond the reach of us...
If could ...
We do not want to stop ...
Despite have to crawl...
To continue the move...
But all has happened...
The fruit has rotting ...
The tree was uprooted by storm ...
Maybe it's time ...
Planting a new tree ...
Start a new step...
With you...
Another lover.
We reap that fruit ...
After all this time ...
Treated by us together...
The step was stopped...
Because something...
That beyond the reach of us...
If could ...
We do not want to stop ...
Despite have to crawl...
To continue the move...
But all has happened...
The fruit has rotting ...
The tree was uprooted by storm ...
Maybe it's time ...
Planting a new tree ...
Start a new step...
With you...
Another lover.
The Analogy
Monday, March 22, 2010
Graduation Day of My Friends
In my campus, Graduation Day is a day when you could meet your old (um, not so old!) friends. March 13, 2010 was my friends' graduation ceremony.
And now my status is no longer Fresh Graduate... There are many Fresher Graduate than me :D
I've found it really hard to choose my own life path after college. To work on a company or to make my own company. For those who are questioning where do I work now, I'm working at an insurance company as a consultant that allows me to have my own working time. Means, I don't have to be at the office 8 to 5.
Sometimes I think maybe it's better to find an office job for financial stability. Just like what other graduates do. But the other time, I know that living a live like this would allow me to do many things I dream of: to study design (not yet), to make an online shop (still a little but it's okay for the start), to make a business (still being kept as a secret ;p), and some other dreams I have no bravery to write them here *blushing*
Why I didn't plan my future when I was still at college? I had no vision. Just don't know what I want for life. Everything was so easy & perfect to me: a complete family, best high school, good college & good grades, being lecture assistant, being cumlaude graduate. And then, welcome to the real world. I've just found my true dreams a few weeks ago, after months of searching.
For those who already have visions of life (not blurry like what I have before: "Being a good person, go to heaven, bla bla" --> not that it's bad, but we need to know what actions we should do), congratulation :)
You should keep going to reach them. And believe that you could, as for Allah, there is nothing impossible.
Um, sorry for writing so much here...
And now my status is no longer Fresh Graduate... There are many Fresher Graduate than me :D
I've found it really hard to choose my own life path after college. To work on a company or to make my own company. For those who are questioning where do I work now, I'm working at an insurance company as a consultant that allows me to have my own working time. Means, I don't have to be at the office 8 to 5.
Sometimes I think maybe it's better to find an office job for financial stability. Just like what other graduates do. But the other time, I know that living a live like this would allow me to do many things I dream of: to study design (not yet), to make an online shop (still a little but it's okay for the start), to make a business (still being kept as a secret ;p), and some other dreams I have no bravery to write them here *blushing*
Why I didn't plan my future when I was still at college? I had no vision. Just don't know what I want for life. Everything was so easy & perfect to me: a complete family, best high school, good college & good grades, being lecture assistant, being cumlaude graduate. And then, welcome to the real world. I've just found my true dreams a few weeks ago, after months of searching.
For those who already have visions of life (not blurry like what I have before: "Being a good person, go to heaven, bla bla" --> not that it's bad, but we need to know what actions we should do), congratulation :)
You should keep going to reach them. And believe that you could, as for Allah, there is nothing impossible.
Um, sorry for writing so much here...
Personal Life,
What I wear
Quinoa Salad with Arugula, Asparagus & Avocado Recipe
Ah, Spring! We are enjoying a warm spell right now and the fresh produce reflects the change of seasons with earthy root vegetables giving way to tender bright greens. I am so happy to have sunshine and bright green asparagus to eat! I recently discovered how delicious asparagus is when served raw, in salads. The trick is to shave it thinly with the sharpest vegetable peeler you have, then dress it with oil, lemon and salt so it wilts, just slightly. Asparagus is like the poster child for Spring.
I had eaten quinoa, but never tried cooking it until just recently when I received some samples of it--red, white and black--from Roland Food. Reading about quinoa I discovered while it has the texture of grain, it's actually a fruit. It's also gluten-free. It is very bitter unless thoroughly soaked and rinsed. Fortunately quinoa from Roland Food is already soaked saving me the bother.
Quinoa comes from the Andes, a staple in Peru, Chile and Bolivia where it has been cultivated since at least 3,000 BCE. It is high in protein, calcium and iron and the white variety has a sweet flavor. Most importantly, it has all the nine essential amino acids making it a complete protein. I tried toasting the quinoa, but I like the milder sweeter flavor for this recipe. It has a fluffier almost creamy texture that works well with the strong flavor of the leafy arugula. I really like the addition of dill, but you could easily leave it out or use parsley if you prefer. You could also use a slightly different mix of vegetables.
Note: If you don't plan on serving this salad right away, reserve the arugula and toss it in the salad right before serving.
Quinoa Salad with Arugula, Asparagus and Avocado
makes 2-4 servings
1/2 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed and drained
1 cup water
5 asparagus spears, shaved thin (use a vegetable peeler)
1 handful fresh baby arugula, roughly chopped
1 green onion, chopped
2 Tablespoons lemon juice, fresh squeezed
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and diced
2 Tablespoons fresh dill, chopped (optional)
Salt and freshly ground pepper
In a medium saucepan combine quinoa and water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 12- 15 minutes or until liquid is completely absorbed. Meanwhile In a mixing bowl, make the dressing by whisking together lemon juice and oil. Add avocado, green onion and arugula to the dressing.
Transfer quinoa to a medium bowl and allow to cool. Add quinoa to dressing and vegetable mixture; toss with fresh dill and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve at room temperature.
Here are just a few interesting quinoa recipes from fellow bloggers:
Stuffed Cabbage with Quinoa & Roasted Sweet Potatoes from Karina's Kitchen
Quinoa Pudding with Macerated Strawberries & Pistachios from Cannelle & Vanille
Quinoa Salad with Tomato, Feta and Parsley from The Perfect Pantry
Quinoa with Roasted Radishes & Pearl Onions from FatFree Vegan Kitchen
Warm & Nutty Cinnamon Quinoa from 101 Cookbooks
Quinoa Pilaf from Simply Recipes
Spring Shopping..
These are things I bought over the weekend. As usual I peed my pants for a couple of pens, warmer bottle, some deco tapes, stamps,
and DIY tag sets.



I apologize for my random appearance in the blogosphere.. I really miss blog hoping and visiting all of your lovely blogs, but recently, Baby G and work stuffs require more of my time than ever. Sorry!
I'm off to warm my belly now with the new bottle. *sigh*
and DIY tag sets.
I apologize for my random appearance in the blogosphere.. I really miss blog hoping and visiting all of your lovely blogs, but recently, Baby G and work stuffs require more of my time than ever. Sorry!
I'm off to warm my belly now with the new bottle. *sigh*
daily babbling
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Masa Lampau Yang Indah
Semuanya berbeda dengan sebelumnya,
Tapi sekarang, aku tidak tahan lagi,
Setelah cahaya, mengarah ke tempat lain
Hilang imajinasi, dan segala yang baik .
Tapi sekarang, aku tidak tahan lagi,
Setelah cahaya, mengarah ke tempat lain
Hilang imajinasi, dan segala yang baik .
Aku ingat optimisme dari masa lalu
Tapi sekarang terbang menjauh,
Ke dalam lubang hitam di mana ia akan terakhir,
Sejak waktu berlalu dengan cepat.
Tapi sekarang terbang menjauh,
Ke dalam lubang hitam di mana ia akan terakhir,
Sejak waktu berlalu dengan cepat.
Tanpa nafsu dan kesombongan menghiasi hari-hari itu,
Dan aku, berpikir bahwa itu selamanya
Dengan segala bentuk dan cara,
tetapi salah, sekarang hari-hari itu berakhir
Dan aku, berpikir bahwa itu selamanya
Dengan segala bentuk dan cara,
tetapi salah, sekarang hari-hari itu berakhir
Dengan mudahnya hati dikotori
Karena kehidupan di bumi labil
Waktu mengalir, dan jalan .tak tentu arah
Adakah engkau merengkuh bahuku dan menuntunku untuk kembali ?
Untuk Mas Yans Terimakasih Awardnya Semoga ini bisa menuntunku kembali
Puisi ngawur
A reflection on the weekend
You realize ...
What was undergone by u uptil now......
Perhaps because the wrong way...
Time for u to make the decision...
The decision to change...
To choose that was best...
Whatever the risks and challenges ...
According to our ability ...
It is never too late ...
To try another way ...
While having the opportunity...
Opportunities that you often wasted...
Because of being seen did not benefit...
In fact was not yet tried by u...
Something that should not be done...
Like the wise man said...
If not forever...
what we see ...
Always like that was seen.
What was undergone by u uptil now......
Perhaps because the wrong way...
Time for u to make the decision...
The decision to change...
To choose that was best...
Whatever the risks and challenges ...
According to our ability ...
It is never too late ...
To try another way ...
While having the opportunity...
Opportunities that you often wasted...
Because of being seen did not benefit...
In fact was not yet tried by u...
Something that should not be done...
Like the wise man said...
If not forever...
what we see ...
Always like that was seen.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Backlink Hunting
Setelah lelah dikejar episode kejar tayang untuk melangsingkan Tante Alexa, ya selama satu minggu ini target untuk posting tiap hari terpenuhi, meskipun turun nggak sedrastis milik Fatamorgana, syukurlah menjelang akhir minggu sudah menyentuh 139 ribuan, mudah-mudahan bulan depan bisa menyentuh 100 ribuan, mimpi kali mengingat persaingan pada angka itu amatlah ketat.
Hari ini rasanya blank nggak punya ide ingin posting apa, nah untuk kejar setoran terpaksa posting sesuatu yang mungkin nggak terlalu dipentingkan oleh sahabat-sahabat, mungkin juga hal yang saya tuliskan ini tidaklah benar tapi sekedar memberi pendapat jadi kalau salah tolong dimaafkan karena pengetahuan saya di bidang blog memang sangat minim disamping itu saya tahu banyak blogger yang lebih mementingkan silaturrahmi daripada sekedar berburu backlink dan PR, tapi tak apalah kalau ada yang tertarik syukurlah.
Dibawah ini daftar link yang memiliki backlink tinggi silahkan copy ke browser anda dan langsung deh komentar dipostingan tersebut syukur-syukur kalau komentarnya belum ditutup, memang tukar link adalah jalan untuk mendapatkan backlink tetapi kalau jalan untuk itu susah,maka mari kita hunting backlink dengan komentar mumpung nggak pakai moderasi
5. PR 4
6. PR 4
7. PR 3
8. PR 3
9. PR 3
10. PR 2
Hari ini rasanya blank nggak punya ide ingin posting apa, nah untuk kejar setoran terpaksa posting sesuatu yang mungkin nggak terlalu dipentingkan oleh sahabat-sahabat, mungkin juga hal yang saya tuliskan ini tidaklah benar tapi sekedar memberi pendapat jadi kalau salah tolong dimaafkan karena pengetahuan saya di bidang blog memang sangat minim disamping itu saya tahu banyak blogger yang lebih mementingkan silaturrahmi daripada sekedar berburu backlink dan PR, tapi tak apalah kalau ada yang tertarik syukurlah.
Dibawah ini daftar link yang memiliki backlink tinggi silahkan copy ke browser anda dan langsung deh komentar dipostingan tersebut syukur-syukur kalau komentarnya belum ditutup, memang tukar link adalah jalan untuk mendapatkan backlink tetapi kalau jalan untuk itu susah,maka mari kita hunting backlink dengan komentar mumpung nggak pakai moderasi
1. businesses PR 6
2. PR 6
3. PR 5
4. PR 4
5. PR 4
6. PR 4
7. PR 3
8. PR 3
9. PR 3
10. PR 2
bila anda telah menginstall google toolbar pada browser anda maka anda bisa langsung mengecek apakah halaman-halaman diatas memang ber PR demikian, Selamat Berburu
Asal Posting
Friday, March 19, 2010
Pumpkin Pie Spiced Waffles
I love getting free samples of different food products, it's one of the many perks of being a food blogger. I was recently sent a few boxes of different Kodiak Cakes products. My kids were really looking forward to trying the flapjack/waffle mix. I was happy to see that Kodiak Cakes use whole grains in their mixes. My kids love vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, and cinnamon added to their pancakes and
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The pretty teacher
My teacher was very pretty...
Sweetly thy smile...
Makes me excited ......
To diligent study...
My teacher was very clever...
Clever taught...
Made me find it easy understood...
The lesson that she gave...
My teacher was very kind...
Attention and sincere...
Share knowledge...
For my provisions in the future...
My teacher was very patient...
Although the salary does not match with the devotion ...
Did not make her careless...
From the obligation...
That's my teacher...
Honored by me and appreciated...
I will not be able to repay ......
All of her services...
Thank you my teacher...
It is hoped the lord...
Always blessed task and the mandate ...
That you underwent...
To the end of later.
# this poem i dedicated to my sister Ajeng that gave me those awards, tq i really appreciated that :)
And then i dedicated this award to Rosi Atmaja, Edwin's Personal Blog, Clara, Aisyah Muna, Minomino
Sweetly thy smile...
Makes me excited ......
To diligent study...
My teacher was very clever...
Clever taught...
Made me find it easy understood...
The lesson that she gave...
My teacher was very kind...
Attention and sincere...
Share knowledge...
For my provisions in the future...
My teacher was very patient...
Although the salary does not match with the devotion ...
Did not make her careless...
From the obligation...
That's my teacher...
Honored by me and appreciated...
I will not be able to repay ......
All of her services...
Thank you my teacher...
It is hoped the lord...
Always blessed task and the mandate ...
That you underwent...
To the end of later.
# this poem i dedicated to my sister Ajeng that gave me those awards, tq i really appreciated that :)
And then i dedicated this award to Rosi Atmaja, Edwin's Personal Blog, Clara, Aisyah Muna, Minomino
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